Divine Assignments Transforming the World
In the coming years, you will see a rising up of Divine Assignments, through people who were born to be here at this time, to help transform the world – creating the New Earth, by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, in Divine Timing.
The rise and fall of these assignments fall solely on the people’s ability to ‘Let Go’ of the old and embrace the new. Holding onto the old ways will significantly prolong the process, of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.
Let Go of the Old and Embrace the New!
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
The Rising of ‘A New System’
Prepare for the rising of a New System ~ a system based on Natural Law for the Greater Good of ALL.
This system will be created for the people, by the people and for all life on Earth, by all life on Earth… in Oneness.
In order to create this change humanity must reconnect to Nature, becoming co-creators with Nature, of the New Earth Rising in Oneness.
Listen and learn for Nature to lead the way!
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
The All Knowing Truth of the Universe is within you! It cannot be found from ANY external mode or source. It cannot be found or discovered in ANY history books, by any scientists, doctor or experience. It can ONLY be found and accessed from within.
The more one seeks the truth by external means, the further away from the truth one gets.
You are the key to unlocking ‘All That Is in Existence’ All that ever was and shall be.
You Are the All Knowing! Go within, know they self as an Integrated Source of the Divine and reclaim your Divinity…returning to the all-knowing truth of the Universe that resides within you.
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
Humanity Must Fight Back From Within!
A spiritual war is in action. An attack on the body, mind and spirit of humanity, intended to weaken and suppress, has been in action for thousands of years and has come to a head in more recent times, this war is now coming to an end in the foreseeable future.
Humanity must continue to fight back from within, by fighting back against that which weakens and suppresses one’s body, mind and spirit.
Rise up! Bring your body, mind and spirit back to life. This is how humanity wins this war and will go on to create the New Earth in Oneness… a new and improved energy system within Natural Law.
A big part of the battle lies within and must be overcome!
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
Denial Will Be Futile!
The world is full of unknown truths that are coming to light.
The truth will be hard to deny in the coming days weeks, months and years.
You may not like hearing the truth, but the truth will become so undeniable, that in order for humanity to move forward, the truth must come to light and be accepted for what it is, by all of humanity.
The truth will always prevail, shifting paradigms for the Greater Good of All.
Denial will be futile!
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
The Battle of Souls!
Have you found yourself under attack by unseen forces, perhaps you have been under attack and not realised it…finding yourself thinking, saying or doing things that are completely out of character, and not of your own truth.
To understand the spiritual war humanity is fighting, is to understand that humanity is under the influence unseen force, seemingly beyond our control. To understand this, is to know that we are living in a time, where things are not always what they seem, and where we ourselves and the people we know and love may be under spiritual attack at any given time, and where greater awareness and ‘spiritual discernment’ is required in order to determine such mishappenings.
Now is the time to trust your intuition, and use ‘spiritual discernment’ when dealing with others. Looking beneath the surface for all truths, love each other, practice understanding and compassion towards yourself and those who maybe acting out of character, for they may not know or be in control of their own energy.
With spiritual discernment you will be able to determine what is real and what is not. Trust not what you see or hear, but what you feel and know to be truth from within. Energy speaks louder than words and the truth can always be found within the energetic threads that connects us all as one.
Before passing judgment, go within and feel into the situation at hand for a deeper awareness, and a more truthful perspective of what is taking place. Forgive those who have knowingly or unknowingly stepped out of their true nature/character, while under attack from within and during this time, where we find ourselves amidst the battle of souls.
Know yourself to know if you are under the influence of unseen forces. Forgive yourself for any, thought’s, spoken words or actions made out of character, and outside of your own truth.
If you find yourself under attack… embrace the light, for the light is your sword, and the light is your truth… let the sword of light do the fighting for you, and it will shine a light on the truth, in one way or another.
Those who seek the truth will find it, and those who do not are not meant to see your truth, nor follow your light. Accept and trust the process.
All is well that ends well.
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
Healing Humanity ~ The Time Has Come!
If we are brave enough to feel it, we can heal it.
The greatest lie humanity has ever been told and has come to believe, is that mankind is mostly incapable of heal themselves or the world we live in. This lie has destroyed much of humanity and the world as we know it, to date.
You can heal anything and everything… Anything and Everything! If and when you know how.
We are coming into a time were humanity has the opportunity to unlock ancient knowledge, wisdom and healing powers from within, which has the greatest potential to create significant changes, for humanity and for the world as we know it. This time has come. Unlock your greatest potential to heal yourself and the world… As One!
Reactivate ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy In Oneness ~ A New and Improved Energy System, for Self-Healing and Advancement in Co-creation of the ‘New Earth Rising in Oneness.’
Activation Workshops are Now Available within Australia with Nadine Head Channelling Higher Intelligence ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
The Power of Frequency – to sustain life or to deny it!
Your Divine frequency sustains all life!
You are ‘The Divine Frequency’. You hold the frequency of all that is Divine, within you. Your elevated frequency has the power to sustain all life.
However, not all vibrational frequencies are of a pure divine source. Frequency can and is being manipulated, through air waves, through man’s toxicity and toxins, manmade and off world technologies.
All technologies in existence, past, present and future, separates humanity from it’s Divine Source, including those technologies which appear to assists greater health and wellbeing. That’s not to say they are not helpful, but it is not the kind of help humanity needs. Look at it this way, using technology for advancement is like taking five steps forward and ten back, because it distances you from your Divinity. It is an illusion, a false sense of security if you will. The alternative… advancement through Divine frequency, is all eternal, for self and for all living things in Oneness.
Internal and external frequencies a significantly different from each other. Internal frequency is connected to the source of Divine Frequency that helps sustains all life in Oneness. External frequency is the source of impure frequency, and is harmful (toxic) to humanity and to all life on Earth, denying all life of a pure Divine Life. ‘The Universe is within you’ All that is within us is Divine and all that is separate from us is not. All that connects us from within is Divine and all that is external from us, disconnects us from within and from Oneness.
External frequencies are manipulated frequencies that interfere with the elevation of internal Divine Frequency, denying humanity of optimal health and wellbeing, and denying humanity its rightful place within the Divine Living System, thus denying the elevation and evolution of all life, to the frequency of pure love and light, for Eternal Life in Oneness… for the ‘Greater Good’ of all that is. One promotes life and the other denies it.
Your frequency is elevated by free will, by Divine will, and is connected to all that is Divine. The Divine frequency is an internal energy source that greatly affects all life on Earth, and throughout the entire Universe. When elevated, your frequency helps sustain life, through your activated Life Force energy…Divine frequency.
Therefore, if a frequency comes to you from an external source, then that frequency is not of a Pure Divine Source. You hold the frequency of pure divinity within you, and it becomes more elevated as you consciously and continuously raise your vibration, through healthy and conscious living. Any external frequencies, therefore, are impure and are considered sinful from within our purest state of being.
There are dark forces insistent on interfering, controlling and manipulating natural frequency, for if and when they are able to control and manipulate natures frequency, they are able to control and manipulate humanity, and vice versa, having control over all that is Divine and expansive, through humanities divine frequency… for humanity is the frequency of all that is Divine… of all life!
You are the frequency of ALL LIFE. All life flows through you!
All that is Divine is within you, and your elevated frequency helps to sustain all life!
Raise your vibration, reclaiming your divinity…co-creating The New Earth Rising in Oneness, for the ‘Greater Good’ of All Life on Earth and throughout the entire Universe.
Reactivate ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy of Oneness. For self-healing and advancement in co-creation of ‘The New Earth Rising in Oneness’ offering more vitality of life and showing humanity the way forward, for the greater good of all that is!
Activation Workshops are now available within Australia “The World’s Leading Light.”
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
Creating a New Life!
There is far more beauty and excellence to life, than we have all been conditioned and accustomed to.
Now is the time to consciously return to our True Divinity in co-creation of the New Earth Rising in Oneness, or perish within the grips of those who seek greater power and control over the world and all that lives.
Seek the Truth!
Seek Retribution!
Seek a new and improved life in Oneness, with all that lives within the Divine Living System… creating The New Earth! Creating grater quality of life! Creating eternal life in oneness!
We are creators. We are the future!
Reactivate ‘Vorce’ Life Force Energy of Oneness. For self-healing and advancement in co-creation of ‘The New Earth Rising in Oneness’ offering more vitality of life and lighting the way forward, for the greater good of all that is!
Activation Workshops are now available within Australia “The World’s Leading Light.”
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022
The Power of Connection In Light of Oneness & with Vorce!
All living things are made up of energy, and are all energetically connected, As One. A Conscious Connection between living organisms, human, animal, mineral and matter, offers more vitality of life.
Loving Connections between all living things, activates a Life Force that potential creates more life, to the individual and to all living things, Connected as One, in turn creating ‘New Life.’
Unconditional love in connection of self and all living things creates Eternal Life, not as humanity currently perceives Eternal Life, but that of Pure Eternal Love and Light Energy, creating everlasting purity of life!
The true power of Connection in Oneness creates Eternal Life!
The Force of Eternal Life is Within You!
Oneness is made up of, many different energies throughout the Universe, that come together…As One, for the ‘Greater Good’ of All Living Things on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe.
Vorce is a ‘Life Force Energy’ of Oneness. ‘The Vorce’ is a Life Force Energy, which has been lying dormant within, and once re-activated… Vorce Is a Life Force Energy, ultimately creating Eternal Life in Oneness.
Reactivate ‘Vorce’ with Nadine Head ~ For Self-Healing and Advancement in Co-creation of ‘The New Earth Rising in Oneness’ offering more Vitality of Life and Lighting the Way Forward, for the Greater Good of All That Is!
Activation Workshops are now being made available within Australia “The World’s Leading Light.”
Nadine Head ~ Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.
© Nadine Head 2022