Activating the Life Force Energy of Vorce ~ Creating The New Earth Rising In Oneness!
If you’re ready to honour your soul’s journey and become an active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness, healing your past and advancing yourself by reconnecting with the magical Life Force Energies within Oneness, then ‘Vorce Synergy’ may just be what you are looking for.
Join me and the ‘Vorce Community’ and learn how to heal and advance your-self by embracing and honouring ‘Vorce’ the Life Force Energy of Oneness, showing humanity ‘the way’ forward, creating Earths Kingdom for all of Eternity in Love and Light of Oneness with All That Is.
Come and learn of our history, present and future life within The Energy System of Oneness, and become an active co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Love and Light of Oneness, and for all of Eternity. The future is in our hands right here, right now. Learn how you can make a real difference to the current and future state of our planet and throughout the Entire Universe, As One.
Vorce Synergy ~ Life Force Energy… Healing Within…Healing the World!
Nadine Head (NAYA) Founder of Vorce ~ Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness.
Vorce Activation Workshops are ‘Now Available’ within Australia. Will travel, conditions apply.
© Nadine Head 2022
How Releasing the Illusion of Time helps Restore and Regenerate Oneness.
Time is an illusion designed to trick the human body, mind and spirit into aging at a faster rate than it was ever meant to. When humanity removes the illusion of time, the only truth that remains is that of day and night, sun and moon, both in which give new life and give new meaning to life.
The sun and moon cycle were never intended to gauge time but rather to generate energy, generating Greater Life Force Energy within all living things, as One and when utilised as nature intended, these energies have the power to reverse the aging process and expand our life expectancy, with Greater Life Force… greater health, wealth and happiness, in love and light of Oneness for all of eternity.
When humanity returns to nature and releases the illusion of time, humanity will return to the power of the sun and of the moon, and the true power of night and day will be felt by all. This is the way. Releasing the illusion of time and restoring a balance of these powerful energies within our day to day lives offers humanity a way forward, towards Oneness and for The Greater Good.
‘Surrender and Release’ the illusion of time, restoring and regenerating Oneness, for ‘The Greater Good’ of All That Is on Earth and throughout the entire Universe, As One!
Divine Channel in Love and Light of Oneness, guiding humanity home.
© Nadine Head 2022
COMING OUT OF THE DARKNESS & INTO THE LIGHT ~ Returning to our Soul Essence!
Dark forces that have suppressed and manipulated humanities Soul Essence on Earth, for many thousands of years and that is to say, up until now.
As dark forces are being revealed and removed from the Earths plane, humanity continues to shift into higher realms of consciousness, where light replaces darkness, and from out of the shadows of suppression and manipulation, our true soul essence re-emerges, like the phoenix rising up out of the ashes, and the divine essence of All That Is in Divine Oneness returns, ultimately bringing all divine being on all divine realms back into ‘Equilibrium for the Greater Good’. This process is now in action, and ultimately requires the coming together of multiple elements.
Through this process, humanity has reached a point of no return, the light has won and all divine life forms are rising.
When we embrace this change, all that is divinely aligned will be bestowed upon us.
When YOU embrace this change, all that is divinely aligned will be bestowed upon YOU.
Rise, rise like the phoenix, restoring equilibrium among all light beings on Earth and throughout the Universe, for the Greater Good.
Nadine Head ~ Divine Channel, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator, guiding humanity home.
Please Note: I would like to send a big thank you out to all of my followers who read and comment on my blog posts, unfortunately due to an ‘update error’ all comments approved are not showing on this site. This is a technical error, that I will endeavour to fix in the not so distant future. Many thanks for all of your wonderful comments and please do not be discouraged from commenting as we move forward.
Sending love x
© Nadine Head 2022
Name Change – Your New Vibration is Your New…
Did you know that your name holds a unique vibration, that when spoken, amplifies its vibration, penetrating and taking effect on the Divine Living System around us… effecting your life experiences and the wider world as a whole, as One!?
How you hear and feel about your name and how people speak your name, has an effect on your body, mind and spirit, and on the body, mind and spirit of the Divine Living System… for you are one!
Over this life time and through a series of events, by Divine Design, I have been lead to this very moment in time and name change. This name has been chosen for me, for this moment in time. My life experiences to date lead me here, to this transformative event in my life, and as we all step out of a thousand year repeated cycle of darkness. It has taken humanity millennia to get to this point in time… birthing the New Earth Rising in Love and Light of Oneness.
All Divine Beings on Earth and throughout the Universe have successfully ended the cycle of separation, dis-ease, disharmony and destruction, created and thrust upon us by dark forces, and has now entered a new cycle of connection, ease, harmony and creation, in Light of Oneness. The light has one!
The name that has been divinely gifted to me is Naya, through an amazing and unexplainable chain of events, this name revealed itself to me along with its divine meaning. Naya has many different meanings within different cultures, and came to me with Indian origins.
“Naya meaning: Renewal; fresh, a feminine name of Indian origin. With a sound like a sweet, invigorating breath, it may come as no surprise this name means “renewal” or “fresh.” Flowing from the mouth with ease, this soft two-syllable moniker is a beautiful way of celebrating the gift of life and your brand new chapter.”
Vibration is everything. Your new vibration is your new health, wealth, and happiness, within the frequency of the New Earth Rising in Oneness and beyond, and I am truly excited to be a part of this transition into our new vibration for the Greater Good of All Divine Beings.
Remember who you are and embrace your Divinity in Oneness…transcending with Love and Light for all Divine Beings.
Nadine Head Divine Channel, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator – Presenting ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy, offering profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness, showing humanity ‘The Way’ home.
Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia… The World’s Leading Light in Oneness.
© Nadine Head 2022
Traditional Culture Creates Oneness
“Oneness does not mean sameness, it means Oneness of Purpose”
Oneness of purpose does not mean one world order (NWO) nor governance. Oneness means, Oneness of Purpose, from within our souls traditional culture. This being, our true and divine soul community.
Each soul belongs to a ‘soul community’ within the Divine Living System here on Earth and throughout the Universe, as One.
Oneness is made up of many different ‘soul communities’ on Earth and throughout the Universe.
Each soul on Earth is born into and belongs to it’s own soul community, by colour and by creed.
This is ‘the way’ of the Divine, and has far greater meaning than humanity as a whole has been led to believe.
In their original ‘state of being’ all soul communities are Divine by Nature and together they make up the greater whole, in Oneness. This Divine Knowing was lost long ago and has become distorted, creating dis-ease, destruction and disharmony within and among all traditional cultures. All created by evil design to divide and conquer.
Each individual soul in honour of their traditional birth culture with love, in light of Oneness, holds a unique divine frequency within themselves, which contributes to and upholds the Divine Frequency of their traditional birth community. When these two are in equilibrium with each other, they hold the unique and divine frequency of their soul community, within the Divine Oneness of God Frequency. When each individual soul community is able to hold their unique divine frequency and are in honour of all other soul communities, each individual ‘spiritual community’ creates the synergy of Divine Oneness…creating the Divine Frequency of Oneness…activating the Greater Life Force of Oneness on Earth and beyond all that we can see.
If humanity can understand this, then it will understand that it is imperative that we return to and honour our traditional birth culture (soul community) with love and light… for if not, we will have lost the true meaning of Oneness and all that it embodies throughout the Divine Living System on Earth and throughout the Universe, losing the opportunity to reclaim our True Divinity in Oneness for the Greater Good of all Divine life forms on Earth, and throughout the Entire Universe.
A one world order aims not for Oneness but to rule over one and all with sameness for personal gain. This is not ‘the way’ of the Divine.
All traditional cultures in their ‘divine state of being’ hold a unique frequency of its own, that when in peace, balance and harmony within itself and with all other traditional cultures, creates the Divine Frequency of Oneness, bringing all life forms and all worlds into equilibrium for the ‘Greater Good’. Without this process, Oneness will be lost forever. Through this process, Oneness will be restored to the Greater Whole for all of Eternity.
Return to and honour your traditional birth culture and state of origins with Love in Light of Oneness for the ‘Greater Good’ of All That Is.
In honouring our traditional birth culture and all other traditional birth cultures with love and light in our hearts, we honour our true soul community, and we become the embodiment of Divine Oneness. The challenge that this brings, is our souls divine purpose and path towards reclaiming our Divinity, and rightful place within the Divine Living System, here on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe…reinstating The Divine Force of Oneness in it’s entirety for all of Eternity. This is humanities Divine Purpose, our Divine Purpose is to find our way back home to the true and divine power of Oneness.
Nadine Head ~ Divine Channel, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator Presenting ‘Vorce’ a Life Force Energy for profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness, guiding humanity home.
Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia. Email for more information.
© Nadine Head 2022
The Power of Truth to Transform Darkness into Light!
As you discover and embrace more of your authentic self, the more attractive and more beautiful you become.
Your body, mind and spirit respond in a positive way to truth. Your soul’s truth holds a frequency of regeneration and has the power and potential to slow down and even reverse the aging process.
Embrace your authentic self unapologetically, in body mind and spirit and in all that you say and do. Then watch how your body, mind, spirit and life experiences transform for the better, through the vibration of love and light. For truth is the vibration of love and light. Pure love and light is the vibration of truth, they are one and the same.
To live your life with Truth and Integrity is to live truthfully with love and light, restoring the frequency of regeneration… turning darkness into light, and bringing that which is dying, back to life.
Embrace your truth with integrity, turning any darkness into light, restoring peace, balance and harmony to your total health and wellbeing, ultimately creating health, wealth and happiness.
Nadine Head ~ In Divine Service, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator 🕊
© Nadine Head 2022
Divine Beings… the Ego Age of separation is coming to an end, and the birth of the Age of Divine Beings connected in Oneness is upon us.
Embrace your Divinity for Divine Union with self, with your Divine Counterpart and with the Divine Living System, As One, for the ‘Greater Good’ of ALL…. for we, Are One!
Your Divine Love is far more powerful and has far greater significance to ‘Life’ than you can possibly imagine at this time. So much so, that nothing else matters. Your Divine Love has the power to create New Worlds in Oneness for all of Eternity.
Embrace your Divinity and you will live for All of Eternity, basking in the pure love and light of Oneness. Not as your mortal selves, but as the Divine Beings that you truly are, for in your purest Divine form, you are indeed, immortal.
The significance of reclaiming your Divinity in Oneness, is Immortality for all living things, basking in ‘The Kingdom’ Of Pure Love and Light for all of Eternal.
The Kingdom of Oneness is Eternal Life!
Nadine Head ~ Presenting ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy in Oneness, for Profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness… showing humanity ‘The Way’ home.
Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia, the World’s Leading Light towards Oneness.
© Nadine Head 2022
RETURNING HOME… In Love & Light of Oneness!
Oneness is made up of many different Life Force energies throughout the Universe, which come together As One for the Greater Good of All. Oneness does not mean sameness… it means oneness of purpose, where we are all connected to One Divine Source in Oneness. While humanity is currently connected in the energy of Oneness, we are far from achieving the full reinstatement of Oneness for the Greater Whole.
What sets us all apart in Oneness, is that we all belong to different soul communities, yet to come together in Oneness of Purpose, creating one Divine Life Force for the Greater Good of All, and from which we once came. Each soul community brings its own unique Life Force Energy to the collective, making up the Greater Whole in Oneness.
Returning to our souls community origins and preserving our community culture is just as important, if not more than creating what mankind currently perceive as Oneness, for without preserving our souls community Life Force, to bring to the Greater Whole in Oneness, Oneness is indeed powerless. For in its truth, each soul community processes its own Unique Life Giving Energy that makes up the true power and magic of Oneness.
How do we identify our soul community you might ask, and the answer is quite simple. On the surface…it is by the colour of our skin, and on a deeper level, all that is untold, is told by the colour and brilliance of our own eyes. Many untold truths ca be found within our blood lines, before cross breeding took place, which has in part taken our true Divine Power from us and from our soul community, weakening our Soul Communities Life Force.
Returning to our origins is of great significance to the full reinstatement and sustainability of Oneness, for the Greater Whole. Returning to our soul’s origins, preferably, but not necessarily by location, but within our own heart and soul, returns us and our own Life Force to the greater whole, within our own Soul Community… strengthening and protecting us as individuals, and that of our Souls Community Life Force Energy for the Greater Good, and in Love and Light of Oneness for all of Eternity. That, which separates us from our soul community and its true origins by divinity, keeps us from the full-reinstatement of Oneness, for the Greater Good of All.
This… our ‘Divine Knowing’ was lost long ago, through the greater will of dark forces. However, this time is now coming to an end, as the light raises consciousness… for the return of our ‘Divine Knowing’ that we are all part of a Greater Whole in Oneness for All of Eternity, returning to where we once came, for in love and light of Oneness… We Are… Eternal Life!
Nadine Head ~ Presenting ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy in Oneness, for Profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness… showing humanity ‘The Way’ home.
Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia, the World’s Leading Light towards Oneness.
© Nadine Head 2022
When You Return to Pure Love & Light…
Your original state of ‘being’ is pure Love and Light in Oneness. When we return to pure love and light in our hearts and in own lives, we help cleanse the World and purify the Earth… becoming co-creators of the New Earth Rising in Oneness, for We Are One.
The only thing stopping you from returning to your original ‘state of being’ in pure love and light, and transforming the World is the self-imposed prison of the ego mind. ‘Let Go’ of the ego by healing your past hurts, ‘let go’ of all judgments and learn to love yourself unconditionally… and all other living things within the Divine Living System, as One.
When you return to love and light within your heart, you become a co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness. Embody love and light… returning to your original ‘state of being’ in love and light of Oneness, for the ‘Greater Good’ of All That Is.
Nadine Head ~ Presenting ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy in Oneness, for Profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness… showing humanity ‘The Way’ home.
Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia, the World’s Leading Light towards Oneness.
© Nadine Head 2022
Returning to Oneness Brings Greater ‘Life Force Energy Systems’ Back to Life.
Oneness is made up of multiple ‘energy systems’ throughout the Universe, each one taking its place in Divine Oneness for the ‘Greater Good’ of all, each one is a ‘Life Force’ within itself and brings a vital element to the collective, in love and light of Oneness.
Through rising up… through higher dimensions, humanity is able to access new and wonderful ‘Life Force Energy Systems’ from within, and beyond imaging… accessing Greater Life Force Energies that lie dormant within, and are simply waiting for humanity to rise up in its Divinity, bringing them back to life, by the Divine Laws of Oneness, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.
In recent times humanity as a collective, has entered the 5th Dimension (5D) and from where access is being granted, to the 5D multi-dimensional Life Force Energy System… gifting humanity access to a higher vibrational ‘Life Force Energy System’ called Vorce. Vorce is an integrated Life Force Energy in Oneness, capable of much more then humanity can possible imagine at this point in time, and is a vital element in achieving Oneness. This is because humanity has entered a ‘New Energy System’ unlike any we have known before it.
Humanity is being granted access to Vorce Synergy In Oneness… showing humanity the way back to the sustainability of Oneness, through advanced Self-Healing and Spiritual Evolution of the Divine Within… guiding humanity towards the 6th Dimension and beyond. Vorce offers humanity ‘the way’ forward, in Oneness.
The ‘Life Force Energy System’ of Vorce, is a vital element to the full reinstatement and sustainability of Oneness, throughout all of existence. This ‘Divine Knowing’ comes from within; within all life forms… and believing is all seeing.
Within honouring the Life Force of Vorce from within, humanity will learn the truth meaning of and embody Oneness, as intended by Divine Will, and will successfully return to its rightful place within the Divine Living System, as One…reinstating peace, balance and harmony to All Life on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe, returning to where we once came from… in equilibrium.
Activation and Educational Workshops are currently being made available within Australia… the World’s Leading Light towards Oneness…The Beating Heart of Oneness 🤍
Nadine Head ~ In Divine Service, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator 🕊
© Nadine Head 2022