Psychic Medium Channeler

The Emergence of Light in one’s Perception…


Sometimes the appearance of darkness is the light shining through. Perception is rarely made up of facts in complete truth of events. Perception is made up of awareness through the senses and if one is not fully aware of the self in love and light then one’s  perception can be distorted to some degree and therefore one’s perception may be of varying untruth in love and light of the energy that flows between two people or events.

Take for instance one’s experiences with others where judgement is often readily passed. Consider this, if it didn’t harm you why hold on to it in darkness of the self… why let it pass your lips… in darkness of the self. Why let it affect your way of being in darkness of the self… Let it Go and allow it to show you the light it holds, in turn shining brightly in light of the self.

What takes place between two individuals in their own truth and is in truth… of light vibration…which exists on levels that is untouched and unseen by what simply appears on the surface… therefore it is not for us to judge or criticize what takes place between others, we may see, sense or feel we know their truth and what is taking place, building our own perception of events or truth but in truth only they can know what truth in light runs through them and between each other, which can be of this world or another and being greatly different and felt on a higher or deeper level, unseen or felt and perceived by the on looker, giving the appearance of darkness when in actual fact there is light.

Don’t allow your preconceived ideas of what things or people should be to destroy a good thing or person, let go and step into… the flow of light… authenticity, truth and freedom of the self… allowing growth and expansion on all levels for all concerned and for the world as a whole.

We are currently moving in the energy of Oneness… a way of being… creating change of revolutionary and evolutionary proportion. Evolution requires great shifts in body, mind and spirit… raising ones vibrational Energy to the light they hold within, not what one perceives that light to be but of its existence in love and light of all truth.

Often a New Way of Being is difficult to accept, let alone embrace when it challenges the old ways and beliefs but once you allow yourself to Let Go and Allow… all truth in freedom…. the light it holds can be felt… and what simply appeared as darkness emerges as light… emergence of light in one’s perception… light energy in motion of revolution and evolution. All truth holds love and light! ALL TRUTH HOLD LOVE AND LIGHT!

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X


Works of Higher Intelligence.

© Nadine Head 2016

This Shift is a Blessing in Disguise.


No you are not being punished, you are not cursed and your life is not falling apart, in fact everything is all coming together nicely… you are being call to become at peace within… in turn realigning oneself in oneness of all that is.

Some of you may be struggling at the moment with the inability to stay focused, becoming clumsy, accidental and or feeling a loss of clarity and direction. Some other effects as a result of these misguided energies may be felt as tiredness, blurred vision, headaches, nausea, feeling drained, powerless, and lack of desire to satisfy or nurture one’s own needs in body, mind and spirit.

If this sounds like you at the moment then what you need to know is firstly you are not the only one, this is a universal energetic force within the divine laws of oneness. … Realigning one to a way of being… in the energy of oneness.

Secondly the learning in this experience is that you are being called back to the here and now, to pull your energies back in to your being and bring yourself back to love and light in the moment.

Be fully present and aware of the self in each and every moment, deal with what is being presented to you in that time and space, taking the positives from each experience and let go of the rest… allowing one’s self to move on to the next moment in time free from distraction. This process offers an element of Letting Go, Living in Truth, Allowing Stillness, Recognising Possibilities, and Growing in Wisdom, all of which are a way of being… in oneness.

Trust in this process and you will begin to see improvements in your health and wellbeing, for some of you this may take a little time for adjustment and for others you will begin to experience significant improvements instantaneously.

Know that this is a natural process and all is well in your reality and this too shall pass.


Nadine X


Works of Higher Intelligence .

© Nadine Head 2016


In the Light of Oneness… all Truth comes to Light.

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Works of Higher Intelligence!

As our energy/vibration rises in the energy of oneness that now surrounds all life on earth, so too arises the truth of our convictions great and small for all to witness. No one is immune to this process, it is evident, and it is a natural state of being as light beings. We are becoming beings and a planet of light and in doing so we have a natural instinct available to us in oneness that allows us to connect through a heightened awareness of our senses to all truth in varying forms, we are able to feel or sense all truth.

If not in love and light of ourselves, we naturally emanate the darkness that lies within and beneath the surface, to all who live in love and light. This is not a conscious awareness but one that vibrates from within us for all too clearly see the truth in love and light of all that one is and as one with all that is. If one endeavours to live in love and light of all that they are… there need not be any fear of this revelation as it brings hope and promise of true peace and harmony on earth in time. It brings evolution of mankind to light in consciousness.

If the opposite exists within, again there is to be no fear in this revelation as one is guided towards the light in vibration by Divine Law with Divine Guidance and Divine Timing.

Those who retreat in fear of being seen, offend the soul and the universe at large. But more presently brings un-wellness and disharmony unto themselves, their loved ones and the world at large in the energy of oneness.

Do not fear the unknown, do not fear the journey to the depths of your very being but rather embrace it for it is your own salvation from the depths of darkness into the light. As your health and wellbeing deteriorate in fear and ego so raises your soul to the truth of all that is from within, in light of Oneness.

The journey is as individual to each and every one as you are individual, but as one with all that lives, your journey is as connected to another as much as you are connected to the self. In self-connection lies all truth and therefore all love and light. All love and light from within brings one to true greatness as one and as a integrated particle of oneness. One can try and hide all one likes from all truth but never was a truer reality than this… in truth, the light within will shine so bright that one cannot dim it, not now… not ever.

In oneness all life will shine the light from within, for All Truth to become one in love and light. All darkness will dissipate in light of oneness, there is no other way, and there is no going back, we have arrived at this point and we will thrive in love and light of oneness, bringing life to all life on earth and throughout the universe.

No one is immune to this way of being… in light of oneness all life is called to live life in love and light and as one with all life.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2016

From Self-Love to Souls Purpose

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Heal your life and discover your soul’s purpose. Out of self-love we heal our life and discover our souls/Life purpose.

On the souls path, your personal and professional life is one in the same, the journey to bring them together is the journey back to the self, creating health and harmony within and is one that allows us to discover, learn and grow from our soul/life lessons. It is in the coming back to the self, your true self, not the self you think you are or want to become, that leads the way forward with clarity and direction.

Follow your chosen path by allow your intuition to lead the way and all will unfold beautifully within divine law, divine guidance and divine timing.

Everyone’s journey to self is as individual as you are individual. Start the journey to self with more self-love and more Love in all that you say and do and you will in time discover all that is meant for you on your journey through life and towards your life purpose, full potential and create all that you desire.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2016


Truth & Integrity!

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Truth without integrity becomes judgment.

Don’t be fooled by the ego when speaking your truth, just because it is your truth doesn’t mean it is right for others nor does it mean it is given in right action. We all know the phrase ‘Truth and Integrity’.

In the energy of oneness we are all being shown through our day to day experiences to become of a way of being within the Divine Laws of Oneness. In 2015 all of mankind learnt to some degree to speak more of our truth from within, truth without integrity is the ego in motion.

2016 offers us the learning of Truth with Integrity among other qualities of this way of being.

Truth and Integrity brings love and light into right action. Integrity is to speak and be of one’s truth from the heart with compassion, understanding, love and light in all that one is.

Truth with integrity becomes a gift of ‘right action’ in love and light, in right action of divine law. Bringing one closer to Oneness.

To do your best and to keep moving forward in this action is to be of truth and integrity… right action is energy in motion leading the way to right action within the Divine Laws of Oneness.

Truth and Integrity becomes love and light in motion through Oneness.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2016



Meet others where you are – A timely reminder.


This is a time to remember a way of being as we evolve…

We can only truly meet a person, situation or even a statement as deeply as we have met ourselves. As we heal and expand we met one at a new level of love and light.

Our journey in comparison to another’s will never be the same, it can only be similar. 

Opinion… put into prospective… ego…. can be debilitating beyond comprehension, if one who has not travelled as deeply into themselves as the other and offers their own untruth of an individual experience.

Release this conditioning thought process and move towards freedom in love and light.

Use your words when simply offering your opinion more wisely. They are much more powerful than you will ever know.

Treat others as you would like to be treated, love others as you would like to be loved, use your love and light to guide another only to the depth of your own… trying to go beyond your own meeting place is to live in untruth… in ego… causing disharmony to one’s self and or another.

Trying ones best to live our truth and to offer our EXPERIENCE with only our own level of understanding of it is necessary for our expansion into oneness and learning to listen beyond that of our own experience. This is a calling from the depths of the heart for one to look deeply into the world of truth and action… through love and light from within.

Look deeply into your actions and how they impact on those around you, only when you can truly face this with complete truth, love and light, will you begin to understand the depth and meaning of human experience and life on earth, only then ALL LIFE on earth will move into the realm of expansion to far greater depths then currently recognized and EXPERIENCED.

Meet yourself where only light exists, from there you can truly meet another through connection and attraction of vibration… In BEING!

In being fully present of oneself we can meet all life in the place… of ONENESS.


Nadine X

©Nadine Head 2016

We Live & Learn in Love & Light!

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Emotions are healthy and a necessary part of our journey, but sometimes cloud our view, making it difficult to make the right decisions. If we truly KNOW and LOVE ourselves, then the choices or decisions become much easier… bring forth the power of easy and grace.

E.g. – If we sense the emotions/feelings in body, mind, and spirit; that something in our life is heading down a road of destruction or heartache, we have one of three options to choose from in response…

1) Let it go and move on – this maybe within the situation in question or it may even mean leaving that person or situation all together.

2) Accept it and learn to live with it. This option doesn’t generally work so well as we often take this option for the wrong reasons, creating a built up resentment, anger and frustration, leading to decease and self-destruction, this can be the hardest road to take.

3) Fight it until we finally realize the lesson it holds for us, that fighting it isn’t going to work for us and or we become so drained or even ill from the battle within that we are unable to continue in this way of being. Yes it is our own battle… no one else’s.

No matter how we look at it, try to justify it or simply avoid the truth, the last two options stem from the ego… fear and insecurity. The first offers freedom and stems from self-love, a deeper knowing and inner wisdom, offering new growth, health, and wellbeing.

Emotions do not need to come from an unstable state of being, unfortunately we are often conditioned somewhat to believe that emotions are a negative within our consciousness.

I need this little reminder today and thought I would take this opportunity to remind you…

If it angers you, confuses you, frustrates you, or brings a negative emotion forth within you, then it is not meant for you, because it does not resonate with your soul.. your souls truth!

If nothing else… these experiences are showing us a way back to our natural state of being, we are re-connecting to our spirit and its true purpose. This way of being becomes easier the more we practice and follow its lead, offering a much more simplistic and angelic way of being for all life on earth.

Your soul works for you, keeping you on your souls path and will never lead you down a path that will hurt you unless you are in a place of disconnection from it and its true purpose to any degree, in order to learn and grow from that hurt, that pain or that seemingly negative experience. The sooner one finds them self in re- connecting to the self, the soul and to source the sooner universal law can be reinstated from within and true healing, can take place for the individual, in turn healing the world one person at a time, reinstating and strengthening our connection to all life… healing the world as one. All true healing and lasting health and happiness comes from within and is the point in which we can truly heal the world.

Finding a right way of being through right action to the self is to use our emotional feelings to work for us in a positive light… bringing all that is meant for us to light. If it feels good to us it is good for us, if it doesn’t feel good to us, it needs our immediate attention towards our own heart and soul work to begin from within. Embrace your emotions and let them work for you for the greater good of all.

Many Blessings

Nadine X


©Nadine Head 2015



You can Heal Yourself – Bringing All Truth to Light & Success.


One must heal THEM SELVES from within before TRUE health, harmony, happiness and success can follow.

If you are struggling in any way… in any area of your life, then you are RESISTING TRUTH… soul truth. Healing is required on a soul level… creating REAL healing… creating optimal health and wellbeing… health, harmony, and happiness, and in turn creating abundance on all levels. You are your own truest and greatest healer.

Many of us stay stuck in illness, decease, disharmony, and or destruction for long periods of time, believing they need someone or something else to fall into place before they can heal and before finding their own way back to health and wellbeing. This is often out of self-pity. Self-pity stems from the disconnection to the inner light that shines from within. All healing begins with self-love even the healing of others and our planet as a whole in the energy of oneness… for we are all one.

Self-healing does not come from having someone there to hold our hand, and no one can do it for us, it starts with love… self-love. From self-love we find the strength and desire to making more of an effort to change our life’s for the better and by continuing to move forward in right action through the hurdles that come our way without allowing them to drag us down, rebuilding our self-worth, until we learn what it is we need to learn through that process for our highest good… our Soul and its true purpose. Healing comes from honouring the self, through making better choices, walking away from what does not serve us in a positive light, and moving towards what does. This process has the potential for miraculous healing of decease and illness on all levels.

Self-pity holds us in the need for self-healing, of soul healing and it doesn’t offer healing until we recognise it for what it truly is… a darkness meant to hold us in decease and destruction… ultimately it is the ego, the will to push past these negative emotions, begins the healing process and while others can stand by us and comfort us on our journey, we do not need them to heal ourselves, in fact healing of the soul in truth is a journey that is often best taken alone.

I often hear statements along these lines from the ill and suffering:

But I’m all alone; I have no support, I have no family or friends, it’s too hard.

I don’t know what I did to deserve this.

I just want god to take me home.

I don’t see a way out /forward.

There seems to be no end to my suffering.

I don’t know what to do anymore.

Trust me when I say… I get it! I have been there and done that. I have used all of these statements and then some and while I may seem to have little compassion in the words I write here, it simply is not the case, what is the case, is that through my own journey back to health I discovered why and how I got there to begin with and how important it is for one to heal themselves from within… and can… no matter what the struggle may be, no matter how ill one is… true healing comes from within. ALL the answers lie within you.

All the answers to my problems and ill health where of my own doing, not of anyone else’s nor for the lack of… support, family, friends, money, time or anything else I used as an excuse not to try harder, because I didn’t have the faith and belief in myself that had been stripped away over my life time, out of conditioning. Let me say that is a reason but it is not an excuse. We have the faith and belief within us to grow beyond any conditioning. Yes I was lost, I didn’t know the HOW the WHY or the WHEN… that level of separation comes from the disconnection from the self and from source through conditioning, but I can tell you that the How is within you.

These negative comments we use and tell ourselves when we are ill come from the lack of knowledge, understanding, and inner wisdom, through the disconnection to the self… through the worlds conditioning. Trust when I say… that is no excuse nor is it a reason to wallow in darkness for any lengthy period of time; however this process serves a very good purpose… one that reveals itself through the SELF-HEALING process… not through the suffering. This process transforms to light, bringing one to discover one’s life purpose and full potential.

Soul Healing is your key to true and lasting success on all levels of exsistence. Healing of the body, mind and spirit of all TRUTH in love and light, offers us a deeper knowing, understanding, belief, and faith through the reconnection to the self and to light source. The first step towards positive action through our inner wisdom in love and light is the hardest but it is the most important step you will take towards self-healing and the healing of all truth within ourselves and of our planet.

Truth is healing… creating peace, harmony and happiness… emanating love and light from within to heal the world. All healing begins within each individual; all healing leads one to their life purpose and full potential… creating all one desires for the self and our planet as one. The first place to start towards self-healing is to be true and truthful to ourselves followed by right action in honour or one’s own truth.

Do not waste any more time waiting for the right conditions for healing to take place… that day will never come. Start healing yourself and your life today… with the truth… YOU’RE TRUTH!

Bring your truth to light with love… YOU’RE LOVE!

Honour your truth and your love and your light with integrity.

You are your truest and greatest healer… no one can heal you to the depths of your soul like you can. You are Love & Light Energy in Motion… Heal YOUR self and Let YOUR light Shine!

It all comes back to you and you have the power to heal yourself.



Nadine X


The Art of Allowing

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A Shift in Energy is upon us… Align yourself with the art of ALLOWING!

Let Go! Allow what is meant to be… BE! Allow space for expansion… growing on all levels.

Remember: Change is good!

In recent weeks many of you would have experienced the learning involved in ALLOWING… Through allowing stillness within, with patience, and through listening and following Divine Guidance within Divine Timing by Divine Law and for many, this learning brought great change. Now you have the knowledge and willingness… it’s time to align yourself with this way of being for the greater good of all.

This doesn’t mean you allow negatives in, such as negative people, places, or experiences, but to allow nature to take its course around you, while you stay true to you… in truth and integrity. In this way we are our own master working with source, all energy flows through and around us, therefore we must bring our inner light into the world from a conscious state of purpose…ensuring peace, harmony, and happiness.

Allow what is meant for you to come forth and use it to serve you ad others within Divine Law, Divine Guidance, and Divine Timing.


Nadine X



Nadine Head




Nadine Head Psychic Medium & Founder of Vorce Healing

The Universal Healing Energy of Complete Oneness.

* MEDIUMSHIP EVENING EVENT – Champers & Connections Mediumship Evening – This evening offers a lovely and light fun evening out with like-minded people. Nadine will mingle with spirit and bring through Psychic Insights and Connect with loved ones from the other side.

Date: 6th Nov Time: 7 pm to 9 pm – Arrival 6.45 for a 7 pm start Investment: $35 pp – Location: Frenchville Rockhampton – Address TBA

If you are interested in holding your own Mediumship Evening in your home, club or community group please contact Nadine on the number below. Availability is from the 2nd – 23rd Nov


* WORKSHOP – Vorce Healing – A One day Attunement Workshop is being held on the 15th of Nov at Gracemere – Contact Nadine for details. One on One Workshops are available from the 2nd to the 23rd.

Alternatively host your own Vorce workshop in your home, group, club, or community and receive a host discount– conditions apply.


* READINGS – You’re Souls Path Readings $85 – Available from the 2nd to the 23rd Nov.

26 yrs experience with a very high accuracy rate.

Discover what you need to know and do on a soul level to move forward in your life and towards your life purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire. Learn of any blockages getting in the way of your greatest success and living your life in alignment with your purpose, power, passion and potential and receive messages regarding family, friends, relationships, money, career and much more.


Inquires & bookings: Nadine 0449218679 ~

Facebook: Nadine Head – Psychic / Medium / Channel / Healer


Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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