Psychic Medium Channeler

Your ‘New Vibration’ = Our ‘New Earth’

There is a place in your heart that is love… Be Love.


When you make improvements from within to become a better version of yourself, you help heal the world… creating the New Earth.


When we make improvements from within to become better versions of ourselves, we help heal the world… creating the New Earth.


When You Heal Your Life, you help heal the world… creating the New Earth!


Be the change you wish to see in the world!


Embody all that is love!




Channelled Works of Higher Inelegance

© Nadine Head 2020


Energy Update – Get Tuned In!

This is an Energy Update Notification

Hi there, if you didn’t already know, there is a Universal Calibration in Process – A Universal Vibrational Re-configuration. Simply put, The Universe is working its magic in favour of the people he-he… actually it is much bigger than that, the Universe is realigning in Oneness… Love & Light… supporting and sustaining the divine living system here on earth and throughout the entire galaxy… as One and right now at this moment in time, we are experiencing a surge of energy within that alignment, due to the universe making a reconfiguration or you might say and adjustment.

We are currently and throughout this process experiencing high energy surges and receiving universal downloads, consciously and subconsciously… making this an ideal time to Tune In to the universal forces/energies that surround us. This can be done quite easily by taking time to connect with the ‘Divine Living System’ (Mother Nature) and more deeply to self and to the divinely collective.


During this time, you may or may not experience some of the following symptoms;

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Ringing, humming and or vibrations in the ears.
  • Vibrations and or energy throughout and or surrounding your body.
  • Vibration and or energy within or surrounding the energy point of the body – chakra centres and meridian system.
  • Heart palpitations – these are harmless and should only last a few seconds or minutes at the very most. However if you feel you are actually having a heart attack or other heart problems (unrelated to this energy shift) please call 000.
  • Unusual disruptions in your sleep patterns.
  • A heightened sensory perception.
  • Unusual sounds and vibrations in the sky or outdoors.

Please note that these symptoms are harmless and are just some of the affects you may or may not experience during this time and they may or may not feel similar to any ascension symptoms you may have experienced in the past, however let me be clear this is not ascension; this is a reconfiguration! The universe is stepping in to make a necessary vibratory correction.


To get the most out of this process it is advised that you;

  • Release any stress and or worry.
  • Bring more peace, balance and harmony into your inner being, regardless of external influences.
  • Get out in nature as much as possible… night & day and connect to the natural elements.
  • Be gentle with yourself – Meditate, heal and nurture yourself.
  • Eat a light and healthy diet – preferably a raw plant based diet and keep well hydrated (drink plenty of water)
  • Fully immerse yourself in the ocean or in natural running stream/waterfalls.
  • Connect with your higher self – your light body and with source energy.
  • Follow your intuition and any signs or signals you may receive from the universe, doing whatever it is that you are divinely guided to do at this time and moving forward.

It is not known how long this process will take at this time and is estimated to take several days as it will affect each of us differently over the coming days, I advise listening to your own inner guidance system as to undertake this process in your own uniquely individual and timely manner. Trust that you will know what to do and when to do it; there are no wrongs or rights, at very least… if nothing at all… simply just BE!

Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence.


PLEASE NOTE: If you feel you would like more guidance regarding this process or any other at this time, you are welcome to make a private booking with me and can find my services on my Facebook page. Think you for visiting my site.

Many Blessing

Nadine x


Image Origins Unknown.

© Nadine Head 2020

Healthy Reflection Brings Forth Deeper Levels Of Awareness

Sometimes you just have to reflect on your past… present and future, where you have come from, how far you have come, where you are currently at and the direction in which you are heading… without judgement but with absolute acceptance of the process.

Lately I have been guided to share some of my older blog posts with my clients over on my Facebook page and today, I ironically found myself reflecting on this one ‘Through the reflection of a Seer’… gaining far greater awareness of my own personal journey since writing it back in 2016. What an eye opener! and to depths I couldn’t possibly explain if I tried. Life is such a mysterious adventure… and to depths beyond one’s comprehension at times. The mysteries of the universe never fail to amaze.

Without going into the details and as we are all aware… everything we think, say and do… is energy in motion, creating ‘our’ future reality. Our fears… the catalyst of manifesting all that we do not want and all that we radiate through loving joyous vibes miraculously creates all that we desire.

Today I sit and ponder over this awareness to new depths of consciousness… in awe of what has been and in all, that is yet to come. I sit in awe of the magnificence of mankind and of ‘all life on earth, as creators’ of our own reality.

Everyone and everything is energy… energy in motion, creating one’s reality… as an individual and as a collective… creating ‘Our Reality’ here on earth and I ask myself;

What reality is your current energy today, creating for the future world?

And I remind myself…

Vulnerability is only feared by those who do not know the true meaning of love and vulnerability is only to ‘be’ feared by those who do not know the true power of love.

Surrender all fear of vulnerability… to know and to experience the true impact of love, and…

For the future success of our planet depends on it!

Love & Blessings

Nadine X

Through the reflection of a Seer!

©Nadine Head 2020

My Thoughts

I find it disgraceful how Greta Thunberg has been treated by some of the people who oppose her cause. ANYONE who judges criticises or condemns another human being, let alone a child for standing up for what they believe in, not for self-gain, but for the greater good of all life on earth, undoubtedly needs to go within and ask themselves the question…why? And will undoubtedly reap what they sow at some point in their life for the karmic energy they are creating for themselves. Unfortunately there are still people in the world who take it upon themselves to try to break down other human beings for their own self-gratification. Broken people often hurt the innocent and I can truthfully say I have been on both sides of this coin…understanding the unresolved… the healing and healed process.

Coming back to Greta, this beautiful, untamed soul is courageous, passionate and a pillar of great strength to her peers, the community and world at large, who fearlessly puts herself out there, backing herself as much as possible given all of the circumstances and is willing to learn and grow as she goes along, and all at such a young age. What a champion! I don’t know many adults that can say the same for themselves, let alone anyone else. We need more people standing up for the greater good of all life on earth… trying to make a difference, even if they stumble a little along the way… after all we are human and we are here to help create change through our passions, our purpose, our divine call to service, this divine being deserves a pat on the back at the very least for her enthusiasm and determination… A +++ for effort.

This little lioness will do great things for humanity if nurtured and supported, instead of being beaten down only to be forced to face the destruction of our planet instead of preserving it for generations to come, just like the many who have given up the fight, due to being beaten down by those who do not know any better. Where are our priorities, our loyalties as fellow human beings… with disease, destruction and disharmony or with health, creation and harmony? After all…one positive action can create a positive reality for us all. YOU/WE are not powerless… we are the power. Help or hinder…everything is a choice, is it not?

I ask all of those who oppose – if it was your child standing up for what they believe in, in a constructive way, would you hold them back… squashing their inner sense of self and all of their hopes, wishes and dreams along with it or would you hold their hand as they rise and make a difference in the world where perhaps you could not? And by doing so…helping them go from strength to strength…becoming all that they are meant to become, through following their passion and purpose… Supporting their growth and let them soar high… in the direction, that is their birthright.

To our spiritual leaders and light workers I would like to say – In Oneness WE ARE the Universe! When we stand together as one… We Will Rise As Creators Of OUR REALITY… OUR UNIVERSE!

The Universe (The Divine living system) requires us to ‘work with it’ in order to reclaim our divinity… significantly transforming our planet in an accelerated motion;

The Universe responds to you not for you and unless you rise… to the occasion, we will all continue to suffer in some form or another as a collective. It is time for us all to take a stand, for the things that truly matter to us, before it is too late. To rise together from within… by being the change we wish to see in the world… standing up for what we believe in… when we do so, we are following our divine path from within and ‘WE’ WILL Make A Difference.

Rise above the wounded ‘ego’ and help others up instead of pulling them down. Honour the light from within; no matter how weak or strong it may be… for while ever there is still a spark of light within each of us there is still hope for something bigger, better and brighter to rise up from the ashes… for all of us.

When we let others down, we are letting ourselves down as well, but ultimately we are letting all living things on earth down… through the ripple effect. When we hurt another, we are hurting ourselves and ultimately we are hurting all life on earth…hurting the very planet that offers you and I… vitality of life! When we become one with all life, we will be able to truly live and we, ourselves will become the Vitality of All Life!

Rise! Be the change you wish to see in the world or step back and get out of the way of those who are trying to make a difference. Speak kindly to and of others always, even if you disagree with what they are saying or doing, for you are the light, so…be the light…from within.


You are the light, so… be the light!

You are love, so…be love!

These two are one in the same and until you/we become one with all living things, you/we are neither, in its purest form.


Love & Blessings
Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2020


What It Really Means To Be Spiritual

When you choose the spiritual path, you are choosing ‘Love.’

When you choose the spiritual path you are choosing to live your life with an open heart.

When you choose the spiritual path, you are choosing to love yourself and to love others; you are choosing to be of service to others and you are choosing to do for others without expecting anything in return, except to be treated with love and respect… maintaining an equal balance within the circle of life – anything less than this way of being will bring to you, many life/soul lessons – all lessons serve your growth, for your greater good. Ultimately your growth serves the greater good of all life on earth and throughout the Universe.

And by choosing the spiritual path, you are choosing to do the ‘inner work’ on yourself in order to grow, each time you dishonor your own ability to heal and grow along this path, the divine is right there by your side, gently guiding you into growth for your highest good and for the highest good of others;

Your willingness and ability to grow and or your unwillingness and inability to grow, significantly increases or decreases the quality of your state of being and that of others – as ‘we are one.’

Ultimately, your growth serves to enhance your quality of life and that of all life throughout the entire Universe. You are in fact an intricate particle in the circle of life, your ‘inner light’ is the ‘spirit of life’ – of all life throughout the cosmos – As One.

To do the inner work on yourself is to do what is often referred to as ‘shadow work’ – to heal the deepest darkest parts of yourself – all that which has been consumed or conveyed from living your life within the state of ego – that which is not of love. To do the inner work is to heal your ‘past’ – to heal all the parts of you that has been wounded through negativity (Ego) The Ego is man’s destructive force on earth as the ego supports a self-based reality and not that of love, love of self is to regain love for all life on earth, changing our way and state of being from self-gain (Ego) to selfless (Love) – Unconditional love!

Put simply – to choose the spiritual path is to choose to release all that is destructive through ego and to return to love, living one’s life with love and become loving creators of our own reality and beyond.

To successful do the inner work on oneself, one must be willing to revisit, revise and relinquish the hold that these negative experiences have on us, for they hold an energetic vibration within our ‘being’ diminishing our quality of life, while ever these negative energetic vibrations live on within your being, they will continue to dim our quality of life and when left unaddressed, causes unnecessary disharmony and disease within our ‘being’ and therefore must be addressed in order to regain optimal health and wellbeing and to bring about grow… becoming all that you are meant to become within love and light – creating all that one desires for self and for the greater good of All, because the spiritual path to self for the greater good of All, is a rewarding one, it rewards us with more abundances, more love and more life – A Greater Quality Of Life.

The Truth Is…

To understand spirituality is to truly understand and know yourself and to understand that to be spiritual is not actually a choice nor a path, it lives within you. Spirituality is not separate from you, it is already a part of you and as you begin to release the ego, you rediscover and reconnect to the spirit within you and your spiritual journey within becomes your new way of being – a way of living life that ultimately creates more ‘life’ on earth and throughout the entire Universe.

Choosing the spiritual path is choosing to ‘Be Love’ – Embodying All That Is Love – Bringing Your True Spirit To Life!

For not only are you spiritual but – You Are The Spirit Of Life!


Many Blessings

Nadine X

Channeling – Higher Works Of Intelligence.


© Nadine Head 2019


Putting aside the heading, this is a channeled blog post – regarding ‘assisted death’ being performed on humans and on other life forms that walk the earth and its dismal effects it has on our planet and throughout the Universe.

I am not posting to challenge or trigger anyone, but in hope to raise awareness. I have no intention of judging or challenging another’s point of view, I can see both sides of the argument but I know without a doubt which side of that argument I am on, knowing what I now know about the spiritual process of birth, life and death, and therefore any negative comments will be ignored or deleted if need be, this post is not up for debate on my site/page but is simply intended to inform and ask people to consider the following.

Please Note: If you know that this subject bothers you, then you have the choice to stop reading right here, however if you do decide to continue reading from hear on, then I ask that you take the time to read it all the way to the end before forming your own judgments.

PS Mission Work can be a tough gig… it’s taken hours of my time to write this, so I would like to thank you for your good graces as I deliver this information by the hand of divine will. This is a deep and meaningful read, so please grab a cuppa and take your time to reading to fully grasp the depth of its content.

Thank you.


Assisted death has been a topic that has reached the headlines of late with Victoria’s legalisation of a Voluntary Assisted Dying Act. With the possibility of other Australian states soon to follow suit, legalised voluntary Assisted Death legislations, are sure to be on our minds.

Legalisation of Assisted Death may seem like one great big win to some, but for many others it is taking a big step backwards and is a sad reality of how far mankind have yet to come before we have all awakened to our ‘soul’s truth’ enough to understand that our experience through birth, life and death on earth can be transform into a far greater and far more gracious state of being than it currently is – if we so wish and it doesn’t have to take hundreds of decades, if fact it can happen with the speed of light if we ALL what it to. That probably sounds all pretty far-fetched to most people, but I assure you it is not out of reach, it is just going to take a little more time than it really needs to – all we have to do is to try.

The process of assisted death may seem harmless and may appear to be somewhat of a blessing to some but from Our higher perspective of awareness we all have access to the All-Knowing Truth from within… from our higher perspective and from that space we are fully aware of the implications to all life through this undignified process and of the importance of experiencing a natural dignified process of birth, life and death under the divine laws of passage, from this higher perspective, our soul is fully aware that the process of assisted death of this nature being performed on any and all life on earth is sacrilegious within the realms of Divine Laws of Love and Light, and that this injustice is damaging in unimaginable ways to the soul in question and to All living souls on earth – having a far reaching effect on all life on earth and of the entire cosmos as, We Are One.

Mankind is currently living with the devastating effects of such acts in our day to day lives and can see the destruction mankind has thrust upon the earth and onto all life that walks the earth, this is more than evident if and when we pay attention to the world around us, to our own state of affairs and that of others – do you honestly believe that we are meant to suffer as we do!? No! We are not and we certainly do not have to… we are all aware of this to some degree and as we become more aware from within, we will come into a greater understanding of the devastating effects of our dishonorable actions unto ourselves and to our planet. While ever a deciding percentage of humans have not yet awakened enough to understand the complications of their actions, our planet and all life on our planet will continue to suffer unnecessarily due to their injustice actions.

This controversial topic/action of assisted death is one of many in the war between good and evil, black and white, opposing sides. Good being mankind’s soul rites of passage through the Divine Laws of Love and Light and evil being mankind’s destructive force to rule the land and all life on earth by lead by ego.

In the big scheme of things this is without a doubt, spiritual warfare. This is a test of wills and to those of you who are aware that Love has won, and what that means at this point in time – we are not out of the darkness yet.

Awakening to our soul’s truth can and will create such a extreme shift on our planet that our lives can be of such that we need not endure suffering of any kind and the process of birth, life and death can and will be a blissful experience for all concerned. Of course this is a process that may or may not take a long period of time to achieve depending on mankind’s willingness or unwillingness to change. The more we awaken and transform our own lives the faster this process can and will take place, you see each and every one of us is a key to unlocking the door to a life of freedom… love and light and we all have the knowledge and wisdom to achieve this if we raise our vibration through self-love and love towards all living things through service – creating a stronger connection as One. Please understand that while each one of us is a key we cannot save our planet single handily, we can and will however save our planet as a collective vibration, not by holding hands or joining forces but by shinning our own light as bright as we can… in this way we are single handily serve the greater good of all from within the realms of the All Knowing Truth and as a collective force of energy rising.

Mankind as a collective and in our current state of awareness (the ego) are essentially weak and continue to destroy all that we touch. Mankind knows not what they do when altering the natural process of their soul’s journey through time and space, from one life to the next through this type of process and transition…for they are also altering our planets ability to remain balanced, here on earth and throughout the cosmos and this has a far greater effect on Your life experience than what it seemingly appears.

If mankind understood who and what each of us truly are – in the big scheme of things, then we would be living a very blissful life here on earth right now – for each and every one of us is a spark of light, our mission on earth is to transform our spark from dim to bright, in turn taking our place within the cosmos and in the balance of all life. When we dim our light we also dim the balance of all life on earth and throughout the cosmos. We must each become a strong shining light if we are to succeed in creating peace, balance and harmony among all life throughout the universe, each of us is an important part of that process. We are ALL a part of this creation as an individual and as a collective – as ONE and if we do not rise above our own personal adversities then we are dimming our/the light that brings us ALL to LIFE as a greater Whole.

When we are operating from a position of ego we are mostly have a single minded approach to life and therefore destructive within our separation… thus being the detachment within ourselves and all other life forms, when we are operating from a position of love we are working towards connection for our greater good and for the greater good of all life – Through Unity of all life… We Are One… one within ourselves and one with all life on earth and throughout the cosmos. Through Oneness We ALL Thrive!

In Oneness we All share the same All-Knowing Truth – All there is to know throughout the entire Universe, past, present and future. From being connected to the All-Knowing Truth from within us we can truly understand who and what We Are and in all of our power as one we come into the knowing that we are all God’s, not God’s as we understand god’s to be, but that we are ALL creators of our own reality in far greater ways than we already know and are all made of God Like Energy – Creative Energy. As One We Are All Working Towards The Same Goal.

The Choice we have in the here and now is quite simply this, do we want to continue to go it alone in all of our ego and live a dismal existence in the creative energies of destruction, disease and disharmony across the land or do we want to rise within ourselves and become ONE with all life… creating peace, balance and harmony in our own lives and throughout the entire Universe – Thus creating Heaven on Earth in Man’s Image. The choice is yours and yours alone to make, however the consequences of Your single decision affects us all and will have far reaching effects long after you are gone.

From our current level of awareness we already have some knowing within us that, We Are Gods, but true Gods do not destroy life, true gods give life, the kind of life that allows us to thrive in all of our glory – as one with all life throughout the cosmos – the ALL KNOWINGSPARK OF LIFE.’

Mankind has the power to create this transformation here on earth, transforming from one state of being to another and this transformation has the potential to take place with the speed of light, if we so wish, we have that Power Within us as a collective energy. The problem is that our light is dim at this point in time, we are not able to fully access the ‘all-knowing truth’ that lives in side of us, this truth is slowly coming to light as we awaken and brighten our own light from within. We do this by becoming the best version of ourselves as possibly, through optimal health and wellbeing – keeping our inner light as bright as can be and through our life purpose. Unfortunately many do not believe this transformation to be possible and do not even try, therefor it is not so, but the more we work on ourselves the more we awaken this truth from within and come to the Knowing that All Is Indeed Possible. We all have the power to help transform the world we live in from darkness to light and we all have the knowledge within us to make this happen in yours and my life time. All we have to do, is to – Try – with consistent aligning actions.

Assisted Death is a prime example of mankind in all of our ego once again playing god without understanding that the true essence of god lives within and from that space we ALL hold the All-Knowing Truth of birth, life and of death as it is meant to be in Love & Light (Not what is has become) guiding us to freedom from an undignified life and death such as assisted death and transforming both the process of life and of death into something much more dignified and profound.

I find this legislation to be very timely with the energies of the Lion’s Gate already emitting upon us and will be fully open on the 8th of August when our planet will be fully immersed in the loving energies that are assisting our awakening and transformation towards ‘Oneness’ at this time.

Taking one’s life into one’s own hands in this way is sacrilege – altering the balance of all the cosmos and at very least to our soul’s process to move freely from one life to the next within the divine laws of passage. In the end, our death creates new life, may that transition be everything that it is MEANT to be – by the divine laws of love and light and may we continue to live on.

I pray that mankind awakens to their soul’s truth before they destroy any more life than we already have on this plane of existence and within other dimensions. When we kill a life of any kind in this way we in turn are contributing to the destruction of our planet and all life on our planet, as we are ONE…. thus creating further imbalance to the entire cosmos.

In our full power – We ALL have the ability to design our own life and our own death by will… from within… by Will of the Heart and we have the power to do this with the greatest of Ease and with Grace…. much more dignified than taking a life by the will of the ego. (no offense intended.)

… ALL souls in their ‘all-knowing truth,’ know and understand that this is true by the light of divine law and therefore would never contemplate death by will of their own hand or another. When a person takes their own life by any means they also take with them a piece of the divine spark of life that makes up the greater whole and we are all effected through the breakdown of molecules, transforming light into darkness – keeping life on our planet in darkness.

As we end this piece on that sad note, please note that I have no intentions of judging those who choose this way of exiting our planet and I ask you to do the same, judgment is a form of darkness that we all must release if we are to succeed.

I would like to Thank You for reading all the way to the end and hope that my words touch some part of your being and gives you the will to live a better life from this day forward, making the end as pleasant as humanly possible for yourself and for the greater good of all life throughout the cosmos.

Choose to ‘Live’ in Order to be Free.


Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine Head

Works Of Higher Intelligence


Image Unknown

© Nadine Head 2019


An Intuitive Spiritual Purification Is Underway.

Important Energy Update – Immediate action is required.

The New Earth Is Awakening…

If you haven’t already felt the change, we have recently had a universal energetic clearing of darkness on our planet and many of you will now be intuitively guided to make significant life changes for purification of body, mind and soul through the process of undergoing a spiritual detox, for what purpose you may ask… well… to help save our planet.

Over the last period of time you may have been getting little nudges from the universe to make specific changes in your way of being, some of you followed through with aligned action and are now reaping the rewards and others of you are still struggling to create these changes in your life and as the saying goes… what we resist, persists – we are now being strongly motivated to create positive action in alignment with the current energies of healing, purification and restoration.

This resent energy shift has cleared a way for bigger and better things to come and in order to benefit to the fullest from these great changes we must now undergo a spiritual purification of body, mind and spirit and many of you will now be guided or be forced to take immediate action. Some will no longer be able to live their life as they now know it and will be graciously forced to seek a new way of being. E.g. If spirit has been nudging you to give up something such as eating meat for example and you have not yet created action in alignment with this intuitive guidance then you may now find yourself feeling ill at the sight or even at the thought of cooking or eating meat. This is the universe graciously enforcing goodwill, for the greater good of all.

Some of these changes may include but are not restricted to the following and may force you to make…

Significant Life Style Changes – moving house or location, change of job, addressing health concerns, discovering your life purpose or fearlessly rise to even greater heights.

Undergoing a dietary detox of some sort – water detox, intermittent dietary detox or making other significant dietary changes.

Chemical detoxification – In body, mind and spirit, home and environment.

Clearing and cleansing one’s life style, home & or environment.

Retreating from the rest of the world to pursue self- mastery – healing and or growth.

Embracing a deeper connection with nature.

Shaving of one’s head.

The practice of celibacy.

Changes in perspective.

For some of you, you will be required to completely change the way you choose to live your life, within alignment with your souls truth… your true heart’s desire.

These changes are intended to bring each and every one of us more into alignment with our soul’s purpose and as one with all life throughout the universe. Restoring peace, balance and harmony to all living things.

Mankind cannot possibly rise in oneness if we do not create right action towards being in alignment with all life… creating oneness.

We must ALL do the work if we want to create real change.

Follow any intuitive guidance and or universal signs you may receive.

Trust that your soul knows the way.

As you make these changes you will be enlightened.

Trust and embrace the process for it will truly liberate us ALL.


Love & Blessings

Nadine X

Channeling – Works of Higher Intelligence.


© Nadine Head 2019



The Divine Speaks – Rise Through Healing.

Dear Sacred Souls,

Listen From Within. You too have this sacred knowledge within your own sacred soul being.

Silence your mind, relax your body, breathe into your spirit and listen from your higher perspective.

Please understand ‘WE’ Can Heal Anything! ANYTHING! As long as you Do Not take it out… Because We Can Not Put It Back In – But WE are not simply going to do all the work for you, we ask that you meet us half way and in doing so, you will know that we will have your back. Work together with us to rise in health and wellbeing and you WILL bear witness to the true power of Divine Love.

We instruct the healing process in all of its natural forms and ask that each and every one of you take action without delay or face the consequences of your own demise. Life doesn’t need to be so dark, let us show you the way towards the light, creating a far more rewarding way of being as an individual and as a collective. Take Action Now to do what is good for you and we promise you, you will ‘reap the rewards of your efforts.’

Let Us Begin.

Healing Comes From Within – Be it Physical Healing, Mental Healing or Spiritual Healing you require – IT CAN BE HEALED! Through Rectification, Detoxification, Purification and through Divine Love and Assistance in all of its forms that make up a whole – Within Divine Oneness.

Acknowledge this… All illness stems from one of two things, man-made toxicities and/or the negative emotions associated to the Ego. Negativity feeds the Ego – Creating Separation and Illness. Positivity feeds the Soul – Creating Connection, Health and wellbeing.

To begin to heal your life you must first address and eliminate the ego – ‘Look Within’ for all that needs your attention and take mediate action. All of your past hurts caused by all that was offensive to you, is what tore down your own sense of self, feeding your ego and weakening your inner foundation – breaking down your self-confidence, your self-esteem, your self-respect and your self-worth – building a wall of fears and insecurities around you – creating blockages that in turn have had a significant effect on your life experiences to date;

By addressing these blockages, forgiving who and what needs forgiveness, you begin to release your past hurts and heal your life, re-building a strong sense of self and creating a stronger inner foundation than ever before – through knowing and honoring your self-worth. The goal here is to heal yourself, transform your life and walk the path towards wholeness, at which point you are more easily, able to Silently ‘Go Within’ to hear your higher-self speak, and follow its lead – Following Your Intuition and any Guidance you may receive, towards what it is YOU need for ‘Greater Health & Wellbeing.’

Healing through the ‘Divine Living System’ – ‘We’ Ask You To Go Within – Reconnect to your Higher-Self – Awaken to Your Sacred Soul Knowing that Mother Nature offers all that Mankind needs to maintain optimal Health & Wellbeing – Your Sacred Soul Knows What It Needs and Knows The CureLISTEN to your body, mind and spirit, TRUST it and follow it’s guidance with unwavering precision and FAITH – Doing whatever it takes for you to heal your wounds and transform your life – Healing Your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Being. ‘WE’ assure you, it can be done regardless of your current state of being.

Healing through ‘Divine Love and Assistance’ – You are required to Believe, Trust and hold your unwavering Faith in this regard and in order to experience ‘miraculous healing’ taking place. ‘We’ have the power to heal in miraculous ways as do you – ‘WE’ are not separate, ‘We Are One’ this knowing also comes from within. Your sacred soul holds The All-Knowing Truth, being consciously aware of this fact and connecting with your higher self and all that is ‘Divine’ will help you to awaken to the All-Knowing Truth from within;

The All-Knowing Truth will reveal to you that in order to heal and transform Planet Earth, you must first heal and transform yourself and every single being on earth can and will make a big difference in the world when they follow this path.


Rise My Sacred Souls! Rise to be all that you are and all that you are meant to become – Transforming Mother Earth & You WILL Live to See Us All Rise to Meet You.

You Are Not Alone, We Are Here, We Are Waiting and We Will Reveal Ourselves When The Time Is Right.

We Are One! – We… Are… Love!


© Nadine Head 2019 – Channeling the Works of Higher Intelligence.

Image by Rumi

Transformation & Manifestation through the Creative Energy of Oneness.


The following channeled information is even more relevant today than it was when I wrote it in 2014 and may be helpful as we move through the month of May 2019… being the month of great manifestation and transformation. It has been slightly amended for easy reading due to the time difference, however the message is the same and is really quite simple.



Channeled By Nadine Head 2014

The following information is a strong and powerful message that has been gifted to mankind due to the current energy shifts taking place at this time and is not to be taken lightly, yet it has been sent with the intent that it is received humbly and has been gifted for the purpose of illumination. Take this gift and make the most of it.

Transformation & Manifestation through the Creative Energy of Oneness.

Nothing is separate, whether it be material, vegetable, mineral, this may surprise or even alarm some of you, however given some thought, you will find a new and refreshing appreciation and understanding for the perplexity of human existence in current times and the manner in which you brew your cup of tea… Lol… I will explain.

While the following revelation may cause some concern, know that all is as it should be and this knowledge brings with it brighter prospects for all life on earth. Mankind and mother earth will now begin to experience change in great proportions, lifting any old thought patterns and processes with profound ease over the next period of time.


We (A source of higher intelligence) do not offer insight without it being in alignment with what one is experiencing during a cellular shift or on a cellular level. Our timing may seem off at times but I assure you it is never out of alignment with each individuals natural rhythmic shift, the Universe is always perfectly aligned, no matter what you may think or feel;

This explains why ‘we’ (shifting to ‘We’ for greater understanding.) often obtain new information that for a few moments in time we find that while on some level we understand it in its entirety… it makes perfect sense to us, then on another level we find ourselves struggling to understand it at all and often dismiss it as not important enough to make sense of in the moment, so we accept it for what it is and move on with our current activities with some inner knowing that we do indeed get it and surprisingly enough, it often never enters our mind again. This is the gap between the human and spiritual existence – ones connection to source. The moment of ones shift from one state to another.
With that said, now let’s talk about tea. Please listen carefully. When you go about brewing your cup of tea, the energy of Your THOUGHTS, SPOKEN WORDS, EMOTIONS and ACTIONS at that precise time are an integrated particle of energy which can be referred to as ‘Active Energy’ – Active Energy is Creative Energy and that Creative Energy is now one with your cup of tea and visa verse, the aromatic properties delight the senses, the sugar, milk and the energy of whatever went into it and whoever handled it prior to you, are all an integrated particle of ‘Active Energy’ – creating your future, effecting your inner health and wellbeing and as a result, effecting your future experiences as an individual and as a collective. Put simply…The Energies you come into contact with, have a great and very personal effect on the kind of life you will experience whilst on earth.

Take a moment to consider this, it can be quite scary ha. Well let’s consider the next step… you drink and absorb into each and every cell of your being all that YOU and or ANOTHER, so perfectly and so imperfectly brewed into YOUR cup of tea. No wonder the world is overrun by disharmony and disease, when many are still ego driven and while mankind – life on earth is essentially out of balance – unstable and unhealthy;

With this knowledge in mind, consider this – each and every one of you is unhealthy on some level or to some degree. No matter how healthy and well balanced you may think you are from your level of understanding, in actual fact, on a cellular level you are indeed unwell, let me explain;

All life on earth in isn’t ‘Current State of Existence’ is unwell… in fact humans are only ‘existing’ on a 5th of what they are capable of. Now take a moment to absorb this statistic, because it is very real and it is only with the above knowledge and understanding that the world and all life on earth and throughout the Universe can heal and become one in its entirety. Trust me – ‘ONE IN ITS ENTIRETY’ is beyond human comprehension, yet is completely achievable in time, with the right components.

Now with this understanding and with the energetic shifts & cellular changes taking place – creating peace, balance and harmony – health and happiness on earth is now within reach.

Remember nothing is separate. Consider the impact of how you brew your cup of tea in all that you do moving forward within the realms of Creative Energy. What YOU create through your energy during this time will have a great effect on you and on your planet, having the potential to greatly benefit you as an individual but will also have a far reaching effect on OUR future (The Universe) as we are connected as one.

NOW WITH ALL OF THIS IN MIND – BE WISE, BE CAREFULLY & BE CREATIVE, WE ARE ALL RELYING ON YOU. YES YOU! For every single one of you can make a difference.

Embody the Energy of Love and align your energy with the change you wish to see in the world.

#WorksofHigherIntelligence – Channeled by Nadine Head 2014


If you would like more information about the past, present and future effects of the ‘energy of oneness’ and how you can access this entirely new energy system to heal and expand your life, delivering your life purpose and reaching your full potential – in turn actively assisting our planets transformation from one state of being (Ego = Separation) to another (Oneness = Connection) then please ask me about my information sessions and activation workshops to assess the Transformative Healing Energy of Oneness for individual and the collectives advancement.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X


©Nadine Head 2019

Image: Signed by The Artist.




YOU hold the Keys within YOU to a Healthier Happier Planet.

YOUR sacred soul body has the ability to tell YOU what it needs and wants just as it has the ability to tell YOU what it does not need or want in order to maintain inner health and well-being and it is THE GREATEST GUIDE that you will ever encounter in order for you to heal YOUR own life and to maintain greater health and well-being for years to come… for yourself and for planet earth. All YOU have to do, is to listen to what your sacred soul body is telling you and respond accordingly – with re-aligning action. For through YOUR sacred love of self, YOUR inner health & wellbeing energetically Transforms the World.

Your body is speaking to you every moment of every day through how you feel mentally, physically and emotionally (Spiritually)

When you do not listen to what your sacred body is telling you, it will present you with an undesirable response to get your attention, through signs of Imbalance, Illness, and Disease, Discontent and Disharmony – requesting that you listen and take correct action promptly to rectify the problem. If you ignore these signs, the signs and symptoms increase until at which point they immobilizes you, demanding your full attention and immediate action to regain inner health & wellbeing. In some cases, connection through stillness maybe required to receive a correct diagnosis from your higher self.

As your sacred soul body tells you what it needs, it will also guide you towards greater health and wellbeing through what makes you feel good – if something has a positive effect on your inner health and wellbeing, making you feel good, it is your sacred bodies way of guiding you to towards what is meant for you and whatever does not make you feel good, is not meant for you.

The Divine Living System that we have the privilege of being a part of here on earth, offers all that mankind needs in order to maintain optimal health and wellbeing. Every single natural element provides vitality of life, from the tiniest animal, vegetable, mineral and natural element, to the largest, and as a whole – sustains All Life. Mankind’s Connection to that living system is paramount in restoring peace, balance and harmony and can be achieved by embracing and embodying our own soul’s unique connection in alignment with that divine living system.

When mankind realigns and maintains our connection in alignment with that divine living system, all that is divine comes back into balance, changing and realigning our natural state of being. Obtaining and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing within Divine Order – Restores Divine Order through the ripple effect. The further away from that divine connection mankind gets within themselves and as a whole the less desirable experiences mankind encounters as an individual and as a whole – having a devastating effect on all living things.

Each and every single person themselves ‘Are a Key’ element that unlocks the doorways to an ecological system that thrives on connection, OUR CONNECTION – bringing all life back into balance, as one through love and light.

Our action to truly LIVE in alignment with The Divine Living System creates more LIFE and the NATURAL CYCLES OF LIFE takes care of the rest, from within a transformed state of being.

Our ‘Sacred Soul Being’ in health and wellbeing holds the ‘All Knowing Truth’ – within each of us – guiding the way forward and beyond. Without YOUR inner Health & Wellbeing, All Life on Earth will continue to suffer.

Be the Change You Want To See In the World & the World Will Transform. YOU have the power to transform the world through your own inner source of creation. Create a better you, creating a better way of life on earth.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2019

Image by Summer Rae © 2016

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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