Psychic Medium Channeler

The Power of Belief within the Life Force of Oneness…

Once you have experienced the true and miraculous power of belief, you will never doubt your ability to create miracles in your life or within the world ever again.

You are the force behind all miracles… you hold within you Vorce Synergy, the Life Force in Oneness, that has the power to create miracles in your life, and that of all life on Earth. The Vorce is lying dormant within you and once activated, connects you to all Living things in Divine Oneness, creating miraculous wonders through Oneness.  

Believe in the power of Oneness, and you will experience a miraculous shift in your life and within the World as One… embrace and advance Oneness from within, with the Life Force of Vorce Synergy.




Vorce in Oneness Activation & Educational Workshops are now available within Australia, the World’s Leading Light.




Nadine Head ~ In Divine Service, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator of Source Energy




© Nadine Head 2022 🕊

Returning to Paradise on Earth ~ Food for the Soul-Full.

If it doesn’t come straight from nature, then it isn’t naturally healthy for you…creating an imbalance and dis-ease within your body, mind and spirit. Which increases when left unbalanced.

Nature is the only life force on Earth that provides human nourishment through human consumption, which can restore balance within the human body and to its original state and highest vibration of life at this point in time.

Listen to your body; it knows the way… returning to natural health and wellbeing for your highest good, and for the Greater Good of all, in Oneness… restoring peace, balance and harmony to all life on Earth and Beyond.




Nature offers humanity ‘soul food’ food that nourishes the body, mind and spirit, restoring optimal health and wellbeing… creating wholeness, within oneself and within the greater whole.

‘Soul food’ becomes increasingly and energetically contaminated with each hand and process it passes through. Eaten in its purest and highest vibrational form, as intended by nature… from plant to hand, and from hand to mouth, nature provides all life on Earth with Greater Life Force, while gracefully taking care of all the finer details.

Nature knows how to take care of itself and will show us ‘nature’s way’ if we allow it… showing humanity the way forward… returning nature to a state of ‘Paradise on Earth’ reinstating ‘Wholeness in Oneness’ for the Greater Good of All That Is and ever will be.

Return to nature for optimal health and wellbeing, and for the Greater Good of All.




In Divine Service ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.




🕊 🤍 🕊

© Nadine Head 2022

Keep Rising Above Sabotaging Energies

As humanity rises, energetic, spiritual and psychic sabotage becomes more prevalent, as dark forces try to take back power and control in an attempt to prevent individuals from rising to new heights, and the rising of humanity as a whole…ultimately prolonging the process of the New Earth rising in Oneness.  

Humanities rise to Oneness cannot be stopped. However, the process can be prolonged by way of, sabotaging energies. These sabotaging energies can affect us on many different levels, and can come from many different sources, from this world and that of the spiritual and Universal realms. There are many life forms assigned to prevent humanity from rising in Oneness. These forces are losing this battle, but they are not giving up just yet, in fact they are becoming more prevalent. This battle between good and evil will not last for ever; it is coming to an end, hence their current persistence.

Now is a time to be more aware and protective of your own energy, and to be more mindful when dealing with others that may be acting out of character, for they may be under some form of spiritual attack/sabotage, and may not even be aware of it, and may even be just as perplexed about their outburst or unusual behaviour, as you are.

Get to know and understand yourself well enough, that you are able to tell the difference between your energy and that of an external force or influence… influencing your energy, thoughts, words and actions and those of whom you know and love.

Push past any lower energies and or behaviours. Keep rising to new heights in your life and shine your inner light brightly… shinning a light on any darkness that may surround you, and blocking any influence it may have over you, and or your loved ones.

Trust your intuition and any divine guidance you may receive. Let Go and trust the process.

All is well that ends well.

© Nadine Head 2022

The Gift of Vorce to Bring Forth the New Earth Rising in Oneness

Channelled Blog Post

The Divine Living System is offering humanity the gift of Vorce Synergy in Light of Oneness.

Beautiful Divine Souls, you have the power within you to create New Worlds. In co-creation with the Divine Living System, humanity will heal and evolve yourselves, and the world As One.

Within you lies dormant a powerful Life Force Energy, beyond that which you have previously known, and which is ready and willing to assist your evolutionary journey to Oneness and Beyond, in miraculous ways, and in an accelerated motion… bringing forth the New Earth in Oneness much soon, rather than later.

We encourage humanity to become an activated co-creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness for the Greater Good of All, through the re-activation of Vorce Synergy – the Life Force Energy of Oneness, for more of Oneness to come to life, from within you.

Vorce assists self-healing, self-advancement and evolution in Oneness. Vorce is much more than an evolutionary healing energy. The possibilities available to humanity through this ‘life force’ are far greater, and reach far beyond anything humanity can possibly imagine, at this point in time.

A successful future for All Life on Earth relies greatly on the re-activation of this powerful Life Force Energy, for the evolution of humanity and all life on Earth as One.

Vorce has the potential to take you on a journey far beyond your wildest dreams. Re-activate Vorce Synergy and rise up in Oneness, for the ‘Greater Good’ of all.

Vorce brings forth the assistance needed to move towards soul-full evolution, in which humanity has been praying for. The ‘Divine Living System’ has been patiently waiting for humanity to reach a point in time, where Vorce Synergy can be re-activated and used successful on Earth, as intended by the Divine Living System… by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing, for the ‘Greater Good’ of all. The wait is now over, and that time has now come. This is something to celebrate, for the ‘Divine Kingdom’ will rise up once again, and all life on Earth and throughout the Universe will return to the light…as intended, for and by all of Creation.

The time has come for humanity to rise in Oneness, for the Greater Good of All That Is. If you hear the call to rise up in Oneness with Vorce Synergy, the time is now… for now is the future! Time is of the essence and paradise awaits those who help themselves… in light of Oneness.

Become an Active Co-Creator of the New Earth Rising in Oneness. THE POWER TO HEAL YOURSELF AND THE WORLD AS ONE LIES WITHIN YOU and within the Life Force of Oneness.

Your innate healing powers are waiting for you to believe… acknowledging your ‘highest’ potential and ‘healing’ powers…‘Your Higher Power’. Together with Vorce as your Inner Guidance System and co-creator of Oneness, New Awareness will emerge. The New Earth will rise up and New Worlds will be forged, for… We Are One.

Vorce Activation Workshops for self-healing and advancement in co-creation of Oneness are currently available within Australia – the world’s leading light.

Will travel, conditions apply.

Nadine Head – Channelling Higher Intelligence – Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator – Founder of Vorce Synergy – Life Force Energy in Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2022

Nature Vs Nurture

One of the greatest imbalances mankind has created on Earth lies within the great debate over Nature Vs Nurture. Generations have been forged on it being primarily one way or the other, thus creating an imbalance within humanity, and within the entire Divine Living System…As One.

Nature and Nurture are not separate from each other; they are one in the same. Throughout the Divine Living System one cannot survive let alone thrive without the other. Everything within the Divine Living system nurtures all of nature and nature nurtures all life.

The true Essence of Nature is to Nurture all Life. Nature is Nurture! Nurture is Nature!

When each living thing within the Divine Living System is left to serve its own purpose, within the Divine Living System, its purpose is to nurture all of nature in its very own unique way… and so that the entire Divine living System can thrive…As One, in this way, nature takes perfect care of itself.

When nature is unable to nurture itself by way of it’s own natural essence, due to human interference, an imbalance occurs within nature, and all living things begin to suffer and most of all, is that of humanity. When there is an imbalance between humanity and nature, all life on Earth suffers, for We Are One.

Humanities greatest mistake is in thinking and behaving in a way, that we is superior to all other life forms on Earth, for we are not! In fact when we think and behave in this way… we are inferior to all other life forms on Earth and throughout the entire universe.

When humanity returns to nature all life on Earth will thrive once again, and as it did in the very beginning of all time.

A balance between nature and nature offers optimal health and wellbeing to all living things on Earth, and throughout the Universe…ultimately restoring peace, balance and harmony to all life on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe…As One!

Nature knows that the way forward is through nurture…through nurturing nature, so that nature may nurture all life.

A balance between nurture and nature will bring humanity back into balance for the ‘Greater Good’ of All Living things within existence.

Humanity is the missing link to restoring true peace, balance and harmony to ‘All That Is’ for our true natural essences is to nurture.

Humanity must ‘Return to Nature and Nurture’ As One!

Nadine Head – Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator – Founder and Activator of Vorce Synergy in Oneness – Activation Workshops Currently Avail within Australia.

Vorce – A New Life Force Energy System in Oneness, offering Self-Healing and Personal Advancement in Co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.

For We Are One!

© Nadine Head 2022

Predictions for Australia and the World at Large

  • The Australian Federal Election May 2022 will be a big flop; there will be an uprising thereafter, with a more positive outcome.
  • Beneath the surface – The Australian Government is dissolving and the public will see evidence of this in the weeks to come. You cannot believe everything you see or hear. Things are not what they seem.
  • The Australian government are no longer in control. The white hats are in control.
  • The cabal has been taken out. A new treaty will change the world in ways you can never imagine but will experience in your life time.
  • Both the Pope and the Queen have pasted from this world.
  • Many shocking truths will be revealed as we continue to move forward.
  • September and November 2022 brings energetic, personal and worldly changes, which will have positive effects on Australia in the years to come.
  • Many great changes will occur in the top end of Australia, physically and energetically in the years to come – Magic is in the air.
  • 2023 and beyond will bring many great changes for ALL. We will have much to celebrate in the years to come.
  • Members of the Australian Government are extremely corrupt. Justice will be served on those who have committed treason against the people. This process will restore a portion of balance within the Divine Living System. Trust the process.
  • Riccardo Bosi has been divinely sent. He is a good man and is willing to do what it takes to get the job done. He was born for this time, to serve the public by Divine Will through Divine Assignment. Release all fear of the unknown for this ‘knowing’ to surface from within your own heart and soul. Do not allow the ego to cloud your soul better judgment. The soul knows all truths.
  • In the coming years, we will see a rising up of Divine Assignments, through people who were born to be here at this time, to help transform the world…creating the New Earth, by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing… returning to Natural Law for the Greater Good of ALL.
  • Nothing is ever a coincidence or accident, everything is by design, whether manmade or otherwise.
  • The ‘spiritual war’ is coming to an end ~ the end of spiritual sabotage. The light has won!
  • The time of truth has come and all truths lie within! More of the truth will be revealed when you focus on the bigger picture. The ‘All Knowing’ truth lies within you and will be known to you in time.
  • We have entered a time of richness, not of quantity but by quality. Magic is real and is taking place, love is all around.
  • A time of Remembrance ~ Remembrance of Eternity ~ Eternal youth ~ Love conquers all!
  • Prepare to be amazed… paradise awaits you!

Nadine Head ~ Channelling Higher Intelligence  

© Nadine Head 2022

The True Power of Connection

Positive connections help renew vitality of life.

Loving connections help restore great and miraculous powers to all life on Earth.

Divine connection helps to reinstate Oneness.

Connection is a vital element required for a future spent, with all life on Earth in the loving embrace of Oneness.

Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.

© Nadine Head 2022

Divine Assignments Transforming the World

In the coming years, you will see a rising up of Divine Assignments, through people who were born to be here at this time, to help transform the world – creating the New Earth, by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.

The rise and fall of these assignments fall solely on the people’s ability to ‘Let Go’ of the old and embrace the new. Holding onto the old ways will significantly prolong the process, of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.

Let Go of the Old and Embrace the New!

Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.

© Nadine Head 2022

The Rising of ‘A New System’

Prepare for the rising of a New System ~ a system based on Natural Law for the Greater Good of ALL.

This system will be created for the people, by the people and for all life on Earth, by all life on Earth… in Oneness.

In order to create this change humanity must reconnect to Nature, becoming co-creators with Nature, of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.

Listen and learn for Nature to lead the way!

Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.

© Nadine Head 2022


The All Knowing Truth of the Universe is within you! It cannot be found from ANY external mode or source. It cannot be found or discovered in ANY history books, by any scientists, doctor or experience. It can ONLY be found and accessed from within.

The more one seeks the truth by external means, the further away from the truth one gets.

You are the key to unlocking ‘All That Is in Existence’ All that ever was and shall be.

You Are the All Knowing! Go within, know they self as an Integrated Source of the Divine and reclaim your Divinity…returning to the all-knowing truth of the Universe that resides within you.

Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.

© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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