Psychic Medium Channeler

Twin Soul Alignment Through Unconditional Love

Unconditional Self Love Brings Twin Souls Into Alignment…

Coming back into balance with each other; destined to come together as one… embodying the vibration of unconditional love.

Creating Alignment… unconditional love for another begins from within.

Your Twin Soul is reflecting back at you what needs healing within yourself, your childhood or past hurts show up in whatever triggers or engulfs you, be it with your Twin Soul or any other person, place or thing, your past hurts show up for healing and releasing, so that you can move into alignment with all the magnificent things that are truly meant for you in this life time through the embodiment of love.

While ever one or both twin souls are experiencing any sort of resistance within themselves or with the other, they are ultimately in resistance to a harmonious re-union/union, this is due to the resistance within themselves to heal their own past hurts and therefore will continue to relive any recurring cycles of disharmony, discontent and disconnection within themselves and as a result, continue to be in disharmony and disconnect with the other (Each other)

Coming back to one’s self and healing one’s self of all past hurts, re-activates unconditional love for one’s self and brings twin souls back into alignment… peace, balance and a harmonious union… embodying the vibration of unconditional love as one, within their own connection and for all of mankind.



Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2018

The Universe Is Responding To You!

All Life… The Divine Living System that surrounds us… the ‘Universe’ is responding to you and your personal energy, what you are feeling on the inside determines your future experiences and when you take time to acknowledge the Divine Living System it responds to your vibrational song.

When you shift your energy to a higher vibration e.g. from sadness to joy, the Universe responds to Your joy and offers You more joyful experiences in the future, on the flip side, if you are sitting in negative emotions you will receive more negative experiences in the future, in order for you to learn and grow towards more Joy… Love and Light!

These negative experiences are intended to show you what is working and what isn’t working in your life, by what you feel from within… leading each and every one of us back towards living from a space of love.

So next time you are feeling low, ask yourself why… what is making you feel this way, ask yourself what is this trying to teach me, once you can determine what it is that you need to take from the experience you are able to create the positive changes that are needed for your growth, through creating more positive thought processes or actions and by choosing to feel more Joy and Happiness, by focusing on the positives in your life and letting go of any negatives, people, places or things that no longer serve you in a positive light, moving towards living life from a greater space of love… experiencing more of the wonders and magic that life has to offer in response to you and your inner peace, balance and happiness.


Nadine X

Image Unknown

© Nadine Head 2018



We All Desire & Require Connection in order to help obtain a greater sense of Wholeness within ourselves and with others. I’m not talking about the need or longing for connection through co-dependency… ‘Ego’… for personal satisfaction or gain, No! I am referring to the embodiment of Love in order to achieve a deeper Connection within ourselves and towards achieving wholeness.

A Happy, Healthy ‘CONNECTION’ is what happens when we open our Heart and Mind to the expansion of the interconnection within body, mind and spirit within and between ourselves and another being, place or thing.

Connection alone does not create happy, health correspondence, love creates happy, healthy correspondence.

Self-Love creates inner peace, balance and harmony, the embodiment of love creates a deeper sense of wholeness within ourselves and with all of our other connections.

Through the living embodiment of Love and Vitality we begin to embody our Soul’s Truth… our true essence, and it begins to manifest more rapidly, creating alignment with ‘All That Is’ and all that is meant for us through connection, and through wholeness.

What we resists persists perpetually, nothing changes until we make a deeper ‘Connection’ within ourselves and with others and we create the changes from within that we wish to see in the world… Our World!

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Embody Love and Embrace Connection… creating a deeper sense of wholeness within your life… a prerequisite of Oneness.


Nadine X


Image Unknown

© Nadine Head 2018


Divine Messengers of Oneness – Restoring Peace, Balance & Harmony.

My message is clear and delivered with Love by the Divine Collective.

Ego! Be rules by it or rise above it and become all that you are in love and light of your soul truth in Oneness!

There are many false claims being made at this time among your communities in lure of self-preservation and external desires such as greed and even misunderstanding through a false perception or what is being felt on some level but misinterpreted, one of which is that channeled healing energies such as Reiki, Seichim, Pellowah and the likes in their current state are an integrated link of the Energy of Oneness, this is false information, one that of which WE wish to rectify. This type of false information is perceived to be true through ego… a form of self-sabotage… this is not who WE are, it is what you have become through all that separates US through ego. Dive deep into your soul for the truth.

Moving beyond the state of ego, is a transformative process that requires each individual to journey within, to seek the truth of who We are and why You are here, the truth of Our past, present and future as light beings, walking the earth, making the journey back to Oneness and all that Oneness has to offer.

We ask you… have you been fooled by false or misleading information, false claims by false prophets? Ask yourself what was the source of your knowledge and belief or understanding of that knowledge, where did they get this information, is it true? Do you know it to be true from within your soul being or is it something you believed to be true because it sounds good or your source is well known, well followed, well researched or came to you highly recommended? Or it appears to resonate… or does it? Did you feel deep into this information before accepting it or just beneath the surface where there is the illusion of truth… where the question lies… is this my soul knowing? My soul truth!

The Divine Living System asks you to look deeper into your soul for the answers, this is the only way to know for sure if what you are acquiring through new information, knowledge and understanding of it, is in fact your soul truth. We ask you to learn by leaning into new intake and to lean into Oneness for the truth of who you/we are, past, present and future… light beings of Divine Oneness that connects us all in truth of the entire Universe. We ask you to look within, seek your soul truth. We ask you, not to seek oneness but to be oneness! Be one, from within and with all that surrounds you, there lies all truth throughout all the galaxies.

The Divine, asks that mankind seeks this truth from within so that all life on earth may be restored to its former glory, rising from the ashes of ego, victoriously! Now is the time… the Divine wishes mankind to understand that Channeled Energy was gifted to mankind to assist mankind through the state of ego consciousness, before coming full circle, back to love and light of who You/We are, reinstating the Energy of Oneness! This prerequisite is incomplete, mankind is required to go forward and earn the energy of oneness back, in its full and truest form in order to become complete as an individual and as One with all life on earth and throughout the entire universe, this transformation can only be reached by looking within and embodying Oneness and will take as long or as little a period of time to transpire as mankind takes to find his/her own soul truth and embody that truth. This process has the potential to take place instantaneously if mankind surrenders one’s self, releasing all one knows to be true from the state of ego to this process and embraces ones soul truth of oneness, however we do not anticipate this due to the remnants of ego that currently remains active, however this process can and will indeed accelerate with the surrender of channelled energy.

All Universal channeled energy is becoming one energy however until mankind releases it back to the Divine Energy System, it remains a separate energy to Oneness and continues to hold mankind back from embodying Oneness in its entirety. Mankind is being asked to LET GO of channeled energies for transmutation and embrace the energy of oneness, allowing channeled energy to be transformed to its original state and return to oneness. Do not be fooled by thinking they are one in the same, they are not and once released back to the Universe all will be as One… as Intended and mankind will be free from these types of separating energies, this was always Our intention and was designed within Divine Law.

Do not be fooled by the ego into resisting this process for you only force great resistance upon yourself and your planet towards growth and expansion of all that you are and all that you can be. WE applaud mankind for your efforts in reinstating the energy of Oneness with the assistance of channeled energy however now more than ever WE must step in and assist forward motion to insure a successful outcome for the greater good of All Life on earth and throughout the entire Universe. We must show you the way and if met with resistance we have no other option than to force you into growth, through your experiences, as relentless as that may be, it must be done to ensure success, this is your soul truth and you agreed to this process before you entered this world.

This process is emanate, but relies on mankind’s willingness to surrender all channeled energy for the greater good of all life on earth and embody the energy of Oneness. A new Energy Healing System awaits you in Oneness, and has gifted mankind with the new and improve healing energy of Oneness which is already being practiced by a select few and will in time become common knowledge.

We implore mankind to ‘Let Go’ of what you have perceived to be true through separating forces and discover the truth within your own heart, your soul knows the way. Choose carefully the source of your acquired information through your inner knowing, world prophets have been chosen and will now lead with Divine Assistance, feel into their guidance, find those you resonate with from a deep soul understanding/knowing and hold light within your hearts as one. The more you seek this truth outside of yourself the further away you get from your soul truth, breathe, relax, feel into your soul truth and be guided towards the truth of All That IS from your own knowing.

This too will save you from yourself.


We Are With You Always. Walk In Our Footsteps, We Will Lead the Way, Now & Always!

Divine Messengers of Oneness.


Channeled by Nadine Head – In Services of Oneness:

Offering Channeled Information Sessions within Australia with regards to the past, present and future State of The Energy of Oneness, The Healing Energy of Oneness and Twin Souls in Oneness as well as Performing Activation Workshops – Activating the Transformative Healing Energy of Oneness for Self-Expansion of Oneness… Leading Mankind towards Achieving Oneness to its fullest sooner than later.

For more information & Bookings please make contact directly through this site.


© Nadine Head 2018

Easter Sunday Profound Revelation Channeled Update



The following statement is a direct message from source and may surprise, trigger or even shock you;


Ask that you sit with this information for a while, and feel into it before passing judgment.

Breathe, Allow Stillness… Listen to your Inner Guide…

Your soul knows this truth!


Dear Earth Souls

The reinstatement of oneness is incomplete, mankind must embody oneness, before planet earth can thrive in complete oneness… the creation of heaven on earth.

 Please understand that what I am about to deliver is Your Truth, Our Truth, and it is All Truth!

3D Energies (external energies) healing energies, grounding, balancing and manifestation energies used throughout the state of Ego, ‘3D awareness’ were gifted to mankind to assist mankind through the state of Ego, with the intention to help bring mankind through the state of ego and to this point… the reinstatement of Oneness… the awareness of a new and improved ‘Energy System’… creating peace, balance and harmony…indicative of Love and Wholeness… In Light of Oneness! This process is incomplete and remains so while ever mankind resists the embodiment of Oneness… your soul’s truth.

While the reinstatement of oneness is an entirely different ‘Energy System’ than external/channeled energies in their current state, these energies derived and are destined to return to Oneness; this transition is dictated by Mankind’s ability to surrender and embrace this transformation from one state of being to another… releasing all that one knows to be true to date within the ego state of existence, thus based on a false truth of all Life on Earth and throughout the Universe, inclusive of Channeled Universal Healing Energies.

Now the time has come for all life to reconnect in ‘Divine Oneness,’ in order for this to happen, mankind must surrender to this process.

Many Great Energy Healers are aware of this Truth and have already made the transition,

from using channeled energy to, embodying the Energy of Oneness.

Please understand that these energies are not one in the same.

The Divine speaks to your soul and requests your audience



Your soul’s heart vibration is your guide to wholeness, this prerequisite is incomplete

Twin Souls,

Your hearts beat as one, your soul’s heart vibration is your guide to wholeness, and this prerequisite is incomplete

Return to and go within yourself for the answers you seek. I, Thy Mother (All that is Divine) calls you home, connect and expand your energies in love and light as one with the Divine, allowing thee to guide you, to embody the divine energy of oneness for healing, grounding, re-balancing and manifesting your ‘Divine Truth’.

Release the remnants of ego… all that separates us and embody Oneness.

The Divine asks that mankind refrain from using ‘3D’ energy practices and release them back into the Universe for transmutation as originally intended. The continuation and use of 3D Energy Forces in their current form, is holding mankind back from moving forward, in the expansion of oneself, and of the world as one. Now is the time to merge with the energy of oneness… expand your own energies out into the universe, and deep into the earth as one…breathe and connect as one… invoking profound energies of Oneness… assisting in lifting the anchoring effects of the 3D experience of external energies from the earth’s plane for transmutation… replenishing and expanding the earths energies… awakening mankind, for further expansion.

We understand this revelation is difficult to fathom and that it will take some time for mankind to adjust, however the transitional process we outline, from one state of being to another is inevitable and mankind must learn these new processes… in alignment with oneness. Holding 3D energies in action creates resistance towards Wholeness and Oneness, lengthening the transitional process for all life on earth. If you do not believe us, look within yourself and consciously move into the energy of oneness by connection to the ‘Divine Living System,’ allowing your heart connection to bring this truth to your awareness, for the continued use of these energies is ones resistance to Let Go of all that one knows to be true within the 3D plane, thus the remanence of ego, these energies will be transmuted into oneness once released from the earthly plane and mankind will be guided to embody Oneness.

Not everything is as it seems, channeled energies have been exploited.

The Divine asks mankind to release external channeled energies from our energy practices and move into the embodiment of ‘Oneness for expansion’ for the greater good of all life on earth and throughout the Universe as one. External energies have served a purpose and offered a great service as mankind journeyed through the ‘Ego State’ of consciousness. Now is the time to understand and come to accept this process, releasing external energies to the universe for transmutation and to embrace the embodiment of Oneness in truth of its entirety. Oneness is a practice that must be mastered within oneself before it is Complete… serving as one nation.

It is mankind’s desire to move towards wholeness, towards Oneness, it is because of this, WE allowed the reinstatement of Oneness. We ask that mankind, do not anchor your-selves to the earth (The human experience) by continuing to use the 3D energy techniques, these energies and techniques have served their purpose. Now mankind is awakening to higher dimensions and is being guided to move into the New World Energy System of Oneness and learn its practices…Oneness healing must take place within oneself for the greater good of humanity and all life on earth and throughout the universe, as one! Your future depends on it! What you are being asked to release is small in comparison to what you will gain. New ways of grounding, re-balancing, healing and manifesting are being gifted to you through Oneness and are far more effective than anything you have ever experienced before.

Some of the great leaders and healers of the world have been entrusted to deliver new pathways in due course;

We ask that you entrust.


Let your Soul guide you by reconnecting to your divine truth and to all life on earth and throughout the universe as one… lifting any illusions. You are a magnificent embodiment of love and light in your truest form. You, yourself are your greatest guide, healer and manifestation of your own reality and beyond. Lift your spirits to new heights and rejoice in the creative manifestation of your own reality.


We welcome you to The New Earth.

We walk among you with Love, in Light of Oneness!


Channeled By Nadine Head

Founder of Vorce Healing

The ‘Healing Energy’ of Oneness


‘Activating Transformative Healing Energies of Oneness for Expansion’

Oneness Information Sessions & Vorce Healing Activation Workshops Available within Australia.

(Conditions Apply)


Now more than ever is the time to be your own guide, listen closely to your souls heart resonance and let it guide you forward… all the answers you seek are now becoming conscious within your body, mind and spirit… listen, trust and follow your souls truth for guidance of all truth within and beyond.

Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2018

TWIN FLAMES… Make Peace!

Part of the Twin Flames earthly mission, is to ‘Make Peace’… assisting in reinstating ‘Peace on Earth’. Thus requires one to make peace with one’s self first. Making peace with your past, frees yourself and your Divine Counterpart from any energetic blocks holding you both back from fully opening your hearts to all that is meant to be in love and light of your union towards Oneness.

Twin Flames in separation can get energetically stuck in each other’s ‘energy’ of resistance, what this means is that if one or both partners are resisting the healing process required for growth, than one’s resistance holds the other in the same vibrational energy, blocking growth in some part for both the DM and DF until one or the other releases resistance, allowing each other to do their own healing work without being energetically effected by the other. Twin Flame physical separation is time meant for healing all that triggered you into separation in the first place.

Any resistance, pain, heartache or negative emotion towards one’s self’s or towards each other and your TF journey, is essentially holding the other back from healing the parts of themselves that is preventing a harmonious reunion, holding you both in separation… holding you both in an energetic holding pen, unable to heal and fully open your own hearts to all that is meant for you as individuals and as One… in a harmonious union. You are One… energetically and vibrationally, and as one you are effected by each other’s thoughts and feels though the energetic vibration you both share… binding you together for all eternity.

The biggest gift you could give your TF when in separation is to Let Go… releasing any negative thoughts and feelings and by going inward to heal any dark shadows within yourself… releasing any fears and insecurities that are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself… setting yourself and your TF free from bondage, allowing the healing to take place within one’s self and within the union.

Break free from the energetic blockages holding you back from your own soul’s growth and from all that is truly meant for you and your Twin Flame Union by making peace with yourself and with each other.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2017

Photo Source Unknown.

Ignite the Feminine Senses

Hi ladies and gents, I am being guided to share this post with you one more time, I wrote this one back in 2014 and feel it is being gifted to you again now for the purpose of alignment. Thank you for taking the time to visit my site X

Hi there, to all my lady friends out there. Have you ever really stopped to breathe in and absorb all the senses that come alive when you spray on a little fragrance, or when you put on a little make up, your heels and jewelry feeling like a women, you feel good right? But have you ever really stopped to connect with those senses as they come alive in the moment?

When you take the time to fully awaken all the senses, in a single moment of what you are doing, you feel the feminine within every cell of your being. Take perfume as an example, perfume awakens the senses in an entirely sensual way, intimately feminine. Connected to the feminine within, you feel the soft spray hit the soft skin of your neck and you breathe it in, feeling it through your entire body, awakening all of your senses to unknown possibilities, arousing your sexual pheromones, not just feeling good about the self being all dressed up for a good night out, but really feeling all that you are in your feminine energy, feeling your body, mind and spirit come alive through all of your senses, your body lights up with sparks of joy and happiness, engulfing and empowering all of the cells in your body, mind and spirit and your feminine senses come alive in ways you could never imagine, offering you a sense of total wellbeing… health and happiness.

Have you lost your connection to the feminine senses in this way? You know what I’m talking about; you know the feeling you get when you’re really feeling beautiful, free, strong, sensual, awakened, and empowered, shinning your light from within for the world to take in, and breathe in all of your heart essence. I know for some of you it can be a little difficult to allow yourself to feel completely free in this moment, but once you experience and acknowledge its magic you will never look back again, awakening the feminine in all that you do.

Have you ever been completely engulfed by a man, other than in the bedroom. Have you been sweep up in the arms of a strong and sensual man who draws you in and holds you firmly to his body, breathing you in as he takes all of you in through all of his senses, all that you emanate, in all of your femininity… he feels you, senses you, inhales you, lighting little sparks of love, light and joy within your entire being. Have you truly and completely embraced this moment with all of your being… all of your senses?

If not I suggest you give it a try, open all of your senses up to all that you are and all those surrounding you, and watch the transformation take place as you begin to ignite a spark within your heart that in turn ignites a spark within those you love the most. Your entire existence will be transformed, showing your true essence to the world as it seep’s out of your entire being.

When a woman is consciously aware and consciously ignites all of her senses, she awakens the feminine within her very being, in all of her cells; this in turn emanates outwardly and begins to attract all that she is, in all of her femininity… attracting her equal masculine counterpart, even if he is on the other side of the world, you will ignite a spark within his heart through the invisible thread linking your hearts as one and he will be drawn to you like a moth to a flame and when the time is right and all is in its place… he will find you… in one way or another.

For the men out there reading this, you can do the same, ignite the masculine within and connect with every breath you take to all of your senses, attracting your vibrational feminine match, you have a inner power that can and will draw your love match to you. Be consciously aware of all that you are and offer only the best you have to give from the heart and from every cell of your being, living a more rewarding life for yourself and for your loved ones.

Be all that you can be though all of your senses and become embodied in a single moment in time… creating all that you can be for all eternity… Ignite the feminine or masculine senses for totally wellbeing, balance, and harmony.

Don’t forget that your total wellbeing requires many life threads… not just this piece of the puzzle. Honor your body, mind, and spirit for your total health and wellbeing… creating all that you desire.


Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2014


Transformation Occurs Through Acceptance.

Transformation occurs through acceptance…

Of one’s self and of others.

If YOU fear being judged in some way, than that fear is showing YOU, that YOU are judgmental in some way and… YOU now know what YOU need to heal within YOURSELF to reach acceptance… transforming your life for the better.

If YOU fear being rejected, than it is showing YOU, that YOU are rejecting YOURSELF and OTHERS in some way and… YOU now know what it is that YOU need to heal within YOURSELF for transformation.

If YOU are triggered by another’s behavior or actions, it is showing YOU, that YOU need to accept and heal that behavior within YOURSELF, for transformation… growth, health and well-being.

If YOU want to be accepted for who YOU really are, YOU need to accept YOURSELF and OTHERS for who YOU/THEY really are, for transformation… growth, health and well-being.

If WE are to overcome these fears and insecurities in the World, WE must first learn to accept ALL that IS, for what and who it IS… as a part of who we are… as a collective vibration.

As it IS…. your pain is my pain and my pain is yours, as your joy is my joy and my joy is yours… WE ARE ONEvibrational energy.

Through Vibration… I feel, what you feel and you feel what I feel, in our connection. All Life feels what I feel, All Life feels what you yourself feels. For the world to feel peace, love and harmony, I/We must learn to feel through vibration, OUR own vibration effects the world’s ability to transform… creating All that Is, in Darkness and in Light… of oneself.

Transformation of our WORLD occurs through Acceptance…

Bringing more Love to Life and more Life to Love.


And so it IS.


Channeled – WorksOfHigherIntelligence


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2017

Image source Unknown.

The Awakening Heart.


The Awakening Heart calls forth the Divine in all that is… bringing forth the heartache of all that is missing within our Divine Heart… through thoughts and feelings of longing, despair and heartache for the Divine within, from one heart to another (Our Divine Counterpart) and within all that Is (All Life) … Offering transformation from one state of being to another, rewarded by any good feeling vibrations from within, as we release parts of the old self… through ego death… to once again rise, through rebirth of the self…

Re-Awakening the Divine Heart… where in True Essence, nothing is missing… within… nor between one heart and another.

These are difficult times, leading one to one’s own salvation, leading one to one’s True Hearts Desire… Leading one Home!

Ride these waves of emotion with ease and grace, do not entertain any negative emotions by holding them in the present, release them for transmutation and focus on the outcome…

Illumination & Manifestation of the Divine Heart!


Works of Higher Intelligence.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2017

Photo Source Unknown.


I am reposting the following blog post below as a reminder, as we walk through the high vibrational energies of the Lions Gate…
Open to its fullest on the 8/8 and still in effect also in conjunction with the historical Meteor Shower this evening the 12/8, we are experiencing very high and intense energies at this time, which will have a profound effect on each and everyone of us at this time and well into the future. The effects can and will be felt intensely and may vary greatly according to where you are at on your own spiritual/life path.
This is a time of energetically –
AWAKENING to your spiritual truth.
TRANSITIONING into your authentic self in love and light.
ALIGNING to your true hearts desire.
Regardless of the emotional highs and lows you maybe feeling throughout this time, try to relax and go with the flow of what ever comes up for you at this time for releasing, transformation, birth and rebirth. The energies of the Lions Gate occurs each year and is fully open each year on the 8th of August and can be very useful for releasing, transforming and manifesting, if used wisely…
Take time to meditate upon what you want to Let Go of within yourself and within your life right now and send out loving vibes and wishes to the universe, of your truest desires for manifesting into reality.
Expect change there after and be ready and willing to step towards all that is opening up to you in love and light of your truth.
Know that all is well regardless of external appearances.
These truly are amazing times of transformation for mankind and planet earth, for now is the future and we are its creators.
Previous Blog Post June 13th 2017 to follow –
No! You’re Not Going Crazy… You’re Ascending!
Trust me, if you’re reading this, you are ascending and you have nothing to worry about.

I have been humming and haring for the last 2 weeks about whether or not to write about the energies we are experiencing with the current Ascension Gateway opening up. There is so much information out there being shared and received that I figured you don’t need to be bombarded with more information by another channel, but today I got a strong call to share some of the information I have received from my guides regarding these energies. So… trusting in the process… I will and I am!

If you haven’t yet felt a shift in energy, you will be sure to get a burst of it soon. The emphasis is on… It’s Now or Never! Let me explain, this gateway is an open door way… in which you have a period of time that is being offered to you to make a choice, be it a conscious choice or a subconscious choice its neither here or there at this point in time, but be sure by the time this gateway closes you will be set on a path of no return… one way or another. This gateway will be open for a couple of more weeks, so don’t worry you haven’t missed out or anything, in fact you couldn’t miss out on anything if you tried, while you still have some influence on the outcome, it is not really necessary to make any real effort to choose your path, as it has in a sense been pre-destined. However the more work you do on yourself now the better.

I am being told… Now is the time for us all to step forward and into the life that awaits each and every one of us, the path that is our destiny and to truly start LIVING! the live that we are meant to live for our Highest Good and for the Highest Good of ALL Or Fall back and be left behind… It sounds harsh I know, but if you are feeling A PUSH or feeling MORE of late regardless of external appearances… more energy, more balance, more harmony, more peace, more joy, more abundance or a sense of knowing… then you are on path to break through the barriers and embrace your own free will.

That PUSH I mentioned, may be showing up in many different forms, perhaps change has been bestowed or forced upon you after some resistance, or perhaps you have fallen ill over the last period of time… offering you the gift of stillness, letting go, surrender and or transformation as you enter through the gateway… bringing all that is no longer serving you to the surface… to be released for good.

Yes! Much of what you are experiencing is the final stages of letting go and releasing of all resistance in truth of ALL Truth… in resistance to ALL that Is… in resistance to All that is Love and in resistance of the Light… The Light Spark within you… The LIGHT SPARK that YOU ARE… in truth of complete Oneness. You are in truth a spark of light, a spark of energy, separate to but completely connected to the life force energy of Oneness.

Some of you may have experience profound healing, on one or more levels… a lifting of the veil. Be sure that whatever you are experiencing it is meant to be and regardless of what it appears to look like, it surely is not what you imagine it to be.

If you have been holding back or sitting on the fence to date, this will be no longer. If it is Your Will to walk through the gateway and ascend, you will be entering into a time of great transformation and great personal and worldly changes for the greater good of All… moving towards alignment with your true path… living your life with full intention and purpose, your true path will be revealed… rising to great heights.

This Gateway opens up to a one way street, it’s now or never and once you enter, there is not going back… it is the road to salvation, it is where you will rise from the ashes leaving the past behind you. It’s where your life will begin.


BREATHE! – Relax! Everything will be ok.

TRUST! – Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Trust your inner guidance… it knows best.

SURRENDER! – Surrender all that no longer serves you, in body, mind and spirit and within the externals that surround you.

ALLOW! – Allow the process to be your guide. Allow and accept all truth that is being presented to you. Allow your True Will to materialize. Allow yourself to transform into who you really are… moving towards all that you truly desire.

RELEASE! – Release all negatives from within. Let Go of all that no longer serves you in a positive light, be it people, place, situations, negative thought processes, life’s conditioning. Release the concept of Lack, let go of the unknown, release negative thought processes. 

DO and BE – whatever you FEEL you want to do and be!! – Do more of what you love, be inspired, get out and start living… The universe will support you, all you need do is to trust and follow its lead… recognizing and stepping towards any signs and or opportunities that come your way and are being presented to you for your greater good.

CHOOSE – To be Happy, choose Joy, choose to become the person you want to be. Choose Authenticity.

POSITIVE – Good feel vibes lift you to new heights… Embrace all that makes you feel good.


Are those who have completely given up and have decided to settle for nothing MORE than lack, poverty and ill health – disease and destruction (Ego) this is their free will. These souls are destined for a different path all together and will live out their lives blissfully unaware of what they are missing out on. There is no other way for them, this is their truth and it is their free will.

The ascended on the other hand must now learn a new way, we are being shown a new way of being and that way of being requires us to accept this process for what it is and for the greater good of All… the fallen have chosen their path and so have the ascended…the two paths can no longer continue to serve each other if there is to be true peace and harmony on earth. Division in some part must take place and we will be shown the way.

THE HARSH REALITY, the Universe wants you to know about.

This gateway is a game changer…

The ascended can help the fallen ONLY by… helping themselves… by healing themselves… by live and by loving themselves. This is a reality that will be proven beyond measure. There is no greater truth than this… (Something I read recently) “Love is the only superpower that can save us” however there comes a time when we must choose to love without attachment… This is that time, for there is no room for ego within a pure and loving heart… that has no boundaries… leading to true greatness.

We (The Ascended) must rise to our own heart vibration… in all that we do, if we are to achieve true greatness and if we are to reinstate true peace, harmony and happiness to ALL life on earth. If one chooses to invest their precious INNER resources in helping the fallen, they will accentually be holding themselves back from becoming the best version of themselves, accentually they will suffer for their supposed good will. It is a mistake to think, one can save another from suffering when accentually they chose the path less travelled, the path they have chosen is their destiny and should not be interfered with unless one has been given instruction to do so from the Ascended Masters/ Source, a Higher Power… for the greater good of all. It is meant to be this way and the Universe is set to show us this truth relentlessly from this moment forward.

As harsh as it may SEEM, the fallen are no longer our concern… but of something much more powerful than ourselves… Within True Love and Light.

Not all is lost…

Remember you are the Ascending.

Always remember where there is hope there is love and where there is love there is always hope, we may not fully understand or accept the new ways of the new world at this time, but we will in time, so for now Be Still, Be Brave and Be Love!

Guided by – Works of Higher Intelligence.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2017

Photo Source – Unfortunately Unknown

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

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