Psychic Medium Channeler

Achieving Oneness

Those who know me, and or have worked with me, know that I am an Advocate, Educator and Activator of Oneness, and I do much of my work in confidentiality with good reason, for we, as a people are at war, a spiritual war. I understand that parts of what I just said may confuse some of you. After all, Oneness is the coming together ‘as one’ with all that is Divine. Oneness is Love, and is available to us all… how hard it can be…right! And why would I choose to work in secrecy!? 

Well it’s not all that simple. The understanding of Oneness is far more intricate than that. There are important factors to know, and understand if we are to achieve this mission on Earth, and for me… my work is not something I simply decided I was interested in, learnt and put into practice. No… this path was divinely gifted with direction.

We all have a divine purpose, intended to guide us ALL towards achieving the ultimate goal, which is to return to our ‘Soul Origins’ in Oneness, by nature, in heart and soul… not in location or decree. While man’s law has been a necessity along our journey here on Earth, man’s law is the enemy of the spirit, and we have come to a point in time, and on our soul’s journey, where humanity must change its focus, in the direction of Divine Law, if we are to fulfil our mission to achieve ‘Divine Oneness’.

In some ways, humanities idea of Oneness and Divine Oneness, slightly differ. Therefore, while Oneness is the ‘coming together’ of all that is Divine, it is important to understand precisely what that means, and what is required of us all, in order to achieve our souls mission in Oneness, for the process is not quite what it may seem, and has far-reaching effects.

Most people know by now that we are all part of a spiritual war, and we have all been under the influence of unseen forces, of both light and dark, and to varying degrees. These dark forces have been trying relentlessly, to dim the light…taking us all off our soul’s path, as individuals and as a collective, by suppressing our soul’s connection to self, to each other and to ‘The All Knowing’. The fight is real and has been going on for many life times, and even those who ‘Know the Divine Law’ of spiritual war, and know how to defeat it, have been infiltrated at one point or another.

This battle takes place equally from within and without, simultaneously. What is happening in our external world is also happening within, and more to the point, vice versa. We are not just in a spiritual war, We Are the War! What this means is… the war is within. The battle is one with one’s self, to fight all negative forces and restore peace, balance and harmony within body, mind and spirit… restoring peace, balance and harmony, within the Divine Living System. Oneness comes from within. 

A shift in this process has recently taken place, and we have entering an era, of being with clarity of purpose.

Seek to learn the true meaning, process and purpose of achieving Oneness, moving forward with confidence that… We Are on Mission… For We Are One, what happens to one… happens to ALL.

Love, Light & Blessings x

Channelled Insights – Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator.

© Nadine Head 2022


8th Feb 2022 ~ today’s the day to really kick this process off!

Good Morning Everyone, and what a glorious day it is.

There’s no better time than today, to raise the vibration of the planet for activation.

Come on folks let’s do this! Share my message. Get up and get out… get out and connect with nature, raise your vibration…Sing, Dance, Hug and Laugh with love in your heart, and joy in your body, mind and spirit. I want to hear it! And I want to feel your powerful vibration rising up, and moving through the Earth, and in the breeze!

Let me know what you are doing today to raise your vibe…raising the vibration of the Earth, Australia.

Singing and dance. Eat high vibrational foods, connect with high vibing people, get out and celebrate nature, raise the vibe if you are in Canberra.

Move your body… bring love and joy into your being… activate all of your senses and cells in your body… feel the vibration of the Earth tingling through your all of the cells in your body.

Let Do This!!!

Let us not, allow Fb or anyone else to restricted or block this message from getting out, or stop this process…


SHARE ~ SHARE ~ SHARE and have a magical day everybody!

Love, Light & Blessings x


Channelled Insights – Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator

© Nadine Head 2022


Just In… Nature Speaks of Rising Energies

Energies Rising

* The Magic of Australia – Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom

* Connection to the Divine

* Sacred Dance (Vibration)

* The Vibration of Love, raising the Vibration of the Earth… activating the ‘Light Energy’ Centres of the Planet.

Message – Australia is and has always been leading the World, through Spiritual Evolution, towards the Earths Evolutionary process… through Vibration.

The Australian people are now in alignment, to activate the Energy Centres of the Australian land… activating Sacred and Powerful Energy Centres throughout Australia, having a significant ripple effect throughout the world as a whole, such energy centres/portals include the Glass House Mountains Queensland and Uluru.

There are many Sacred and Powerful Energy Centres within Australia, and throughout the world. However, these two sacred places are of great importance, within Australia and throughout the World at this time.

One need not be in these locations, in order for this Activation to take place. The activation comes from ‘within’ the people and through all of humanity across the earth’s planes. What is needed is the raising of the Earths vibration, through the people… the people’s vibration… for We Are One.

This Activation can NOT be achieved by sending love, light or healing energy to the Earth. This Significant and Powerful Activation can only be achieved by the rising of energy… through the raising of one’s own vibration.

Australians and the rest of humanity throughout the world… dance now! Dance with the rhythm of Earth Australia (The Australian Earth) and with the rhythm of planet Earth. Learn and experience the Magic of Australia, through the Vibration of the Earth. This is what ‘They’ DO NOT want, you to know.

Connect with one another, connect with All That Is Divine, with love and joy in your heart… raising the Vibration of the Earth…Activating the ‘Light Energy’ centres of the Planet.

‘Let Go’ of all of your troubles. Dance… Sing… and Laugh… with Love in your Heart, and joy in your Body, Mind and Spirit! (Without the influence of body, mind or spirit altering substances of any nature)

Get out in to nature, bring love and joy back into your heart. Connect with the Divine… Rise Up!

AUSTRALIA… Dance… with… Joy!  

From this moment forward and particularly on the 8th Feb 2022 – for this day offers an alignment of Energies, auspicious of this occasion. Raise the Planets Vibration for planetary ‘Light Activation’.

The raising of one’s own vibration, and as an integrated link within the collective, has great potential at this time and on this auspicious day… calling in All That Is Divine, for Transformation and Advancement purposes, for ALL Living things on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy.

There is no time to waist. Rise Up Now!

PLEASE SHARE THIS BLOG POST with the Awakened and Awakening Community. Remember there are dark forces trying to stop this Activation from taking place. Rise Up with Pride. Don’t let expectations cloud your view. Know in your heart, that a positive and significant shift is taking place, regardless of external appearances and or forces. Nothing is what it seems.

Love, Light & Blessing to ALL x

Channelled Insights – Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator

© Nadine Head 2022

Restoring Equilibrium from Within & Within the World, As One.

Humans like to make that which is simple and easy, complicated and hard.

Complication is birthed through the ego mind, and creates disconnection, within one’s self and with the world, As One. Simplicity is birthed through the loving heart, and creating connection, within one’s self and with the world, As One.

By keeping things simple and easy, humanity can easily create a more even balance, between head and heart, creating equilibrium… restoring more peace, balance and harmony within oneself, and within the world as a whole… ultimately in Light of Oneness, for We Are One!

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2022

Energy Forecast for 2.2.22



Brings in the Energy of Equilibrium ~ Resurrection ~ Reciprocity.

Work with this energy by consciously going about creating equilibrium, within and without. The rest will come.

You are the foundation in which all else can become balanced. Create a strong foundation to build upon, and bring everything else into balance.

New Love or a Renewal of Love – May enter your life during or following this time and process.

© Nadine Head 2022

Integral Communication Vs Unfiltered Communication

Integrity – The quality of being honest (Truth) and having strong moral principles (Integrity) – The state of being whole and undivided. Both of which derive from a loving space, from within our heart centre…of truth.

When we break it down, Truth with Integrity, means to say and do… with love.

Truth well-balanced with integrity, results in greater peace, balance and harmony, within and without.

Unfiltered communication, lacks integrity, and therefore results in an imbalance of energy, within, and without… thus creating disharmony, destruction and eventually, disease. Imbalance creates dis-ease.

Speaking and living your truth with integrity, creates a more balance, inner health and wellbeing, connection with others, and with the world, As One. Practice speaking and actioning your truth, with integrity… transforming your inner and outer world, for the better.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2022

What ‘THEY’ don’t want you to know about Connection.

Let’s talk about connection to self, and how it has a significant effect on the world as a whole.

When we block out all distractions and come back to self, remain centred and connected to self, through self-awareness in body, mind and spirit, we regain inner strength, and a stronger sense of self, and as a result, our Life Force Energy increases, and with that, comes the powers of self-healing…to love and to live greater.

What ‘They’ don’t want you to know, is that when we increase our Life Force Energy, we become more connected to the greater whole, to all that is Divine, here on Earth, and throughout the entire Universe. We become connected ‘As One’ and this is where true magic, comes to life… with the creation of heaven on Earth.  

‘Their’ plan is to create division… creating disconnection… destroying all that is Divine. Why would they want to do that, you might ask…because good destroys evil, and evil wants to win!

Not all who walk the Earth are Divine, many have fallen from grace, and now worship evil. Connection and disconnection, is and always has been the War between good and evil.

Block out external distractions. Return to self, remain centred, and connected… to self, to others and to all that is Divine…In Light of Oneness! ♥

© Nadine Head 2022 – Oneness Advocate & Educator.

Nature Is Accentuating All Truths for Your Discernment

If you understand Natural Law, you will see truth everywhere. No other form of communication or action is needed, except to…’Pay close Attention’.

All truths are now being accentuated, by nature’s law, for your discernment. Nature is stepping in to show you, what you may not have previously been able to see, what needs changing, and what is to come. These signs and or messages, may show up in various ways, through illness, through tension, through incident or accident… revealing hidden truths, within oneself, within others, and within the world as a whole, or they may show up as messages via ‘nature’s way’ through spontaneous, and outstanding connections with nature, and all living creatures themselves.

Pay close Attention, to that which is At-tension and or requires your attention, and trust whatever truths, nature is revealing to you.

By Natural Law, that which is At-tension shows us, that which is out-of-balance with ‘Nature’s Way’ by way of Natural Law.

Where there is imbalance, there is injustice, within and without. That, which is imbalanced within one’s external world, represents imbalance within their internal world and vice versa.

Go within and address all imbalances within the body, mind and spirit… realigning your body, mind and spirit with your soul’s truth… where all inner truths are in equilibrium with the Laws of Nature, for your highest good, and the greater good of all that is Divine, within the Natural Laws of Oneness.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings – Let there be Peace x

© Nadine Head 2022 – Oneness Advocate & Educator.

Divine Feminine ~ Your Final Test…

We are entering a time of Divine Justice, on a level we have not experiences before. Divine Justice is about to be served in a way we have not seen before, and all Divine Karma will be seen clearly, in the unfolding of events to come, in one’s own life, in the world as a whole, and on the world stage. No one will be able to hid, in the shadows of what is to come.

I would like to take this opportunity to give a huge shout out, to all of you Pure Heart Feminine’s out there, you know who you are… those of you who live and breathe, by divine law, good will and strong faith, and unconditional spiritual love. Those of you who have been misguided, misunderstood, misused and abused, and have risen up out of the depths of despair, at the hand of another or others, and like the true Divine Feminine that you are, and after all that you have been through, you wish no harm unto others, and would rather lead your enemy back into the light, than to see them suffer or experience the pain they bestowed unto you. You are a Pure Heart… you are a True Divine Feminine.

But as we move into this time of Divine Justice, many of you will face your greatest test. No matter how much you wish to offer your hand of healing, guidance and or assistance, do not look back to help the hand that crushed you, or those who have tried, as Justice is being served upon them. This is your spiritual test… closing out this cycle once and for all, and beginning anew.

Your Divine Justice awaits you. Forgive and wish your perpetrators well, and continue on your Divine Path with confidence and readiness, to receive your Divine Justice, with an open and pure heart. None can get in the way of your Divine Blessings moving forward, and if they try, they will face the harshest of judgment, and justice will be served swiftly. Divine Feminine, your time has come… Embrace It!

Love, Light & Blessings Divine One x

Nadine’s Insights © Nadine Head 2022

A Return to Natural Law and Religious Freedom.

We don’t just need a change in government. We need a whole new system. What we need now, is to return to Natural Law and Religious Freedom.

Right now, and with an election coming up in Australia, we need heart based leaders, with the heart, strength and spirit of lions. We need leaders who love and honour natural law, and are not afraid to defend it, for the greater good of all.

Leading anyone or anything is not for the weak, meek and mild, but requires great strength, and the good will and heart of a lion. It requires skill, it’s takes a person or people, who can get the job done, no matter how difficult it may be.

As we approach the up and coming election, remember… actions speak louder than words. Let them prove themselves worthy of this honour. Watch closely… watch and listen to their actions, where their hearts truths may be revealed.

In a country where there is such disarray and where there is just one leader, we must choose very wisely. Whether we want to admit it or not, leading a country out of darkness and back into the light… back to morality, requires the strength and heart of a MAN…a man of Truth and Integrity, a man who can lead our country back towards the honour of natural law…and ultimately, in light of Oneness.

May the worthiest man win, and may he be surrounded, and supported by other leading honourable men, and women.

Choose Wisely.

© Nadine Head 2022

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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