Psychic Medium Channeler

Prophesying 2022 and Beyond

Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2022! The year of the New Earth Rising… throughout 2022 and beyond and where many great things will take place.

A falling away of the old must first take precedence, however this process, will have both positive and negative effects on the world as a whole, with devastating events taking place on the 3rd Dimensional earthly plane, counteracted with the acceleration of the Rising of the New Earth, 5th Dimensional energies… a process we must endure, and how we choose to move through it, will determine all outcomes.

Remain aware of the negatives, but stay focused on the positives…slowing down in order to protect your body, mind and spirit, by way of intuitive awareness.

5D Energy Rising

January brings in the energies of new birth, through personal transformation, manifestation and creation, carried throughout 2022 and beyond. You will reap what you sew.

Moving Into, throughout and beyond 2022…the year ahead, brings us all into a time for change, to change the things we can no longer accept…in our personal lives, and that of the greater whole.

Our life experiences will clearly reflect our internal manifestations (thoughts and feelings). Hiding our true thoughts and feels great and small, will only cause us more harm.

2022 will be a year of rest, rejuvenation, and of renewal, for the individual and the world as a whole. Self-protection, growth and expansion will take precedence, protecting your peace and rising in strength.

The definition of ‘Community’ will begin to take on a whole new meaning.

Focus on Moving Forward

Let go of, all of your yesterdays, and focus on all of your tomorrows, creating a better future for self and for all. Through the power of personal transformation, manifestation and creation… a new version of you emerges, in co-creation of The New Earth Rising in Oneness. Many truths will be revealed – from within and without. For some, a New and Improved ‘way of being’ will rise up from within, and all externals, known to be nothing more than an illusion.  

Great things are coming for those who believe and hold faith. Grace will be felt, and take on a whole new depth of meaning. Personal and worldly assistance arrives in many different forms, and on many different levels, from both within the 3rd and 5th dimensions.

December 2022 will bring in a grand surprise, magic in the air, and lights in the sky, literally and or figuratively.   


5D Energy Rising – The Magic Begins!

January 2023 brings in New Life, taking shape in the years that follow. Magnificence will be realised by many, and life beyond this point will take on a whole new meaning, with greater awareness of the metaphysical world.

New portals and pathways will open up to many. These energetic pathways can be felt but not seen, many will try to reach out to them, and they will, but momentarily disappear. Forces of light will appear and disappear, igniting a spark of interest in the metaphysical world, and beyond your imagination, offering a graceful glimpse into more of what is to come, as We Rise Up in the forever Evolving World of Oneness.


What you put into life is what you get out of it. All truths lie within, where New Wonders will emerge from… revealing more of the New Earth in Love and Light of Oneness.


You are far more, than you could possibly imagine, and you live in a world that is far greater, than you will ever know. All truths are beyond ones imagination, yet if you can image it, then it can become a reality… for in your reality, whatever you can imagine can become a reality. Be mindful of the world you create through thought, feeling and imagination. Dream big and aim high.  The best is yet to come!

Love, Light & Blessings to All throughout 2022 and Beyond.

© Nadine Head 2022 – Working in Oneness, with Divine Intelligence, for the Greater Good of Humanity. 

Our Life Experiences Reflect our Internal Manifestations…

By Natural Law, negative things don’t happen to us, things happen for us… shinning a light on the path forward, and leading us out of the dark.

Our life experiences reflect our internal manifestations, this being the manifestation of our own thoughts and feelings. Negativity thoughts and feels, attracts negative experiences. Positivity thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences.  

Misaligning our actions, with our soul’s truth, for greater health and wellbeing, creates less than desirable experiences within our day to day lives. Aligning our actions, with our soul’s truth, for greater health and wellbeing, creates more desirable experiences within our day to day lives.

What we feed our body, mind and spirit, makes up a majority of our manifestation vibration, which attracts our experiences into our reality, through the vibrational energy we emit, like attracts like and so on.

Align all of your actions, with all of your soul’s truth, within Divine Laws of course, with Divine Guidance, and in Divine Timing, and life will steer you in the right direction, for your highest good, and for the greater good of all…restoring inner peace, balance and harmony, and within the world, As One.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2022

Change Is Coming – In both the 3D & 5D Realms…

Change is coming, in both the third and fifth dimensions – the 3D & 5D realms. These opposing energies of dark and light can be difficult to navigate for many at this time.

Now is an important time to emotionally detach from the 3D world, and connect more deeply within the 5D realm…learning, to live in this world but not, of it.

Maintaining a balance of awareness, but with detachment to our 3D reality, and become more consciously aware and deeply connected, in the 5D realm and above, will be most beneficial to the individual, and to the world as a whole at this time, and as we all move forward in Oneness.

The tables have turned…and the more the darkness deflects, the more the light reflects.

Regardless of any external appearances…the light has won.

Remain aware of, but detached from darkness, until which point it becomes safe to ‘let it go’ and fully embrace the light.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

Nadine’s Insights – Working in Oneness with Divine Intelligence, for the Greater Good of Humanity.

© Nadine Head 2021

Nature is Reaching Out, to Speak its Truth.

Nature offers us signs and messages all of the time, with great truths and great insight, into what is to come within our lives, and within the world as a whole.

But never have I seen nature ‘reach out’ to humanity as it has in recent weeks, and as we ignorantly go about our business.

Becoming more aware and connected to nature…listening to what nature has to say, has great potential for growth, and may very well surprise and delight you.

The more humanity connects with nature, the more nature will assist humanity, in wonderful and miraculous ways… for greater health and wellbeing, and for human evolution.

Nature is reaching out, all you have to do, is to listen.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

Nadine’s Insights – Working in Oneness with Divine Intelligence, for the Greater Good of Humanity.

© Nadine Head 2021

Some Interesting and Important Facts – Assisting the path to Oneness.


Water has the ability to transform its self, to its environment – filter water and let sit overnight in a glass container (not plastic) before drinking. Keep your environment clean and uncluttered. Detox in body, mind and spirit to ensure the vibration you are sending out, matches how you want to feel, in body, mind and spirit. Your personal vibration and the vibration of your environment, has a vibrational effect on the water in the room, then when you drink that water, it has an effect on your inner health and wellbeing, the better the vibration, of self and your environment, the healthier the water will become. Therefore, it is important to keep your vibration high and the vibration of your environment clean, and in a high vibration, through the embodiment of love, joy and happiness.

You can also use crystals to help purify and transform your water, making a crystal elixir. Place a clear quartz, and or rose quartz crystal in the bottom of the container. The healing properties of the crystal will infuse the water, offering greater health and wellbeing. If using this method, insure that you recharge your crystals under the moon light on a regular basis, once a month is fine. Recharge crystals under the full moon for best results.

Fruit and Vegetables:

Naturally grown fruit, vegetables and herbs, have the ability to transform and purify the water, and air that they absorb to some degree, at this time, this will increase in magnitude, as humanity gets closer to achieving Oneness, in all of its capacity. These plants also have the ability to filter out some toxins, but not all.

Do not spray, naturally grow fruit and veg with man-made toxic herbicides and pesticides. In a healthy natural world, nature is capable of taking care of itself to great extent. It is humanity and our self-imposed environment that we need to change, in order for nature to return to balance, offering mankind greater health and wellbeing… offering more vitality of life, to all living things.

It will take humanity some time to return to a healthy way of being, that we create the changes that are required, as humanity now begin to move forward, and towards creating Oneness… this knowledge and knowing will come to the conscious mind from within, and as humanity becomes increasingly more connected, and aligned within our action, to nature’s way.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

Want to learn more about Oneness, and how you can assess the New and Improved, Evolutionary Healing Energy of Oneness? Drop me an email and ask me how you can consciously and actively be a part, of the evolutionary world of Oneness.

© Nadine Head 2021

There Is Greatness Coming & It May…

There is Greatness Coming, and it may be coming sooner than you might think!

You and I have been waiting for decades for this moment. The Universe has been waiting for centuries… for the Rising of the New Earth in Oneness to take presidence. The time has come, and will bring many Great Changes.

Many of us have been chosen to assist in this transformative process, to help show the way, these chosen souls have been preparing for many years, to help share some amazing and wonderful new things with the rest of humanity, and to help guide humanity to a New and Improved Way of Being, in The New and Improved Energy System of Oneness.

Oneness is much more than it may appear, and is much easier to achieve with the right guidance. Many have accessed this guidance…knowledge and or knowing within themselves. Many are not yet aware that planet Earth has shifted into a New Energy System, or what this shift means for the future of our planet and of humanity, and that, this shift into a New Energy System is actually the real cause of the chaos we are currently experiencing in the 3D world… intended to rid the world of all chaos. Chaos must rise up from out of the shadows, before it can be seen, acknowledged and eliminate, then the healing can take place… and the gifts of the New Earth will rise up out of the ashes in all of its glory. The time for change is now and true greatness will follow.

You are here now, to be a part of this Great Change. The World as you have known it is no longer. What will rise up out of the ashes, in the coming years will astound, each and every one.  

Let go of the past, let go of all that you have previously known to be truth, up until this point. Allow yourself to be guided to the people, places and things that will serve you, and your journey towards achieving Oneness. This alone will assist the New Earth Rising up to True Greatness.

With your co-operation, in co-creation with the Universe, this process can become a very real reality within a very short period of time, compared to the slow process of human evolution in previous years… taking many life times. What once took centuries, can now take place in just a few decades, with your conscious and active participation. This may seem rather farfetched to some. However, it is now a very real possibility, one that requires humanity to release all that they have previously known to be true, and to embrace a new ‘Way of Being’ in a New and Improved Energy System, which has the potential to create True Greatness, for all life on Earth and throughout the entire Galaxy, in real time.

We are in the final stages of releasing the old and choosing a new path. You are at a fork in the road, there is only one of two roads to take and once you have chosen and set out on your path, there is not going back, each path only leads in one direction. One offers new life, the other does not. You have the choice, it is yours alone to make. Choose wisely.

Insights, Love, Light & Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2021

Making History & Beyond

Humanities Making History




2020 – 2021 – Was the war to end all wars! – With the darkest of truths coming to light for those with eyes to see.

2021 was the beginning of the end for the NWO… a turning point for all of humanity, with the coming together of the people, to activate the New Earth Rising, on the physical plane, just like the phoenix rising up out of the Ashes.











2022 – Will bring The End of the NWO but remanence still remains.

2022 and beyond brings The New Earth Rising, for all to bear witness, in their own interpretation.

Two worlds will collide – the living and the non-living, creating division before connection. The divided will remain divided. The connected will remain connected, coming into a deeper sense of awareness and deliverance on many aspects and levels.

2023 – Will see the establishment of a New and Improved System, never seen before and requiring great change on the behalf of the people if they are to succeed in their soul’s mission to achieve Oneness on Earth – All past truths must be released… embracing new found truths. A new way of being will come to light.

2024 – 2025 – Will bring success on many levels, when right action is implemented, and Light Work is done, as it was always intended by Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, In Divine Timing. All else will fail.






2026 Brings further Anew – There’s much much more to come…







The True Power of Humanity in Oneness… in Action!




Great change is upon us, the extent of it, is up to you.




Insights, Love, Light and Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2021

Humanity Is Facing a Great Opportunity, right here, right now!

We are not losing anything. We are gaining everything!

It is important to stay focused on the bigger picture, as we go through the trying times, that come with transition. An old cycle is now coming to a close, and we are now entering a wonderful new cycle.

Humanity has an opportunity to move forward in leaps and bounds at this time, by leaving the old ways behind, and by embracing the new and improved… by aligning body, mind and spirit, and by embracing OUR ‘New Way of Being’ WITH the New World Rising, for We Are One.

Release all judgment, embrace gratitude, take care of yourself, and love your neighbour.

Follow your intuition, and Trust the Process.

‘Until everyone comes together in body, mind and spirit – the world will suffer’ The Universe

Nadine Head – Working in Oneness, with Divine Intelligence for the Greater Good of Humanity. 

Insights, Love, Light and Blessings x

© Nadine Head 2021

WARNING TO HUMANITY – Beware Of False Prophets Sent to Misguide You.

We…Are…At…War…when at war, you must learn to think like your enemy.

This is a warning to humanity. Confusion surrounds us.

False profits are rife, some knowingly, some unknowingly. The enemy’s intention in this spiritual war, is to take you off your ‘Divine Path’ to stop you from realising who you are, and what you are capable of, so you do not successfully complete your soul’s mission here on Earth.

There are dark forces that surround us at this time, some seen and some unseen, who will do anything to succeed in their mission, to misguide you, including with the sending of false prophets, and false guides to confuse and instilling doubt with the hearts and minds of the people, to make them question their beliefs, and doubt their own soul’s truth;

These dark forces, can come in broad daylight, and some may come in the darkness of night, many of whom… appearing to be saints and spiritual guides, come to guide you towards a new truth. Do not be fooled by falsehood. Be careful who and what you accept as truth at this time.

Humanity has the ability to access the ‘All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ from within.

ALL TRUTHS LIES WITHIN… go within! Connect with your higher self, to discover the Divine Truth of the Universe, follow your heart and soul’s truth. Listen only to that within, and that which comes to you with the Grace of Divine Presence and speaks only with Love and Light.

We win this war from within… with self-resolve and Divine Connection. By Divine Law, with Divine Guidance, within Divine Timing.

Our soul’s mission… your soul’s mission, is in Love and Light of Oneness. There is no other truth.

Love & Blessings to All ♥

Nadine’s Insights – Working in Oneness, with Divine Intelligence for the Greater Good of Humanity.

© Nadine Head 2021

IMPORTANT MESSAGE for All of Humanity – Protect your Energy…Protecting your Divinity…Saving the Planet.

Humanity is part of a much bigger plan… A Divine Plan.

We came to you today, talked about an uncomfortable truth. Humanity is at war, and now is not the time to ignore that in which makes humanity feel uncomfortable. Humanity must face the uncomfortable truths that surround them, if they are to defeat the enemy.

Whether you want to accept it or not, there are dark and light forces everywhere, with in each and everyone one of you, within the world you live in, and throughout the entire Universe, both with their own agenda or mission to complete. There are light beings, and there are dark beings, that many do not understand, believe in or want to acknowledge, but humanity are now in a time, where your spiritual energy is under attack, and needs protecting, not just for yourselves, but for the greater good of all life on Earth, and throughout the entire Galaxy.

The forces of light and dark reach far and wide, here on your planet, and throughout the entire galaxy, and have been at War for many thousands of years. Throughout history things have come to a head between these opposing sides on many occasions, creating physical wars here on Earth, and throughout the Galaxy, and this is where we all find ourselves once more.

This is what you need to know, and we wish to speak directly to you, in the following manner. We are all light beings, having a human experience, for the purpose of our soul’s evolution, and our Earthly experiences are intended to teach us, all of our soul lessons, and to guide us back home… to Oneness… conquering the forces of darkness, from within, and without.

We have been trying to achieve this for thousands and thousands of years, and many, many life times. We have come a very long way, to get this far. We are now getting closer than ever before, to reaching the end of this battle, through getting closer to achieving Oneness, here on Earth. However, we still have a long way to go and now’s not the time to get complacent. In fact these dark forces will continue to hit us with force, while ever we entertain a lower vibration within ourselves, and or lower energies that surround us, for that is when we are at our weakest.

These dark forces move around us and mostly go unseen, by the blinded eye’s and wounded hearts of the people. These dark forces come in many guises, and come to do whatever it takes, to keep you from discovering who you are and what you are capable of, as a Light Being here on Earth. These forces come to keep you in a state of darkness, for while ever you sit in darkness, depression, dis-ease, destruction, disharmony, temptation and despair, you will struggle to rise up to greater heights, within yourself, with love and light, and where you will conquer these dark forces.

These dark forces come to trick us through falsehoods, from within our negative thought processes, through false friends, and through oppression of any kind. It takes a lot of strength to overcome these negative forces. They can come in the disguise of human beings and or dark energies, and they often move in the dark shadows of the night, they come, in the form of evil energies, and demons, they haunt us in our minds, and in our dreams, they can often pose as helpers, and protectors in order to gain our trust and then use it against us;

However, they have been losing this battle in the last few decades, which got us to this very point in time, and here we are, at war once again. However, this time is a little different, because humanity have reached a point of higher awareness, with the realisation of who we are as light beings, what our Earth mission is, and how to achieve it. It would seem that the dark side got a little too complacent, giving humanity just enough time and space, to reach the light. Now they are fighting back with all of their might, and we can now visibly see this taking place all around us, from within and without.

These forces are preparing to push back harder than ever before, and in ways that can, and cannot be seen. We must learn to recognise, and protect ourselves against these forces, for they are coming at us from all angles, and in ways that are not physically visible. They come to you in your thoughts, with negative self-talk and self-loathing, they come to you with impure messages, and they come to confuse you, and to misguide you. They come in the form of falsehood. They come with lies and deceptions. Their aim is to stop you from reaching the light, and fulfilling your Divine Purpose, to achieving Oneness here on Earth.

What you need to know, is that these energies feed on fear, and are repelled by love and light. Here’s the thing… your love, joy and happiness are your greatest weapon against these forces. Raising your vibration through love, joy and happiness, will force these unwanted energies to retreat.

Your greatest protection against these forces, is your own loving vibration, when you stand firmly in your Divinity, with love and light in your body, mind and spirit, your light repels all negative forces, just like in the movies, where the vampires fear going out into the sunlight, in fear of getting burnt and disintegrate. Your inner light and loving vibration works in the very similar way, against dark forces.

Defeat the enemy within, and you will defeat the enemy without. I encourage you now, to raise your vibration, to stand firmly within your sovereignty, and within your divinity, and you will have conquered the enemy within… conquering the enemy without. Know who you are, bring love and light into your heart, and filling up your body, mind and spirit with Divine Grace.

By Divine Law, With Divine Guidance, In Divine Timing, you walk the path, with Divine Protection.

Love, Light & Blessings to All

Nadine’s Insights – Working in Oneness, with Divine Intelligence for the Greater Good of Humanity

© Nadine Head 2021

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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