The Final Call
The final call of truth is quickly approaching.
Have you been wondering, why there has been such a rush to sway the people to ‘conform’ in our current times?
Could it have something to do with our final call of truth… determining our future on Earth for ever!?!
If you are not yet aware, we are at war within ourselves, where the ‘ego mind’ is fighting against the ‘soulful heart’.
When we enter this journey to come to Earth, we signed a soul’s contract, to come to Earth and to fight the ego war within, for the greater good of all, and we have been fighting this war for many life times. However, we have now successfully reached a point in time, where there must come a moment of truth, to choose which side we are on, for the greater good of all… to choose the side that serves the ‘ego mind’ that keeps us all separated from a greater whole or to choose the side that serves the ‘soulful heart’ that connects us all, to a greater whole, and that beats to the rhythm of Oneness.
We are quickly approaching a fork in the road. In the coming months, not years, there will be a final call of truth, for all of humanity to make a clear and final choice, in which, our ‘actions ’ will determine who we are and what side we are on, in clear view of the ‘all seeing eye’ and the beating hearts, of all that is Divine.
The choice will not be determined by our thoughts or by our beliefs, but by our ‘actions to raise our vibration’ to greater heights, revealing the way forward, on this planet for us all as individuals and as a collective. Determining humanities future on Earth for ever more!
Stay true to you, ‘live your soul’s truth’ – Follow your intuition and any divine guidance you may receive, to raise your vibration and last but not least… trust the process!
The soulful heart is winning this war but it is not over by any means. Your soul’s truth, put into knowing-action, to raise your vibration in the coming months, will determine the way forward for you as an individual and as a part of ‘A Greater Whole’.
“What the world needs now, is your transformation” – Author Unknown.
Contact me if you would like to know more about how you can rise to greater heights in alignment with Oneness.
Private Sessions and Energy Activation Workshops are Available.
Nadine Head Channelling – Works of Higher Intelligence.
© Nadine Head 2021
Do you believe in other light beings such as ET’s/Aliens/UFO’s?
Some of us claim to have seen or made contact with other light beings of various forms and in various ways, some have experienced the wonder of being in the presence of such sacred soul beings and others fear the unknown. We are all sacred soul beings, simply in different physical forms.
One thing that is becoming increasingly clear, is that whether we believe in them or not will no long be the question in our minds over the coming weeks, month and years… for as mankind raise our vibration and awaken to more and more of our own souls truth, all truths will emerge into our reality and through our acceptance and desire for growth and expansion in oneness.
Fear not the unknown, or what our government officials and media tell us in relation to our fellow light beings, but simply drop into your heart centre with love and acceptance of other life forms, for they are here and they are here to help us awaken to more of our soul’s truth in oneness, for the greater good of ALL.
When we consciously connect with and embrace other life forms… new worlds will emerge in oneness.
Connect with those who remind you of who you are, in this world and of others… for we are All One.
Nadine Head – Channelling ‘The Higher Works of Intelligence’
Oneness Information and Activation Workshops are Available (Conditions apply)
© Nadine Head 2021
WARNING… this post may trigger the wounded ego.
‘It’s poor spiritual hygiene to ignore your intuition’ Unknown
Let’s not stop there shall we… let’s get real for once and unpack this…
I’m not here to judge… we are all guilty of self-sabotage, knowingly and or unknowingly but… isn’t it time that we all get real with ourselves and acknowledge our self-sabotage for what it is… serving the wounded ego!
When we are in health and wellbeing we are more easily able to connect to self and to source energy and therefore we each have greater insight through intuition and to our connection to the divine and into who we really are and what we are really capable of as soul beings and most of us have no idea of the many layers and depths of these insightful truths of the soul, until we reach a point in our lives where our awakened souls wisdom shines a light on the truth from within.
One thing I’ve always known to be true through this process is that…it’s poor spiritual hygiene to dishonour our body, mind and spirit, by introducing it to toxicity, through unhealthy thoughts, words and actions, people, places and things… such as foods, chemicals and coverings and as pretty or tough as they may appear, body piercings, tattoos, dyes and cosmetics are all forms of spiritual sabotage, for in truth… none of which honour our body, mind and spirit… in total health and wellbeing and in its truest form.
We can all do better than this…we were born to do better than this! Now is the time to awaken to our soul’s truth, to know who we really are and what we are truly capable of in honour of our spiritual being… our soul’s truth and purpose. It’s time to awaken to and honour in love and light… our true divinity. Now is the time to step into the knowing of who you really are as a soul being and what you are really capable of, in optimal health and wellbeing… shining a light on the world like never before… for OUR future relies on it.
If this post has triggered something within you, do not ignore your souls calling to heal the ego within. Instead embrace the journey to heal and know yourself… moving forward in spiritual truth and divine service and towards a brighter future for all. For we are one and if one is sick than we are all sick. What the world needs now is your conscious transformation… from self-imposed illness to self-imposed wellness… one conscious step at a time.
Channelled Workings of Higher Intelligence.
Nadine Head Oneness Advocate, Educator and Activator – Private sessions are available.
© Nadine Head 2021
When You Rise In Your Power, New Worlds Will Emerge.
The ‘Divine Living System’ is literally shaking up and weeding out all evil, to make it visible to the world, all truths will be revealed from within and without… throughout ALL THAT IS… and things may get worse before they get better. Know that when you honour your soul’s truth, you are divinely protected.
A balance between two worlds, from within is required… forging a rise in grace and great strength as we rise up from one state of being to another. When you are able to stand in stillness… rest in peace and rise in glory… from rising up against all evil, then the battles you face will be fought and won.
Know your truth… know your worth, and If and when evil comes knocking at your door or upon your shores in any shape or form… stand firm… do not invite it in and above all else… do not give into it willingly. Honour your sovereignty… reclaim your divinity. Raise and hold your faith and last but not least…Trust the process!
In this way, the battle will be fought and won and the ‘New Earth’ will continue to emerge in all of its former glory. You have within you, the power to create worlds and when you rise within your power, new worlds will emerge!
Love and light to one and all ♥
Channelling ‘The Divine Works of Higher Intelligence.’
Image: Unknown
© Nadine Head 2021
Leaders… be leaders!
To all of you up and coming leaders out there…
Stay in your own lane and do it your own way.
Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have to do things a certain way in order to be seen. The sheep are asleep! Your way is the right way for you to do things… lead by example, by living from your souls truth.
We are in a time where we need the new world ‘spiritual leaders’ to believe in themselves and to step into their truth and do things their way… by divine law, with divine guidance and within divine timing, in order to bring something new to the table, something that others may or may not be ready or willing to accept to be right or true for them, but all ‘truth’ is right for those who are ready to hear it.
Don’t follow the sheep, be a lion or lioness and stand in your own true power… roar like no one ever did before you. That is what the world needs, true authentic heart centred leaders standing in their true power. Recognise the falsehood of those who follow in the footsteps of others and be brave enough to stand alone in your quest or service until at which point you find your audience;
Believe me when I say this… when your truth is to be a leader, it is because you have an audience waiting for your leadership, so lead… and don’t be concerned with those who are not up to speed with what you have to deliver, in the way that you are guided to deliver it, they will either rise to meet you when they are ready or they will find what it is they are searching for elsewhere, either way, you are living your truth in order to be of service to humanity, to lead those who resonate with your message… to lead those who have awakened… not to convert the sleeping. Let the sheep sleep; they will awaken if and when they are ready.
Stay true to yourself and to your message. Stay in your own lane and do what you do best, for that is what you are here to do, you are not here to follow in the footsteps of those who do not know any better. Be the leader you were born to be. Don’t be afraid to ruffle feathers, nothing will ever change by staying in your comfort zone or in the comfort zone of those who dictate how others should be doing things. Let the sheep sleep!
Your audience is waiting for you… so step out of your comfort zone and step into your authenticity and be the leader you were born to be, for that is where you will find your authentic voice and that is where your authentic voice will be heard and you will be seen for who you are, in all of your truth and authenticity… being of service to humanity in the way that you are meant to, and in a way that only you can… that is how you will help change the world through your divine co-creation with the Universe… for when you live and lead from your truth, your ‘truth’ is in alignment with the Universe and you are being of true service!
Channelled ©Nadine Head 2020
Don’t give up your rights… it’s time to RISE UP and take a stand.
Over the years leading up to and during our current time, I have made some big statements through my channellings of the Divine Beings I work with and the divine guidance they offer, one of which is that we are here on earth to reclaim our divinity through rising up to meet with a spiritual war and that we are not here on earth to hold blind faith that all will be taken care of for us by the divine/higher power, but that we are here to stand up for our rights and our freedoms… our human spiritual freedoms… that a spiritual war is upon us and when we RISE TO MEET the evil being brought down upon us… to hold our faith for we shall be protected.
At times I have been met with judgments, criticisms, gossiping and false truths spoken about me behind my back and to my face due to making these types of statements, from those who believe different, from those who disbelieve altogether, those who misunderstood me and my intention, those who were afraid and those who intend to dis-empower, but I can be a pretty tough nut to crack. The judgements of others is nothing more than their own perception of reality… not of mine and those who truly know me, know who I am and what I stand for is in good faith each and every day. My heart is in the right place and channel from a divine source, intended to help heal, guide and empower mankind through the journey.
Today I sit here as we all bear witness to and face the disruptive and disturbing events of the world we currently live in and acknowledge and witness once again, the unfolding of my channellings, with a deeper understanding that everything has it’s time and place. Over the last 10 years in particular I have been given a tough job like so many others, to assisting the awakening of mankind, through delivering my life purpose, for me that meant bringing something new to the table and of course it was always going to be met with both positive responses and negative reactions as we all move towards a greater awakening and a deeper sense of awareness.
Today I say it once more… spiritual warriors… do not be fooled by the falsehoods within our spiritual beliefs and practices for there are many, intended to keep us from fulfilling our true purpose here on earth. I say it here and now, we are here to face a war… a spiritual war, within ourselves, within the world we live and throughout the entire galaxy, by rising… and that war can only be conquered by taking a stand for our rights and our freedoms, by honour our souls truth in body, mind and spirit and by standing up against all evil. A wise man once said…
‘The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing” Albert Einstein
Through fighting this war we are ultimately here to reclaim our Divinity and to create heaven on earth through man’s own image… both in which were lost a long time ago as mankind gave up their freedoms in the face of evil. The enemy that currently resides throughout the world is by way of the weaknesses that we have allowed to enter our own body, mind and spirit… sabotaging us all from discovering and fulfilling our soul’s purpose and life’s mission… to serve the greater good.
Don’t give up your right and freedom to fulfil your life’s mission… it’s time to take a stand and take back your ‘Right for Freedom.’ The war must be met and conquered before we can proceed with our transformation and where once again… heaven meets earth.
Through the rising of mankind, the new earth will emerge as heaven on earth… created through oneness.
Oneness is Love… Love is Oneness.
Oneness is Unity… Unity is Oneness.
Unity is Oneness of Purpose… within oneself, with the world and throughout the entire galaxy.
Rise and fight for your right to live in a world… brought together in Oneness!
©Nadine Head Oneness Advocate & Educator 2021
Let Go of What You Think You Know About the World – The Truth Lies Within.
Our perception of what is going on in the world today is only based on what we have been told or on what we think we see, none of which has anything to do with the actual truth… the truth can only be felt from heart to heart, from soul to soul. Only from within our own vibrational connections can the truth be felt. From this space, only our ego/mind may try to mask the truth from being revealed from within our own vibration. Silence the mind, Go Within and Allow Stillness, to feel into the truth of every matter near and far. Vibes do not lie… energy does not lie! everything else can be deceiving and the world is full of deception.
Do not be deceived by what you hear or what you are being shown by external forces, but seek the truth from within your own vibrational connection to all living things and within the world around you, revealing an informed vibrational assessment of the truth.
All of mankind has access to the ‘All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ from within, disconnect from this world and tune into the vibration of the Universe and All Living Things within the Divine Living System that we are all interconnect from within.
Just like a forest of tree’s, where their root system interconnects them all as one, communicating and thriving as one interconnected energy system, and so it is for all living things in oneness. It is time to tune into the truth, from within and through your connection to the divine living system and clear out the weeds that covers up the beautiful truth what lives Bennith the very surface, lifting the veil for the truth to be revealed, bringing in a fresh new perspective and a new and improved way of being… shining a light on the truth.
Cut and clearing away all that is blocking your ‘knowing’ of truth, allow cleansing to take place, reconnect and allow clarity to return, offering a clear path forward. Your conscious interconnection to the divine living system holds all the answers you seek, it’s all there… just waiting for you to connect into.
Plug In and discover your connection to the ‘All Knowing Truth of the Universe’ were all the answers lie to everything you ever wanted to know.
Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence
Now Available, Private Readings ~ Oneness Talks ~ Self-Healing Workshops.
© Nadine Head 2021
There is Not a Physical Being That Cannot Achieve Perfect Health.
There is not a physical being that cannot achieve perfect health… this much I know is true! I’m not saying it is easy, but…
“There is not a physical apparatus, no matter what the state of deterioration that cannot achieve perfect health… But that which you believe has everything to do with what you allow in your experience. If you have been convinced that something is not curable – That it is “fatal” – and then you are told that you have it, usually your believe will be that you will not survive… and you will not. But your survival has nothing to do with the disease and everything to do with your thoughts” Esther and Jerry Hicks.
…I have always known this to be true to some degree but it wasn’t until I discovered the Vorce Journey’s that I saw real results, fast results and lasting results. What I learnt through Vorce is that there is a specific formula to achieving instant self-healing and furthermore, that this form of self-healing leads to Oneness, that’s when I knew that I had the power within to transform my life in miraculous ways, in turn transforming the lives of others through the ripple effect, and since then have done just that… healing a life time of pain, disease, destruction and disharmony from within and sharing this gift with others.
My journey to self-resolve is not over yet, but I have achieved greater health and wellbeing in leap and bounds over the last 10 yrs. of my life due to this knowing and with a greater connection in Oneness through the life force of Vorce Energy, going against what my physicians had told me and restoring a greater sense of peace, balance and harmony within and within my external experiences because of it. There really are no limits to a person’s ability to heal and transform their own life when they know how, and thanks to Vorce mankind now has access to the life force of light in Oneness, to truly heal ones-self and rise in Oneness with all living things.
The New Earth is rising in Oneness, the tools we need are now being made available to us through the reactivation of Vorce Energy in Oneness. The future is now more than ever before a journey to salvation from within. You have the power within, to create peace, balance and harmony, health, wealth and happiness for yourself and for all living things through the ripple effect. Vorce is more than just a self-healing energy; it’s more than a ‘way of being’ connected in Oneness. Vorce is the source energy of light. Vorce is the way forward. Vorce… Is the Future!
As we become one…
One People
One Nation
One Spirit
As we all become one we are all affected accordingly, the more love we show to each other, the more loving everyone and everything becomes, including all other life forms on our planet, for we are one. In this way, the power lies within to heal all life forms on earth and rise in Oneness.
Now is the time of rediscovering our origins as light beings on earth. Vorce is the source energy of light. This light emanates all love and life on earth, without this, our planet and all light beings will cease to exist. However this source energy has been lying dormant as mankind worked their way through our state of ego, and now as mankind awakens to our true origins, now is the time for Vorce to rise in Oneness.
For All life on our planet relies on the life force of Vorce… in Oneness.
Join me on the Vorce Journey – Rise in Oneness through the reactivation of Vorce Energy and may Vorce be with you.
Information and Activation Workshops Available (Conditions Apply)
Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence
© Nadine Head 2021

Earth has had a very powerful energy shift in the last few days that will have a significant effect on us all in one way or another over the coming days, weeks, months and years.
During this time, I have gained some very important insights that will impact the world as a whole, and feel an urgency to deliver some of these insights to you.
I have three very important messages to share with you at this time, some of which may be hard for you to comprehend at this time, however these truths also lie within you. Take some time to feel into each one, to know it for your-self. I ask that you take these insights seriously by take ‘appropriate action’ without delay… by focusing on what you want, not what you fear and to remain a beacon of love and light.
Important Insights, the first being;
- The New Earth Rising in Oneness – The world as we know it is no longer. The awakening New Earth delivered the New and Improved Energy System of Oneness, that will now reveal great surprises and wondrous new truths, to and for all life on earth and throughout the entire galaxy moving forward as one and with the assistance of Vorce Energy – The Transformative Healing Energy of Oneness.
Your individual thoughts, words and actions will now be strongly experienced by the ‘divine living system’ as One, being felt by and seen within all living things, as we are one and we are all an integrated part of a greater whole, each of us effecting that whole from within. As a result this reality will force mankind to rise in oneness or to fall behind for ever more; this is an individual choice from within and is an inevitable one.
There is no going back to life as we know it. The Divine Living System is rising in Oneness and it is not stopping for anyone, a real effort is now required to rise with her, in oneness.
- WAR – The world is divided. There is a plan now ‘in action’ by foreign persons, to take by surprise and cast chemical warfare on Australia. This plan will be revoked. Please understand that by making such a statement that I am putting myself at great risk, however I am being asked to deliver this message so that the people will not live in fear. There is nothing to fear in this instance. Trust the Divine process.
- The Heart Opening – the heart is being cracked open, due to mankind’s resistance to open their own heart to the pure essence of love and light in oneness. Due to this process;
Many are currently contemplating suicide. Many will take their own lives in the coming days, weeks and months. As hard as this is to accept, this decision is formidably being made from the heart of the soul, these souls will journey ahead within other realms with purpose. Please try to understand that this is what these souls chose for themselves long before entering the earth’s plane, being part of a far greater plan, by one’s own divine will. Nothing and no-one is ever lost, but simply transformed for a greater purpose, they will live on in their truest form… in love and light.
Love and acceptance of ‘all life’ is the key to survival and towards expansion in oneness at this time and I ask that you open your hearts to all life on earth and be a loving vibration through all of the senses, a loving heart, a loving voice, eye, ear and touch, and without giving any more energy to this taboo topic through thought, speech or action, but to simply ‘Be Love’ within all of your connections at this time and moving forward.
Reach out and open your hearts to those you know and love and to those who cross your path on a day to day basis. Be loving – use your intuition to guide you forward. This requires your full awareness and presence within all of your thoughts, words and actions and within all of your connections… to embody the true essence of love… allow love to flow through you.
What each of you chooses to do in each and every moment moving forward will have a significant effect on us all as a whole.
We are on the road to true greatness, open your heart and be love.
Open your heart and be great!
Stay tuned for more insights coming soon.
- Discover the Vorce Journey – The Transformational Healing Energy System of Oneness, shining a light on the path forward – Vorce Activation Workshops Available for self-healing and expansion in Oneness. Email for more information.
Works of Higher Intelligence
© Nadine Head 2020
The New World Order V’s the New Earth Energy System.
Change is here and it is happening fast, there is no time to waste. Now is the time, now is the future… now is the New Earth. Our World is changing and we have a choice as to the direction it moves towards.
We are at war, a spiritual war is at hand, mankind are being exterminated by radiation, a virus and it is being covered up by those in power with a directed agenda – the ‘new world order’ is in action and this is only just the beginning.
What can we do about it?
You are not powerless; in fact you have more power than you might think;
You are a divine being having a human experience and the Universe has your back. The Universe can and will protect you to some degree. However, the universe is not miraculously going to save you. You are here for a reason… and you are required to ‘create right action’ within your own life and to follow your intuition… towards being of service… through your ‘divine service and way of being’ you are the weapon against those in power, YOU are OUR saviour… you are the peoples hope… for we are one!
I have said this since the very beginning that this is no virus as we know it. We are being delivered… in one way or another. Let me explain…we are facing a choice between the ‘new world order’ of power and control and the ‘new earth energy’ through the ‘new energy system’ of love and freedom… of Oneness… and the choice is yours, and there is no time to waste in making it.
Anyone who has personally spoken to me about this knows that this is not just my personal opinion but that of the same information I have received through the ‘Higher Works of Intelligence’ team that I work closely with and have offered guidance through my fb posts, blog posts, private sessions and healing workshops. And the time has now come to deliver, to deliver a new way forward, a new way of being… for the New Earth.
Anyone who knows the power of prayer as I do, know that prayer holds a vibration that has the power to create… and to create miracles;
WE ARE the creators… the creators of miracles… we are the creators of the New Earth… however prayer alone is not enough… right action is required… through your awakening and enlightenment… through raising ones vibration to a higher experience of living… clean living and to a new and improved ‘way of being’ within the new energy system of oneness.
What the world needs NOW… Is YOUR transformation… your right action!
More than ever, truth and integrity hold the light. Raise and hold the light, by living your ‘soul’s truth’
Create your reality, create your community of like-minded people and work together to raise and hold the light.
Be a part of the solution rather than a part of the problem, and start creating your personal transformation today.
Be the light!
Ask me how you can heal your life and join a community of ‘New Earth Healers’ working within a ‘New Energy System’ creating change for all life on earth as one.
Information sessions and workshops are available.
© Nadine Head 2020