Divine Judgement

“To Judge or not to Judge”
We are all at different stages of awakening on our soul’s journey at any given time and understandably as one begins to further awaken, there can be some residual confusion surrounding the topic of conditioning, either our own or another’s.
The conditioned belief that all judgment is negative and un-just, in truth is somewhat untruth. In truth, judgment is a useful tool to the awakening soul finding their way back to self-love. Any judgment made with absolute Truth and Integrity, is in fact just and true. Anything just and true is so by and within Divine Law.
There will be times in the awakened souls life that ‘Letting Go’ will indeed be a more appropriate action to take however during the process of transformation from the state of being conditioned to the state of discovering one’s own truth and releasing our conditioned patterning – constructive and loving self-judgment and judgment of others is most appropriate – for true change requires a correct course of action that can only be made by means of constructive and loving judgment.
Passing judgment verses being judgmental = Love verses Hate (Ego)
Being Judgmental is different to and then making a judgment of a situation, person, place or thing for constructive analysis with some sort of positive or peaceful resolution to the situation in mind, either for oneself and or any other involved.
Breaking another person down with devaluing comments however great or small is unattractive to say the very least and is the language of ego. When you are being judgmental towards another person it is and always will be a much bigger statement about you then it will ever be about them and will bring to you and you alone, a karmic effect. What you put out, through love or through ego always comes back to you at some stage throughout your life, either in one form or another.
Rule of thumb – If you cannot say anything nice, do not say anything at all.
If a situation needs addressing for the betterment of yourself and or another – always find time to address it ASAP through appropriate communication with absolute TRUTH & INTEGRITY. Letting it go, will only keep the cycle in progress for either or both parties – what we resist persists. If we want a better life for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the planet as a whole we must first address in one way or another, all that needs to change. ‘letting it go’ isn’t always the best action to take, however there are times that ‘letting go’ is the appropriate action to take and for the awakened soul, this will over time become a way of being as one begins to live a life of Divine Love.
Living a love based life starts from within, love thy-self first and ‘embody love’ in all that you do – Eradicating any judgmental thoughts, words and actions for the greater good of all. Self –resolve offers greater peace, balance and harmony to the individual and as a result to the world as a whole through a rippled effect. Divine Judgment offers Divine Love.
Be Loving in your constructive judgments and you will indeed become love itself.
Many Blessings
Nadine X
Top Image by – Widener University
© Nadine Head 2019
Sacred Soul Sex ~ The Embodiment Of Divine Love.

‘Never sleep with a man or woman you wouldn’t want to be.’ This statement changed my life.
All men and women would benefit from reawakening to the knowing of how sacred our bodies are and that the true meaning of sacred sex starts with self-mastery.
If we are to open our hearts up to truly feel, to give and to receive divine love then we must honor our own sacred being and choose wisely who we allow to enter our body, mind and soul.
During intercourse, we inherit each other’s energy not just through vibrational energy within our body, mind and spirit, but through the transfer of ‘liquid energy’ through the transfer of DNA and then we transfer all of our combined energies onto our offspring. This is the case for both men and women, however it is not just the energies of these two beings that is transferred, but that of all previous sexual partners, being held in the very fibers of your being. With every sexual partner you sleep with, there is an exchange of energy, our body mind and soul holds that energy for the rest of our lives or until the body, mind and soul undergoes purification through self-mastery… the becoming, a being of divine light.
When two become one through intercourse they are merging their energies together, and one literally becomes the other. This can be seen in very subtle ways… through slight physical changes as well as through our emotional bodies, thought patterns and processes.
Without achieving self-mastery prior to engaging in intercourse… often result in confusion or other negative vibrational energies creating imbalances within our own being and within the connection or union, due to the imbalances within each other being transferred through energy.
Mankind lost their soul’s knowing of this truth long ago through ego, but through embracing love, mankind is releasing ego and awakening to their soul’s truth and beginning to embrace love within themselves and within their connections, creating positive changes, awakening from within so that we can return to our soul’s true knowing of all things sacred and through our sacred soul unions we will transform our planet and know the true meaning of Oneness.
Twin Souls are an energetic match on all levels in body mind and spirit once in the awakened state, this may not become apparent to them until they have done the inner work to heal and become whole within themselves… allowing them to come together in a harmonious union. There are many different signs that show them that they are an energetic vibrational match as they come into a harmonious union. Their energetic vibration and liquid energy are a match with each other, and in separation these energies help bring them into union, guiding them both into ‘the merging of the souls’ as they become one and learn the true meaning of Oneness.
Twin Souls serve as a guide to all of mankind, leading the way towards self-mastery, sacred soul union and sacred soul purpose, rising in divine love and light as they become one in union and with all that is Truly Divine.
Be of service through the energy you embody and emit, transforming our planet from within.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2019
Saying Goodbye to 2018

Hi All,
As I prepare to leave 2018 behind and move into a whole new year I find myself reflecting back on the last year, and what a year it was! For me 2018 was a year of overcoming grief… heartbreak, deep sadness and loss. Letting Go, and of rising above past hurts and life patterns that no longer serve me in a positive light.
It’s been a year of soul searching on a deeper level than ever before, regaining inner strength and diving deeper into my inner healing and growth. I guess you could say is been a year of Self Discovery at a much deeper level than I could ever imagine possible.
As I say goodbye to 2018 I find myself giving thanks for the lessons I have received as well as any personal achievements I have experienced, and as I reflect I acknowledge that while I have not necessarily achieved all that I set out to achieve in 2018, I have certainly received all that I was meant to achieve for my souls growth throughout 2018. For me this was a year of diving deeper into my soul’s truth, my divine feminine presents and divine connection. For that I am eternally grateful.
I would like to invite you to take a few moments now to be still, reflect on the year that was and to give thanks for all the blessings you have received through all that you have experienced great and small and all that has been gained through all of the trials and tribulations, as well as all that has been gifted to you in time of ease and grace… all that aligns you with your souls truth, and all that has been gained by a new way of being that is unfolding within you.
All acknowledgments… struggles and achievements are invaluable and certainly worthy of your awareness and gratitude, playing an integral part of your soul’s journey… in shaping you into the person you are today and all that you will become in the future.
Give thanks for the past, releasing all that no longer serves you and celebrating all that has shaped you.
Consciously move towards all that 2019 has in store for you with peace, love and joy in your heart.
Many Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018
The Return of Chivalry

Chivalry – A code of noble conduct. Showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles.
The ‘Divine Masculine’ travels the road to Godliness. Along his path he grows from all that he encounters and strives to become truly great though truth and of great service. He knows that this is his divine right and that claiming his own true sense of divinity derives from his awakened soul. By balancing the masculine and feminine energies within himself he can truly become whole.
Through his awakening the Divine Masculine knows his own worth and awakens to a deeper sense of his ‘divine masculinity’ He awakens to the all-knowing truth of who he is as a ‘Divine Being’ and what his true purpose is through service, nobility and spirituality and, through this, he awakens to the all-knowing truth of all life on earth and throughout the galaxy.
It is through the Divine Masculines awakening that he becomes aware that the ‘Divine Feminine’ is worthy of his vulnerability and of his truth, she is worthy of him as a whole and that she is the driving force behind his rise to Godliness by raising his sense of self up to great heights through her tenderness, her embodiment and her love. Through her own divinity she becomes his muse.
The Divine Feminine knows that in order for two to become one, they must each first learn their place in the world and in each other’s lives. They must each first embody the love they have for each other and they must maintain their strength and place through honor and respect for one another. To do this they must first know their own worth. The Divine Feminine knows that it is from this place within themselves where they can truly become one. She understands that this is where the Divine Masculine can live his life in complete truth and bring forth his ‘divine right’ to be truly chivalrous, to stand justly proud of who he is and all that he has achieved through the often difficult journey he has travelled to discover his own worth and nobility.
The Divine Masculine knows that when he stands in his ‘divine power’ he is where he needs to be for the greater good of all life on earth. Through his divinity he is truly great and is free to rule his kingdom through the embodiment of all that is Love. With his Queen by his side, they will rise above adversity and do many great things!
Chivalry has its place in this process, assisting the Divine Masculine to embody all that is love, all that is divine! The Divine Masculine knows that through chivalry, he assists his Divine Feminine to become all that she is meant to be within their sacred union where two become one!
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018
‘Letting Go’ and ‘Creating Action’
The energies we are currently experiencing are designed to help us through one last significant transformation before we step into 2019 and will affect us all, to varying degrees, having a significant effect in the coming years ahead.
These energies are assisting you, offering you the inner strength to stand in your own power with love, to mentally, physically and spiritually back yourself by ‘Letting Go’ of all that is not serving you in a positive light and to create action in alignment with your new found freedom. They are moving you towards any guidance/insights you may receive at this time… showing you the way forward.
Now is the time to ‘Action your truth’! If it/they are not serving you in a positive light, it/they have to go! The reason why this is so important to your growth is because it will set you free from restrictions. The deeper you dive into these energies at this time and implement action, in alignment with your souls true desires, the more likely you are to progress moving into 2019.
In many cases this transformation has the potential to have ‘significant life changing effects,’ propelling one forward with great success and bringing great rewards in the near and/or distant future.
This is a time to go within, get in tune with your natural rhythm and follow your intuition to the letter. Know that if you are being guided to go somewhere or do something, it has a greater purpose. Do not try to figure out that purpose but simply follow your inner guidance with an open mind and an open heart, allowing yourself to receive without necessarily knowing what it is you are receiving. Just be happy to do whatever you are guided to do, knowing it is for your highest good… do not look for an outcome.
At this time you may be struggling to sleep or even find yourself lying wide awake at night. This phenomenon is a gift from the heavens, offering you the gift of connection in solitude and stillness. This often happens when we are not ‘listening’ during our waking hours; it is the universes way of getting our attention and offering guidance.
While you are sleeping you are in a very relaxed state. You are most receptive while in ‘stillness’ and less likely to be distracted by others and or external activity so that this is the most opportune time for source to get your attention. But they can only do so much. You must recognise the opportunity and take action to respond and connect, knowing that you will also be gifted the energy you require to get through the following day as a reward for your undivided attention and co-operation. So if you are lying awake in the middle of the night, know that this is a time to go within and ask for guidance and, by doing so, you will receive guidance towards alignment – everything that is meant for you in this lifetime. All you have to do is to be open to receive and follow any guidance, even if it means you follow by taking little steps forward or to that which you are guided towards.
Other actions that will assist you at this time include:
- Practice mindfulness.
- Get out in nature and connect! Use the natural elements for health and healing.
- Meditate or do some other activity that brings you back to stillness and connection.
- Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of good quality water. Many will be guided to ‘detox’ at this time.
- Exercise – move your body!
- Take Action – Follow any guidance you receive to make healthy changes within your life.
- Address anything or anyone that offends you, with truth and integrity.
- Live in the moment. Be fully present and aware in each and every moment. Take the positives and let go of the negatives, then move on to the next moment.
- Take time to contemplate and create action in alignment with your true desires.
- Choose to feel joy over worry and stress.
- Embrace all that makes your heart sing.
- Be authentically you!
Breathe! Practice mindful breathe work.
Live, Laugh & Love.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018
Inner Balance Helps Create Unity.

We are in the midst of a Divine Spiritual Revolution that is about to awaken the world in unimaginable, mysterious and magical ways more than ever before, shining more light on that which has been hidden or posing as mysterious up until now, many of you have been experiencing the unfolding of these mysterious occurrences and or connections leading up to this point and or will experience new and exciting universal/cosmic connections and awakenings over the coming months/years.
Many will experience a conscious awakening or awareness like non-other, awakening you to deeper soul connection through your divinity… in preparation for the transformation of mankind and of our planet towards Oneness, in many cases what has been lurking in the shadows within and surrounding you on various levels including misunderstood and or unexplained divine/cosmic connections will soon be coming to light… intended to offer you, assistance on your personal journey towards one’s own divinity, towards the union of souls and towards Oneness… raising your vibration from within to align you with all that is divine. Open your heart to receive on all levels of existence. These occurrences are gifted to you now to assist your journey towards Oneness with all that is divine, and significant changes will follow.
Many will discover their life purpose and or make significant advancements in their lives at this time, some may find true love, many will re-unite with their Twin Soul and begin the journey to deliver their Twin Souls divine purpose and many will simply see more of the truth that surrounds them and act accordingly to eliminate any negatives and rise towards true greatness. Many will awaken a part of themselves that has been asleep and many will awaken a deeper spiritual connection to all that is divine, shining a light on the mysteries of the universe. Regardless of where you are at on this part of the journey, you play a very significant role in the awakening of mankind and of planet earth and no one’s journey is greater or more superior than another’s in this process, we are all equal.
What you can do to assist this process…
Relax, breath, practice patience and allowing nature to take its course, following any divine guidance you may receive… creating positive action towards all that is divine within you and surround you… living within alignment with your soul’s truth… If you believe something to be right, then say it and action it, without fear… If you don’t, nothing will ever change.
Know that whatever may appear to be a falling tower moment, is in fact a rebirth and all is going smoothly and in alignment with your Divine Plan, so… Trust The Process – learn, grow, accept and follow any Universal or Cosmic guidance or connections you may receive without a second thought… know and trust that you are protected and embrace all that comes to you with ease and grace… and where love is felt.
No one knows you path better than you, no one will experience life in exactly the same way as you, and you must trust yourself in order to trust your own divine connections and guidance.
Embody Love and All Will Work Out as Intended By Divine Law, Divine Guidance and Divine Timing.
You alone hold the key to unlocking your true identity as a divine being and all the mysteries of the universe… by embracing all that is divine from within and surrounding you… embodying all that is love. No one else can do it for you and no one else has the power to take it from you, all that is divine, is your guide…
Be guided…
To evolve…
Creating the New Earth.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018
Twin Souls In Separation – We Journey Together.

Just when you think you are holding space for each other, think again! A deeper level of understanding appears.
Amongst my pain and mourning I believed I was holding space for my DM to travel his own journey back home to me, when I became overwhelmed with the emotions of confusion and frustration with the entire process, it simply wasn’t playing out in a justly manner which tested my faith beyond measure and ultimately lead me back towards unconditional spiritual love, I was all up in my head for a very long time, unable to remain centred nor trust the process and of course you guest it, I pushed him away. We are a reflection of each other’s emotions, bouncing back and forth, the push pull of our energetic connection intensified, however the more I/we resisted the process the deeper our connection becomes from deep within, from the soul… unfamiliar to the dying ego, where new and exciting levels of truth are revealed. I feel like I have been on a roller coaster ride of emotions, but can now understand and appreciate the journey I/we have taken as a necessary one.
It was at that moment everything shifted for me, he had perhaps unknowingly allowed enough space between us for me to rise once more… starting my journey back home to myself, which lead me to write this blog post… ‘We Journey Together,’ every time I think I have some level of understand of this concept, it takes me to a deeper level of understanding beyond my imagination and our Souls Unconditional Love for each other rises to the surface to reveal more of myself and of my TF and it is not what I have ever imagined it to be… a rocky journey back to one’s self and back to love, simultaneously bound to the energy that flows between us with in the realms of Unconditional Love for all eternity, together or apart, chipping away at all that separates us from union.
My own personal TF journey to date has brought some light to this process but not before I travelled the darkest corners of my soul, where my/our past hurts had me/us trapped in a cycle of karmic relationships and conditioned belief systems, which clouded my own perception of my Twin Flame and of course his perception of me.
What I would like the Divine Feminine to know about this part of the process is that the Divine Masculine is ‘trying’ to understand the connection.
Many DM’s know that they cannot or do not have the deep soul connection with their karmic/s that they truly desire or that they have with you, no matter how nice the Karmic may seem, it is just simply is not possible.
Many DM’s do not fully understand their connection with you at this point in time and are working hard at trying to understand the connection. Many have already awakened to the connection and are doing their best to release themselves from any karmic/s or current circumstances holding them back from moving towards you and their for are juggling their karmic and you – their Divine Feminine. Many are seemingly distancing themselves or walking away from you in order to get their affairs in order or in an attempt to discover their true feelings, regardless of the DM’s circumstances, this is a time for the DF’s to take the time to heal, to reaffirm one’s own truth and to realign with your divinity.
Practice patience and gentleness with one’s self and with your DM, allowing nature to take its course, for a timely and successful reunion.
Trust your intuition above all else.
Regardless of external appearances, trust that they will travel the journey that they themselves must travel, back to unconditional love and back to you divine feminine and until then, trust that the journey you both take is one that will serve your Divine Union, which is well worth waiting for.
Divine Masculine’s trust your intuition above all else, it is your soul leading the way forward and towards unconditional love, leading you to your Divine Feminine, to union and to oneness, this is where you belong, this is your destiny and this is where you will thrive;
Take your time… by divine law, with divine guidance and within divine timing. Take action when and where needed. Be gentle and kind with yourself and trust the process. Trust it will all work out for your highest good for that is your divine plan.
Twin Souls, union requires growth and healing, ‘letting go’ of all ego, all conditioning – preconceived ideas, preempting, all judgments and all that tears each other down, all that separates us from our souls truth and from our Divine Counterpart. Your energies, thoughts, feelings and actions effect the other, so act accordingly, in your best interest.
When you strive for peace, balance and harmony in all that you are and all that you do, you will find happiness, you will find all that you desire in body, mind and spirit.
You will discover the truth! And that is something to be Joyous about in the here and now and last but not least… Joyfulness assists union.
Love & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018
Twin Soul’s – True Power Lies Within Union.

Twin Souls Are One!
As individuals, a Twin Souls journey through life has a significant impact on each other whether they are in separation or in union. Shifts and experiences in one twin’s life can be energetically felt by the other and vice versa, having an effect on many different levels and whether they are consciously aware of it or not, they are always connected as one and they impact each other’s lives through the energetic threads that hold them together. Their life experiences from childhood right through to the present has an effect on each other and the way they journey through life as individuals… reawakening them to their Twin Soul connection, ultimately guiding them both back to Love.
In separation – ‘resistance’ creates illusion, disconnection and disempowerment within one’s self and within each other to varying degrees… unrequited love. This is a time of healing and growth.
In union – ‘acceptance’ creates dis-illusion, connection and empowerment… requited love. This is a time of expansion and greatness.
Whether in separation or union, these two individuals energetically impact on each other’s lives for the greater good of their ‘soul union’ their experiences and life lessons forever guiding them back towards ‘unconditional love’ for themselves and for each other. The Power Lies within… Union!
The Twin Souls journey towards a loving union requires each one to release all ego from within… all that holds them in separation, to heal their past and to become fulfilled, to become whole within themselves, where a ‘harmonious union’ can be reached and their journey to greatness begins.
With love… In expansion of their union, Twin Souls become truly great, complimenting each other perfectly, aligned to their soul’s purpose and full potential, through the expression of love for each other they are illuminated, together they are more powerful and magnetically draw towards them all that is available to them in this life time through the embodiment of Love and Light. True power lies within Union…
For We Are One!
Written by Nadine Head
© Nadine Head 2018
Twin Soul Alignment Through Unconditional Love

Unconditional Self Love Brings Twin Souls Into Alignment…
Coming back into balance with each other; destined to come together as one… embodying the vibration of unconditional love.
Creating Alignment… unconditional love for another begins from within.
Your Twin Soul is reflecting back at you what needs healing within yourself, your childhood or past hurts show up in whatever triggers or engulfs you, be it with your Twin Soul or any other person, place or thing, your past hurts show up for healing and releasing, so that you can move into alignment with all the magnificent things that are truly meant for you in this life time through the embodiment of love.
While ever one or both twin souls are experiencing any sort of resistance within themselves or with the other, they are ultimately in resistance to a harmonious re-union/union, this is due to the resistance within themselves to heal their own past hurts and therefore will continue to relive any recurring cycles of disharmony, discontent and disconnection within themselves and as a result, continue to be in disharmony and disconnect with the other (Each other)
Coming back to one’s self and healing one’s self of all past hurts, re-activates unconditional love for one’s self and brings twin souls back into alignment… peace, balance and a harmonious union… embodying the vibration of unconditional love as one, within their own connection and for all of mankind.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2018