Twin Flame Update.

A quick guided message for all my TF singles and recently reunited TF couples. The lifting of the veil is almost complete for some TF’s. The DM and DF have walked in the darkness of his/her own shadow and can now see the light, he/she is coming into his/her own on some level and now knows his/her own worthiness… in turn shining a light on their DM or DF counterpart and all that he/she embodies in love and light…
In light of a spiritually mature union… listen to divine guidance/your higher self, before responding to your DM or DF when in communication, this is a time to be mature… building a solid foundation for the future. Your TF reunion is the coming together of Energies… in the form of a higher vibrational frequency than ever before, be gentle with yourself and your TF through this transition, take your time, it is very new to you both and is well worth savouring.
Both the DF and DM are now more aware of their own self-worth… ready to move forward to some degree, without fear. Both have worked hard to heal their broken hearts, and in doing so they have seen, worked through and have a greater understanding of the mirroring effect between themselves and their Divine Counterpart (TF) and are near ready, to address their soul connection, but past hurts need to be addressed and healed within this reunion, if there is to be growth. These two must be willing to open up to each other, heart to heart, sharing their individual journey back to the self and towards reunion, healing a life time of fears and insecurities as they reconnect on a deeper level, releasing their past hurts, pain and sadness, reconnecting and embracing their soul truth as individuals and as one… for transformation and illumination. Righting all wrongs within themselves and within their soul connection as one… bring them both closer to wholeness… reinstating peace, balance and harmony from within and throughout the Universe.
“Sounds wonderful doesn’t it. But let’s just back up a little, we’re not there yet. Now is a time to be gentle and kind with ourselves and each other. Now is the time to be present in the moment and not expect too much too soon from yourself or your TF”
DF – Be yourself, do not suppress your truth or become someone you are not to help heal this situation, it is time to stand in your true divine essence for the greater good of all, be confidant to be yourself regardless of the DM’s reaction to you and your spirituality… be open and honest… with love and light in your heart, for the DM has travelled the difficult journey within and has arrived safely at his destination at this time, yet still remains couscous in moving forward, he is still moving toward his spirituality and still questions himself and your divine connection, questioning… is the DF genuine in her love for me and is she here to stay or will she leave me? He needs to arrive at an understanding and inner knowing that the outcome, is of his own creation and the answer to his prayer being answered is… love! In its truest form… from within himself… her answer lies, just as it is for the DF, as these two reconnect, they realize that…
His needs are her needs, his desires are her desires and in essence, his heart is her heart, they are one energetically… in body, mind and soul and their love for themselves and for each other will indeed keep them together.
He is yet to come to the realization that this is not just another relationship, but that his DF is literally a part of himself, she is the other half of his soul and they are energetically inseparable, destined to be one and any resistance to their reunion is futile in every sense of the word, now and in the future and this will be presented to them both in their lives, if they try to live separate lives either physically or energetically.
They must both now create the correct relationship to them selves so they both can offer all of themselves to each other in love and light of all that he/she is and all that he/she can become as they are truly one and the resistance of his/her ability to become the best version of him/her self… in truth is, what is holding each other in pain and suffering. In truth, TF’s energetically feel each other’s emotions, pain and suffering, just as they can feel each other’s peace, love, joy and happiness.
‘Your Pain Is My Pain, My Pain Is Yours. Your Happiness Is My Happiness, My Happiness Is Yours. Know That We Are One… In The Divinity of Life’.
DM – Be mindful that the DF needs reassurance of your love for her and acceptance of her in her truest form, your words need to be backed by your actions, she also questions your genuine presence, she needs to know that she is not wasting her energies and most valued resources, before the time is right for a harmonious reunion… only to result in yet another separation, recovering from any loss and for more healing and transformation to take place for you both.
The right timing is the key to success. You both must be ready or you will both fail each other once more.
In essence… you both share the same truth from within and both require the same truth from each other. In truth nothing is missing within love and light. Releasing and lifting the veil still holds the key to a successful reunion, but you are both reaching a point of being able to take the finally leg of the journey towards a harmonious re-union, together.
Spiritual Maturity is required by both the DM and DF in order to succeed. DF – Understand that the DM needs time and the DF needs to hold faith… trusting the DM loves you… this is and has always been the inner knowing of the DF… In essence… the high priestess… wise and true to all that is Divine within you and in the world… you no longer have to hide this part of yourself from the DM, he too has been shown divine guidance and now understands all that is important to him and all that is important within the DF… his divine counterpart.
Reunion can now take you both to a deeper soul/spiritual connection… towards your divinity and all that it hold for you both as one, where all truth will be revealed…
The Sacred Truth of All That Is.
Dear Subscribers,
Thank you for taking the time to read my insights and predictions. There are many stages of the TF journey and reunion is coming in waves, therefore if my channelling/insights resonates with you at this time, it is because your TF journey is in alignment with my reading/channelling, if it does not resonate with you at this time, than we are simply not an energetic match at this time and I can suggest that you search the internet for a reader/channel that resonates with you at this time… finding the right spiritual guide that aligns with you and can offer you further assists with your own personal TF connection.
For those of you who resonate, I would like to wish you all the very best on this part of your TF journey, know that you have both reached a point of acceptance within yourself and of each other, with an inner knowing that nothing separates you, not time, nor space. You both now have or are discovering an inner knowing of that in which is needed for you both to reach a harmonious reunion, now or in the near future. Be confident, remain positive, and take your time.
There is nothing to fear, for your sacred souls will be illuminated, by Divine Guidance within Divine Timing, followed by Divine Blessings.
Guided by – Works of Higher Intelligence.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Photo Source – Unfortunately Unknown
Are Twin Flames Meant To Be Together?
There seems to be some confusion around this question… Are Twin Flames really meant to be together?
In short YES!
However this can be a difficult task UNTIL both Twin Flames Surrender to their Connection.
The reason why Twin Flames are in and out of each other’s lives, and can be apart for long periods of time and keep coming back together, is because they are not aligning to their Spiritual Connection, due to their life’s conditioning and individual healing process, this presents its self through negative thoughts, words and actions towards themselves and towards their divine counterpart (TF) due to past hurt or what they believe to be true from their prospective, but in reality it is not, this can be by conditioning… a state of being conditioned by experiences and or society to think or behave a certain way, a way that does not align with truth or Love.
Our own conditioning, automatically and energetically causes resistance towards our TF, through this process both Twins become repelled by each other to some degree… causing resistance to their connection, through the inability to see their connection for what it really is and the inability to recognise some truths within their connection, this can happen even if, it is only one of the TFs that is in resistance though negativity, as they effectively effect each other through their own energetic vibration, through their thoughts and feelings and as a result it determines their ability or inability to proceed with right action towards union/re-union…
In other words, what one twin flame is thinking and feeling can energetically be felt by the other even from long distances away, this can be felt on a conscious and or subconscious level… effecting the respective TFs thoughts and feelings. So if one Twin is happy the other Twin might be feeling happy for no apparent reason, they are essentially picking up on the vibrational energy of their TFs happiness… their true essence, so it also goes to say, if one TF is feeling sad or unhappy, the other can often sense it or feel the same as a result, and not understand why, this can be so strongly felt that if one Twin is thinking and feeling negative thoughts about the other, the respective Twin can begin to have negative thoughts about themselves and the Twin that is being negative, this can then without explanation effect their relationship with each other, where one or both TFs will express their thoughts to each other at a most unexpected and unexplained moment. Once union/re-union has taken place, this process can and will serve them both… to rise to great heights as they want the very best for each other and understand that they effect each other immensely on an energetic and telepathic level.
Before reaching a harmonious re-union TFs are meant to trigger each other, for the purpose of healing and growth, towards wholeness within themselves and ultimately becoming one with each other, making their journey towards a harmonious union a difficult one… causing these two lovers to go back and forth in what is referred to as the runner, chaser process. One runs from the other and later becomes the chaser, they can swap these rolls for some time if the timing of their re-union is out of balance, or healing is taking place and due to resistance on one or both of their behalf. Meanwhile they both continue to feel an energetic connection to each other to some degree that may or may not be something they can explain.
When both TFs stop resisting their spiritual connection, releasing any negative judgments towards themselves and towards each other, with Divine Guidance are able to come back together and begin to embrace each other, building a stronger foundation for their future. Each time they re-unit they are learning more and more from their experiences within and externally from their journey towards a harmonious union, each simultaneously healing their own life and the life of their TF.
Upon reaching a harmonious re-union the relationship will then take on a very different form than any previous relationship the two have shared with each other or with any other partner in the past. They will each experience love and connection on a deeper and very different level than ever before. TF relationships are not a traditional relationship, yet each TF carry a sense of tradition and nobility within the core of their being. TFs are here to shake things up and create change for the better… for a love that is unique and powerful, bringing more love and light to the world. This is a union that will with-stand the test of time and grow stronger and better for it, once they reach a harmonious re-union, and they will grow together towards Complete Oneness in body, mind and spirit… as they themselves are One!
If one or both TFs begin to see or feel negativity towards the other at any stage, they know that there is more healing to be done and can hold space for each other to do so if they are willing to surrender to the process. Otherwise they will once again separate for a period of time, until the healing has taken place and they can once again return to a harmonious re-union.
The Universe will always continue to try to bring these two back together with gentle but with persistent persuasion. This can be through the occurrence of synchronicities, Initials, names, numbers, dates, times etc. intended to grab their attention and draw them back together, this can also be through thoughts and feelings. E.g. not being able to stop thinking about each other even though they may be in other relationships, however this is not always the case, it is possible for the TFs to enter into other relationships without constantly thinking about their TF but will be guided to learn what it is they are meant to learn from their current relationship while it lasts, assisting the TF connection towards re-union and the universe will always at some point guide them back to each other.
Your TF connection can and will never be forgotten no matter how hard one try’s to resist or forget it or to move on with another, often this can be a connection that can be felt but not explained by each TF.
At the end of the day both TFs will eventually come to the realisation that resistance is futile and the best they can do is to surrender to the process at whatever stage they both may be at on their own journey towards a harmonious union and beyond. This is not a union of settling, but of rising to great heights within one’s self and within the union.
On completion of reaching a harmonious and loving Union… is where both TFs are finally ready to truly live and love life for the greater good of ALL. Bringing all of themselves and each other to LIGHT!
What to do, if you are in a separation from your TF or struggling within your TF relationship/connection –
Heal your wounds – Forgive and Heal your life of any past hurts that still effect you negatively, in body, mind and spirit.
‘Let Go’ of any negative, thoughts, words and actions towards yourself and towards your TF.
‘Live in Truth’ of who you are from the heart and through all of your thoughts, words and actions.
‘Allow Stillness’ time and space to move freely between you and your TF. Practice the art of stillness within body, mind and spirit at all times.
‘Recognise Possibilities’ when they arise in your life and within your TF connection. Focus and honor the positives within yourself, within your life and within each other.
‘Grow in Wisdom’ Learning all that you can in order to grow through your experiences. Bringing loving and infinite wisdom back into your total wellbeing.
Pray! Consult your higher self for guidance and send loving thoughts and feelings to your Divine Counterpart (TF) with the inner knowing that you are both where you are meant to be at any giving time.
The more you let’s Go of the If’s, when’s, why’s, how’s, but’s and maybe’s within your thoughts, words and actions and come from a loving space in all that you do, the better the outcome will be.
Hold Your Faith, for all is well and will be as it should be, by Divine Guidance in Divine Timing!
Works of Higher Intelligence
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Image – twin-flames-karma
Rebirth & Renewal Through “Ego Death”
Unexplained and unexpected negative experiences, thoughts, feelings, dreams, nightmares and even illness can all be a part of the process of awakening… through the death of the old ways and the birth of new beginnings. What is really being experienced here is transformation through what is referred to as the ‘Ego Death’… a universal intervention to clear away any negatives from within the individual, clearing the path for a new way of being… in love and light of all truth… assisting the rebirth of mother earth and all life on earth. This process will happen on different levels for different people.
These current Universal Energies are assisting the releasing of the ego in all of its forms, through assisting in the Letting Go of any negative thought processes, believes and behaviors…releasing all fears, insecurities and illusion, such as the illusion of Lack, the Unknown, Appearances and Perception through conditioning and bring us back to a conscious reality of all truth, this process brings rebirth, union, reunion and connection to one’s self, to a higher power and to those who are meant to be in our life.
If you are experiencing negatives within your being through your thoughts, words and action or your mental, physical, spiritual or emotional being or even in your external life at this time you are indeed experiencing in some part… the Ego Death, these experiences are coming up to your conscious awareness for releasing, often by being triggered by something or someone. These experiences are being presented to you, so that you are able to recognize where you need to release your negative thoughts, words and actions… in order to heal your life… restoring peace, balance and harmony within and throughout the entire universe… as one.
You can assist this process by…
Breathing –
Deeply and purposefully, consciously awakening to a deeper awareness of love and life from within.
Let Go –
Of all negatives from within and surrounding you, let go of all illusion and all that no longer serves you in a positive light.
Live In Truth –
Of all truth from within your own heart.
Allow Stillness –
To relax, restore, rebalance and protect you from the harshness of the world in its current state, bringing peace and harmony into your total wellbeing.
Recognize Possibilities –
For the expansion and growth towards all that Is and all that is meant for you.
Grow In Wisdom –
Through your experiences, allowing loving wisdom back into your heart for the greater good of all.
Choose to experience the death of the old ways and the birth of new beginnings.
Choose to Recognize and Accept this process for what it is.
Choose to Let Go and Release any negatives within yourself and within that which surrounds you.
Choose Joy and happiness right now! Choose to be happy regardless of your external situations.
Choose Forgiveness and Acceptance of yourself and of others.
Choose to Allow new thought processes and pathways into your life.
Choose to Soften your heart and Reconnect to the vibration of Love.
Choose Love! Choose to come from a loving space in all that you say and do.
Go Within… align with your truth and your inner most desires.
Believe in yourself. Be brave enough to express yourself with authenticity and vulnerability.
Be Honest with yourself and with others, expressing your wants, needs and desires with truth and integrity.
Open your Heart!
Hold your faith!
Love yourself and others.
Embrace your own personal journey… whatever that may be, it is yours and yours alone. Whatever you what to achieve for yourself through this process, can be achieved, through focus and determination.
Love & Acceptance are your keys to success.
Aligning to all that is Love… in its truest form… is the aim.
Enjoy the process, it does not need to be difficult, in fact, it is only as difficult as you want to make it, for…
In Truth… Love is the answer to all of your questions….show love, give love… Be Love!
Works of Higher Intelligence
Thank You & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Photo by Wingingwithwhitehawk
No! You’re Not Going Crazy… You’re Ascending!

Trust me, if you’re reading this, you are ascending and you have nothing to worry about.
I have been humming and haring for the last 2 weeks about whether or not to write about the energies we are experiencing with the current Ascension Gateway opening up. There is so much information out there being shared and received that I figured you don’t need to be bombarded with more information by another channel, but today I got a strong call to share some of the information I have received from my guides regarding these energies. So… trusting in the process… I will and I am!
If you haven’t yet felt a shift in energy, you will be sure to get a burst of it soon. The emphasis is on… It’s Now or Never! Let me explain, this gateway is an open door way… in which you have a period of time that is being offered to you to make a choice, be it a conscious choice or a subconscious choice its neither here or there at this point in time, but be sure by the time this gateway closes you will be set on a path of no return… one way or another. This gateway will be open for a couple of more weeks, so don’t worry you haven’t missed out or anything, in fact you couldn’t miss out on anything if you tried, while you still have some influence on the outcome, it is not really necessary to make any real effort to choose your path, as it has in a sense been pre-destined. However the more work you do on yourself now the better.
I am being told… Now is the time for us all to step forward and into the life that awaits each and every one of us, the path that is our destiny and to truly start LIVING! the live that we are meant to live for our Highest Good and for the Highest Good of ALL Or Fall back and be left behind… It sounds harsh I know, but if you are feeling A PUSH or feeling MORE of late regardless of external appearances… more energy, more balance, more harmony, more peace, more joy, more abundance or a sense of knowing… then you are on path to break through the barriers and embrace your own free will.
That PUSH I mentioned, may be showing up in many different forms, perhaps change has been bestowed or forced upon you after some resistance, or perhaps you have fallen ill over the last period of time… offering you the gift of stillness, letting go, surrender and or transformation as you enter through the gateway… bringing all that is no longer serving you to the surface… to be released for good.
Yes! Much of what you are experiencing is the final stages of letting go and releasing of all resistance in truth of ALL Truth… in resistance to ALL that Is… in resistance to All that is Love and in resistance of the Light… The Light Spark within you… The LIGHT SPARK that YOU ARE… in truth of complete Oneness. You are in truth a spark of light, a spark of energy, separate to but completely connected to the life force energy of Oneness.
Some of you may have experience profound healing, on one or more levels… a lifting of the veil. Be sure that whatever you are experiencing it is meant to be and regardless of what it appears to look like, it surely is not what you imagine it to be.
If you have been holding back or sitting on the fence to date, this will be no longer. If it is Your Will to walk through the gateway and ascend, you will be entering into a time of great transformation and great personal and worldly changes for the greater good of All… moving towards alignment with your true path… living your life with full intention and purpose, your true path will be revealed… rising to great heights.
This Gateway opens up to a one way street, it’s now or never and once you enter, there is not going back… it is the road to salvation, it is where you will rise from the ashes leaving the past behind you. It’s where your life will begin.
BREATHE! – Relax! Everything will be ok.
TRUST! – Trust the process. Trust yourself and your intuition. Trust your inner guidance… it knows best.
SURRENDER! – Surrender all that no longer serves you, in body, mind and spirit and within the externals that surround you.
ALLOW! – Allow the process to be your guide. Allow and accept all truth that is being presented to you. Allow your True Will to materialize. Allow yourself to transform into who you really are… moving towards all that you truly desire.
RELEASE! – Release all negatives from within. Let Go of all that no longer serves you in a positive light, be it people, place, situations, negative thought processes, life’s conditioning. Release the concept of Lack, let go of the unknown, release negative thought processes.
DO and BE – whatever you FEEL you want to do and be!! – Do more of what you love, be inspired, get out and start living… The universe will support you, all you need do is to trust and follow its lead… recognizing and stepping towards any signs and or opportunities that come your way and are being presented to you for your greater good.
CHOOSE – To be Happy, choose Joy, choose to become the person you want to be. Choose Authenticity.
POSITIVE – Good feel vibes lift you to new heights… Embrace all that makes you feel good.
Are those who have completely given up and have decided to settle for nothing MORE than lack, poverty and ill health – disease and destruction (Ego) this is their free will. These souls are destined for a different path all together and will live out their lives blissfully unaware of what they are missing out on. There is no other way for them, this is their truth and it is their free will.
The ascended on the other hand must now learn a new way, we are being shown a new way of being and that way of being requires us to accept this process for what it is and for the greater good of All… the fallen have chosen their path and so have the ascended…the two paths can no longer continue to serve each other if there is to be true peace and harmony on earth. Division in some part must take place and we will be shown the way.
THE HARSH REALITY, the Universe wants you to know about.
This gateway is a game changer…
The ascended can help the fallen ONLY by… helping themselves… by healing themselves… by live and by loving themselves. This is a reality that will be proven beyond measure. There is no greater truth than this… (Something I read recently) “Love is the only superpower that can save us” however there comes a time when we must choose to love without attachment… This is that time, for there is no room for ego within a pure and loving heart… that has no boundaries… leading to true greatness.
We (The Ascended) must rise to our own heart vibration… in all that we do, if we are to achieve true greatness and if we are to reinstate true peace, harmony and happiness to ALL life on earth. If one chooses to invest their precious INNER resources in helping the fallen, they will accentually be holding themselves back from becoming the best version of themselves, accentually they will suffer for their supposed good will. It is a mistake to think, one can save another from suffering when accentually they chose the path less travelled, the path they have chosen is their destiny and should not be interfered with unless one has been given instruction to do so from the Ascended Masters/ Source, a Higher Power… for the greater good of all. It is meant to be this way and the Universe is set to show us this truth relentlessly from this moment forward.
As harsh as it may SEEM, the fallen are no longer our concern… but of something much more powerful than ourselves… Within True Love and Light.
Not all is lost…
Remember you are the Ascending.
Always remember where there is hope there is love and where there is love there is always hope, we may not fully understand or accept the new ways of the new world at this time, but we will in time, so for now Be Still, Be Brave and Be Love!
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Image by – shine_bright_by_matejpaluh-d5rm4su1
Reclaim Your Divine Oneness…

Who has felt the thawing of the freeze? Things are finally starting to move forward after a long and tiresome spiritual freeze… barer of growth, transformation and rebirth, new energies are now being restored for the individual and as a whole. A hint of positive change is in the air, you can now begin to feel that good things are to come. In some way, your world looks and feels to be experiencing a shift for the better whether it be bringing with it, more beauty, joy, love, happiness, positive experiences, improved health and wellbeing, financial improvements or freedom, job changes, moving location and or abundance and prosperity in many different forms… In some way, you are moving ahead in a positive direction and for many of you, this will mean a whole new direction in life or even a whole new way of being from that in which you have previously known.
If you haven’t stepped out doors much lately, I urge you to get out and about… allowing the energies of Mother Nature to nurture and help prepare you for the next part of your journey. Restoring and revitalizing your energies and focus on moving ahead with more direction and clarity.
Accept and embrace these changes, for they are for your highest good, even if they do not appear that way on the surface. For many of you the worst is now behind you and life will begin to take on a whole new meaning.
It’s time to shine your light from a higher perspective and level of vibrational energy… shinning it everywhere you go and upon everyone you come into contact with… moving closer to your Divinity and to Oneness. Don’t be shy, don’t hold back. Don’t be afraid, instead Let Go of any remaining negative believe systems and patterns with the inner knowing and faith that you have the support of the divine, the divine within you and surrounding you… connecting you to all living things.
You are a part of a divine living system of all that exists… all life on earth. All expression of that divine living system is pure love… all truth shared with integrity is share with love and light for all to see, hear, feel and breath within that living system. You are not separate from that system, you are the reason why it exists, you created it, you sustain it, you are it and it is you… You Are One. ‘You’ have the power to Heal or Hinder Yourself and Your World as One. You alone can reclaim and resort peace, balance and harmony to all life on earth and throughout the Universe.
Now…what are you going to choose to do with it?
Now… what are you waiting for…?
Now… Is The Time!
Now… Is The Future!
Now… Go Claim Your Freedom…
Through Divine Oneness.
Nadine Head
Psychic Medium Channel
Founder of Vorce Healing – The Universal Healing Energy of Oneness.
Healing Within… Healing the World!
© Nadine Head 2017
The tide is changing, pay close attention to what is happening around you right now, what is being gifted to you due to your actions or emotions, the universe offers us guidance through signs each and every day, it is responding to you, not for you, so be mindful of how the universe responds to your doing… your actions, and your being, offering you guidance towards the right direction, through what is happening around you.
Maybe you changed your mind set, maybe you shifted to your heart energy or maybe you created something new or came into contact with someone, and the Universe responded to you with a sign that you are on the right path, through coincidence, synchronicity or serendipity occurring, perhaps the sign will show up as a reward for your actions, perhaps due to the change in action and feeling you begin to regain energy or the fog begins to clear from your thought possess… you might even be rewarded with a sum of money, a new job offer, increases… such as more of what you do want rather than more of what you don’t want.
Pay close attention to the numbers and patterns showing up in your life, when and why as they have significant meaning that you are on the right path, or something is happening or about to happen that is truly meant for you.
Sometimes when everything seems to be falling apart, it is actually falling into place, by divine guidance… leading you back home… leading to something greater then what was or towards what is truly yours for the taking.
These sign are here to offer us guidance away from the ego mind and towards the truth of the heart… where all truth and love comes to light.
Regardless of the signs… all actions must be carried out within Divine Law, Divine Guidance and Divine Timing, therefore it may be, that you need to take a look at the bigger picture rather than the actual event taking place in the moment… bringing you closer to what is truly meant for you.
Nadine X
Origin of photo unknown
©Nadine Head 2016
The Powerful Truth behind the Powerful Untruth…

I talk a lot about Truth but today I want to talk about the power behind untruth or more to the point a lie, and how untruth in this form effects our health and wellbeing through vibration, and the ripple effect of that vibration.
When someone tells a lie, even a little white lie, it effects the body, mind and spirit of that person much more than it effects the person they are lying to, don’t get me wrong, I’m not making light of the effect a lie has on the person being lied to, it can have devastating effects but what I am talking about is how it effects the person telling the lie.
A lie has a detrimental effect on the liar in ways that are not visibly seen but can be felt through vibration, by all involved and this vibration is accessible to all life on earth when one is in the practice of Allowing Stillness, this vibration can be accessed and all untruth becomes just as visible as the truth can be felt and seen. All vibration can be felt from a state of stillness… from within and for those who practice truth in their lives this vibration can be felt more readily, giving that person access to the truth or untruth within others with or without resistance, this vibration becomes instinctive from a point of stillness within and just as easy as breathing we can assess the truth in others though vibration. Each vibration associated to everything one thinks, says or does is held within the body, mind and spirit of that being… their vibrational body of light and therefore when one tells a lie to the self or to another it has a detrimental effect on their own health and wellbeing.
Everyone’s body of light gets brighter and stronger through the existence and practice of coming from a place of love and light… radiating out a vibrational match… of all truth, when a lie is formed that light begins to fade and one’s vibrational energy loses brightness and strength as they slip into the lower vibration of ego… where all lies are manifested, causing disharmony, destruction and often decease from within, leaving side effects of physically, mentally and emotionally illness, through the loss of light and energy. Living from untruth keeps us bound to the lower vibration of ill health and unhappiness.
By living in truth to the self and to others we rekindle the light from within and begin to regain energy, health and wellbeing, raising one’s own vibration to love and light.
When in one’s own truth… all vibration of Love and light radiates from within… It shines bright and can be felt by the rest of the world through vibration. When in truth of Love and Light we become a vibrational match to our own purpose, personal power and potential… we become the light and it becomes visible to all those living in truth of the self and to others without effort. We are the light… we can dim it through living in untruth, or we can make it brighter by living in truth. The choice is ours, all vibrational energy whether light or dark ripples out into the world via vibrational waves and has an effect on all life throughout the Universe. When a person lives a life of untruth, they become blind to the truth and often see things that do not exist, this is because all untruth stems from the ego where all elusion and disillusion resides, they see it as they are, this does not make them a bad person it simply means that they have been conditioned to that way of being and all conditioning can be released through the healing process.
So next time you feel the need to tell a lie, no matter how small it may seem, ask yourself is that the vibrational match you want to attract into your life and send out to the rest of the world? Ask yourself how low I am sinking into ego and losing the strength and light I need to peruse my hopes, dreams and aspirations, how has my untruth kept me from living the life I most desire and right in that moment start healing your life by facing the truth, regardless of the disillusion of consequence by telling the truth, it will never have the detrimental effect on you or another as it will on your own health and wellbeing by continuing to living the lie.
Be the light, heal your life and live the life you most desire.
Your vibrational energy is the most powerful energy available to you, use it wisely… use it to come out of the dark and into the light… use it to shine!
Nadine x
© Nadine Head 2016
Align Your Intentions With Your True Hearts Desire.

Often it is difficult to see past our current reality to find clarity and direction… creating a better future. This simple technique offers alignment to your inner most desires by focusing on the emotions surrounding your desires. Start by asking yourself the following questions.
Q. What can you Let Go of within yourself today that will help you to create the life you want?
Q. What personality trait, thought pattern, habit or aspect of yourself is holding you back from moving into the life you most desire or becoming the person you want to become?
Q. By Letting Go of these elements… how do you want to feel?
Now take a few moments to FEEL within your entire being, what that would really FEEL like to you.
Q. What elements are you lacking in the present that your new life or way of being requires, for you to create the life you most desire or to become the person you want to become?
Q. How can you bring these elements into your life or being?
Q. In bringing these elements into your life or being… how do you want to feel?
Now take a few moments to FEEL within your entire being, what that would really FEEL like to you.
By focusing on FEELING the positive emotions surrounding what it is you want to create or become, you are manifesting your desire into reality through positive vibrations. Now… surrender and release it to the Universe, trust yourself and the Universe to support your creation… working closely together with the Universe to bring it into reality. By letting go of the, ifs, when’s, why’s, how’s, but’s and maybe’s within your thought process surrounding your desired outcome, the Universe can deliver it to you with greater ease. The more you ‘let go’ and trust this process, the better the outcome.
Be present and fully aware in each and every moment allowing an element of stillness… allowing you to recognise and follow any signs the universe offers you in the co-creation of your inner most desires with greater ease.
Your emotions become your reality. By keeping your emotions high in positivity, love and light… your future experiences will become a match, any seemingly negative experiences thereafter, align with any soul lessons you are yet to learn for your highest good, in which case… are learnt with the greatest of ease by embracing the process and continuing to taking steps to move forward within your day to day activities, bringing about growth at the very core of your being and offering a bright future ahead.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2016
We Are Renewal Of Life!

Experiencing or sensing great change from within?
Negative emotions at this time can be nothing more than an illusion, intended to assist one’s own transformational process… bringing in RENEWAL OF LIFE and a deeper awareness as we move into a new way of being from within.
Let Go now of negative thoughts and feelings, let go of all negatives from within, let go of any pain, sorrow, judgment, anger, frustration, controlling patterns etc. This way of resistance in existence is coming to an end and we are awakening and transforming to a higher vibrational existence, where all love and light resides from within.
All life on earth is experiencing this shift to some degree, some will experience a more profound transformation and awareness of the process than others, depending on where one is at on their own soul’s journey, but rest assured all life on earth has entered into this metamorphosis for the highest good of all that Is… And will contribute to the unfolding of what is to come as a result of the current shifts.
Just be… right now… without resistance to what is unfolding within your own heart, remain centered and connected to the self and listen from the heart for any signs of movement toward the future. Your positive thoughts and feelings hold your future experience within your own hands… stay true to your true heart’s desire.
The time of suffering will ease gradually as it comes to an end here on earth over the coming time. Embrace the journey however difficult it may seem for we are not only coming back to LIFE… we are coming HOME.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2016
Photo by Lhoycel Marie Photography
Twin Flame Activation

Alignment & Recognition
You may have noticed an increase of information coming to you through online forums, intuition and other means in the last week or so, related to the Twin Flame Activation. Twin Flames have been experiencing the Twin Flame activation sequence numbers for some time now leading up to the current and significant power surge now taking place, e.g. 111, 11:11 and so on. So if you and a significant other have been experiencing number sequences you may be in for a deeper awakened awareness of your Twin Flame. These numbers serve a number of purposes however the alignment of the Twin Flame has been of significance during the number sequence activation.
We have entered and are currently experiencing a planetary alignment bring growth and expansion to Twin Flame as individuals and as couples via an energetically serge … this is a time of great change bring about a deeper vibrational and telepathic connection between these two bodies of light whether they are currently together or not. This shift will last for several weeks with the intention of a deeper connection between Twin Flames on some level, this process will vary in great highs and lows for each Twin Flame, depending on where they are at on their own personal journey… ultimately consciously or subconsciously moving towards a harmonious union. This process is inevitable.
Regardless of one’s external influences the Twin Flame will continue to reunite in this life time until they can come together in harmony, until that point they each have much to learn and experience as individuals… this includes working through any soul lessons, elimination of the ego, karmic debt and any negative vibrations blocking their harmonious union, this journey can be as easy or as hard as one makes it for themselves, but is always being assisted towards a loving union by unseen forces. If one is able to let go and surrender… allowing the universe to lead the way, they can come through this time with much more ease than if they resist. The more one can let go, trust, wait for and follow Universal guidance the better the outcome will be, of course one must follow their own intuition for this process to be smooth sailing.
There are many stages of a Twin Flame relationship that need to be experienced before a harmonious union can take place between the two. No matter where you are at on your journey and the Twin Flame process, you can expect that this current alignment may not be a time of harmony but it is sure to be a meaningful time for you both whether you are currently together or apart. Though you may be physically apart, spiritually you are always together. Love transcends time and space… therefore nothing is missing.
A Twin Flame is made up of three bodies of energy, each of the Twins… typically a male, a female and a genetic light body… a higher source of energy, known as the Flame. All three energies are intertwined, each are a part of each other. During the current alignment, the Flame is now becoming consciously known to the twins through the same vibrational and telepathic connection the twins are currently awakening to between each other, this connection between all three bodies will become stronger as time goes on and eventually all three bodies will be fully aware of each other’s energetic presents and how they can work together to assist in the coming together as one body of light, energetically and eventually in the physical form, from the moment the conscious awareness of the Flame takes place for one or both the Twins it has great potential for growth, a deeper understanding and connection in a much shorter time frame than if the Twins were not aware of their third body… the Flame. One or both Twins may or may not become aware of the Flame during the Twin Flame emergence, but once the Twins merge in consciousness, a connection can be made bring all three light bodies together in consciousness.
The Flame is a key element in the harmonious union and has the ability to assist the process in an accelerated manner for the highest good of all regardless of its conscious awareness within one or both Twins. Once the Flame is recognised and acknowledged by one or both Twins it can bring the Twins to a whole new dimension and in a shorter time flame, if they are ready and willing to take the next step towards this dynamic soul connection and union for the greater good of all. This process can be very difficult if only one of the Twins has awakened to the presents of the Flame, however the Flames current aim is to assist both parties with their own individual struggles and has the capability to protect and support each Twin in their own personal journey consciously or subconsciously and will develop as the Twins merge together as one in time. So this is not a journey that either Twin must take alone, they each have the assistance of their Flame to some degree at all times, but ultimately has the greatest potential once both Twins have made a conscious connection with their Flame and all three bodies of energy are consciously reunited.
This maybe a difficult time for Twin Flames but it is a significant one supporting the inevitable union/reunion and will ultimately bring you both closer in time. Resistance is futile. The best way to move through this time is to Let Go of any negative vibrations particularly controlling patterns from within the self, if your Twin is resisting ‘Let Go’ for your influence can not be felt at this time, Let Go of the Ifs, when’s, whys, how’s, buts and maybes surrounding this situation and Surrender to the process currently at hand. If your Twin has gone astray all you can do for now is Let Go and love them from a distance. Regardless of external appearances, all truth will come to light in time and a new deep and meaningful union/reunion can take place. Miracles can and will take place when both Twins surrender to the process. A resisting Twin will eventually find their way back to the Twin Flame connection, while separation can be quite painful for one or both Twins, it is merely a time of eternal growth… eventually leading to a harmonious reunion.
If you are currently in a harmonious relationship with your Twin Flame, you can expect a deeper connection to take place now.
A Twin Flames purpose is to bring more love and light to the world and throughout the Universe through their unique connection and soul mission. A journey to the depths of the soul through pure love… fulfilment and wholeness… Aligning to Complete Oneness in love and light of all that Is…. eternal love and life.
Many Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head