You can Heal Yourself – Bringing All Truth to Light & Success.

One must heal THEM SELVES from within before TRUE health, harmony, happiness and success can follow.
If you are struggling in any way… in any area of your life, then you are RESISTING TRUTH… soul truth. Healing is required on a soul level… creating REAL healing… creating optimal health and wellbeing… health, harmony, and happiness, and in turn creating abundance on all levels. You are your own truest and greatest healer.
Many of us stay stuck in illness, decease, disharmony, and or destruction for long periods of time, believing they need someone or something else to fall into place before they can heal and before finding their own way back to health and wellbeing. This is often out of self-pity. Self-pity stems from the disconnection to the inner light that shines from within. All healing begins with self-love even the healing of others and our planet as a whole in the energy of oneness… for we are all one.
Self-healing does not come from having someone there to hold our hand, and no one can do it for us, it starts with love… self-love. From self-love we find the strength and desire to making more of an effort to change our life’s for the better and by continuing to move forward in right action through the hurdles that come our way without allowing them to drag us down, rebuilding our self-worth, until we learn what it is we need to learn through that process for our highest good… our Soul and its true purpose. Healing comes from honouring the self, through making better choices, walking away from what does not serve us in a positive light, and moving towards what does. This process has the potential for miraculous healing of decease and illness on all levels.
Self-pity holds us in the need for self-healing, of soul healing and it doesn’t offer healing until we recognise it for what it truly is… a darkness meant to hold us in decease and destruction… ultimately it is the ego, the will to push past these negative emotions, begins the healing process and while others can stand by us and comfort us on our journey, we do not need them to heal ourselves, in fact healing of the soul in truth is a journey that is often best taken alone.
I often hear statements along these lines from the ill and suffering:
But I’m all alone; I have no support, I have no family or friends, it’s too hard.
I don’t know what I did to deserve this.
I just want god to take me home.
I don’t see a way out /forward.
There seems to be no end to my suffering.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
Trust me when I say… I get it! I have been there and done that. I have used all of these statements and then some and while I may seem to have little compassion in the words I write here, it simply is not the case, what is the case, is that through my own journey back to health I discovered why and how I got there to begin with and how important it is for one to heal themselves from within… and can… no matter what the struggle may be, no matter how ill one is… true healing comes from within. ALL the answers lie within you.
All the answers to my problems and ill health where of my own doing, not of anyone else’s nor for the lack of… support, family, friends, money, time or anything else I used as an excuse not to try harder, because I didn’t have the faith and belief in myself that had been stripped away over my life time, out of conditioning. Let me say that is a reason but it is not an excuse. We have the faith and belief within us to grow beyond any conditioning. Yes I was lost, I didn’t know the HOW the WHY or the WHEN… that level of separation comes from the disconnection from the self and from source through conditioning, but I can tell you that the How is within you.
These negative comments we use and tell ourselves when we are ill come from the lack of knowledge, understanding, and inner wisdom, through the disconnection to the self… through the worlds conditioning. Trust when I say… that is no excuse nor is it a reason to wallow in darkness for any lengthy period of time; however this process serves a very good purpose… one that reveals itself through the SELF-HEALING process… not through the suffering. This process transforms to light, bringing one to discover one’s life purpose and full potential.
Soul Healing is your key to true and lasting success on all levels of exsistence. Healing of the body, mind and spirit of all TRUTH in love and light, offers us a deeper knowing, understanding, belief, and faith through the reconnection to the self and to light source. The first step towards positive action through our inner wisdom in love and light is the hardest but it is the most important step you will take towards self-healing and the healing of all truth within ourselves and of our planet.
Truth is healing… creating peace, harmony and happiness… emanating love and light from within to heal the world. All healing begins within each individual; all healing leads one to their life purpose and full potential… creating all one desires for the self and our planet as one. The first place to start towards self-healing is to be true and truthful to ourselves followed by right action in honour or one’s own truth.
Do not waste any more time waiting for the right conditions for healing to take place… that day will never come. Start healing yourself and your life today… with the truth… YOU’RE TRUTH!
Bring your truth to light with love… YOU’RE LOVE!
Honour your truth and your love and your light with integrity.
You are your truest and greatest healer… no one can heal you to the depths of your soul like you can. You are Love & Light Energy in Motion… Heal YOUR self and Let YOUR light Shine!
It all comes back to you and you have the power to heal yourself.
Nadine X
The Art of Allowing

A Shift in Energy is upon us… Align yourself with the art of ALLOWING!
Let Go! Allow what is meant to be… BE! Allow space for expansion… growing on all levels.
Remember: Change is good!
In recent weeks many of you would have experienced the learning involved in ALLOWING… Through allowing stillness within, with patience, and through listening and following Divine Guidance within Divine Timing by Divine Law and for many, this learning brought great change. Now you have the knowledge and willingness… it’s time to align yourself with this way of being for the greater good of all.
This doesn’t mean you allow negatives in, such as negative people, places, or experiences, but to allow nature to take its course around you, while you stay true to you… in truth and integrity. In this way we are our own master working with source, all energy flows through and around us, therefore we must bring our inner light into the world from a conscious state of purpose…ensuring peace, harmony, and happiness.
Allow what is meant for you to come forth and use it to serve you ad others within Divine Law, Divine Guidance, and Divine Timing.
Nadine X

Nadine Head Psychic Medium & Founder of Vorce Healing
The Universal Healing Energy of Complete Oneness.
* MEDIUMSHIP EVENING EVENT – Champers & Connections Mediumship Evening – This evening offers a lovely and light fun evening out with like-minded people. Nadine will mingle with spirit and bring through Psychic Insights and Connect with loved ones from the other side.
Date: 6th Nov Time: 7 pm to 9 pm – Arrival 6.45 for a 7 pm start Investment: $35 pp – Location: Frenchville Rockhampton – Address TBA
If you are interested in holding your own Mediumship Evening in your home, club or community group please contact Nadine on the number below. Availability is from the 2nd – 23rd Nov
* WORKSHOP – Vorce Healing – A One day Attunement Workshop is being held on the 15th of Nov at Gracemere – Contact Nadine for details. One on One Workshops are available from the 2nd to the 23rd.
Alternatively host your own Vorce workshop in your home, group, club, or community and receive a host discount– conditions apply.
* READINGS – You’re Souls Path Readings $85 – Available from the 2nd to the 23rd Nov.
26 yrs experience with a very high accuracy rate.
Discover what you need to know and do on a soul level to move forward in your life and towards your life purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire. Learn of any blockages getting in the way of your greatest success and living your life in alignment with your purpose, power, passion and potential and receive messages regarding family, friends, relationships, money, career and much more.
Inquires & bookings: Nadine 0449218679 ~
Facebook: Nadine Head – Psychic / Medium / Channel / Healer
Physical Signs of Resistance for Transformation

People come into our lives to learn, show, guide and to grow. Often offering insight into what we are not our selves willing or able to see, feel, or touch. To get the most out of these experiences we must be open, honest, and willing to be fully present… take a leap of faith into/towards the unknown, without fear. Practice of Divine Law brings us to this understanding and to the point of complete oneness… not an easy task at first but one that offers wholeness once mastered… in complete oneness. The road to complete oneness is a bumpy one but offers a smooth passage to true greatness and true success on all levels of existence, as a result of ones true efforts.
The Practice of Divine Law by…
Letting go
Living in Truth
Allowing Stillness
Recognizing Possibilities
Growing in Wisdom
Our fears and insecurities are what hold us back from reaching our full potential. There is no fear, restriction or resistance of what is fully possible in reaching ones full potential, except one’s own thought process/imagination. Believe and faiths are the keys one requires to complete the journey towards all that there is on offer… all possibilities and potential… simply waiting ones discovery.
Are you finding your physical body is reacting at this point in time to any and all resistance? Than your physical body is leading the way right now due to a lack of right action within divine law, if it is reacting with a negative response than you need to stop and focus on what it is bringing to your attention without delay as it will only continue to manifest in illness of great proportion if not addressed and brought to action until you pay attention and take action, alternatively the universe is taking action for you in creating situations that will have you stop in your tracks, slowing you down until you make the necessary changes need for the better. So ask yourself what am I resisting? What is being brought to my attention or offered to me that I am not willing to see or step into?
Do not allow resistance to hold you back from all that is possible right now in health, wealth, and happiness, these are great times for growth in an accelerated motion, offering miraculous outcomes in complete truth of the self. Acknowledge what is being brought forward and with the practice of divine law take a leap of faith towards your full potential, your greatest success and towards complete oneness with ease, in all areas of your existence.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2015
Align your energy with your soul’s path

Align your energy with your soul’s path… in balance and harmony of Oneness.
All life is vibrational energy in motion and if we move with that vibrational energy, life will flow with ease as intended by divine law with divine guidance and within divine timing.
Your soul’s guidance is not solely of the self but made up of all energies flowing in and out of time and space, bringing all that is meant for you into alignment with your soul’s contract/path.
Listening to your soul’s guidance by following your intuition, allows one to recognize, allow and accept what it leads you towards, showing you the gifts, the lessons, the growth, the guidance, the love and the light it has to offer you and such a gift can only be received with an open heart and open mind, to move in any other way is to fail and change one’s own true path, leading to imbalance and disharmony.
Life requires balance and growth to acquire balance and growth, each person, place, or thing that is brought to us, plays a vital role in the gifting and birthing of life, love, and union in pure light on all levels of existence. Nothing and no-one is separate, moving forward comes with ease as we let go and allow each of these energies to move freely in its own movement towards or away from each other… from the heart and soul of its self… its own true essence.
Let go and trust the process of divine guidance. By letting go, the lessons, the learning, the growth and awareness expands and comes to us faster… yet with more ease. This is how we come to be where we are meant to arrive, when we are meant to arrive as human and as spiritual beings.
The only way forward in any situation that promises the soul’s intended outcome, is to learn the art of Letting Go ~ Living in Truth ~ Allowing Stillness ~ Recognizing Possibilities and Growing in Wisdom… all else fails us as we fail ourselves of a full life by divine law… these laws lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, all intended outcomes there for are presented in pure love and light, any discomfort thereafter is of our own conditioning… not of one’s true essence in pure love and light.
Move with all natural flowing energy in pure love and light and all will fall into place as intended with ease and grace.
Believe and Trust in Faith of the mystical and magical power of energy in love and light.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head
Psychic Medium Nadine Head – Coming to Coffs Harbour October 2015

Nadine is offering – You’re Souls Path Readings
Discover what you need to know and do to move forward in your life right now and towards your live purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire.
Learn of any blockages that are holding you back from your greatest success and from finding your soul mate. Find direction, clarity, and conformation of the path that lies ahead … living your life in alignment with your soul’s purpose, power, passion, and potential.
Nadine is a soul reader and has 26 years’ experience with a very high accuracy rate. Nadine’s readings will take you on the journey of your soul’s path, offering you as much information as she can to help you at this point in time regarding family, friends, health, wealth, career, love and much more.
By Appointment Only, Taking Bookings Now.
For more information and bookings: 0449218679
Please view some of the resent testimonials Nadine’s clients have submitted for your viewing.
14th August 15
Today I went and visited Nadine Head and had a reading done. It was an experience filled with such spiritual warmth and truth. Feeling the energy and understanding to begin to let go, really let go and BE. Have to say it was so enlightening when I could feel my mind and body BE in a space of true peace. A fresh beginning to embrace my trust and believe that my journey and the learning’s are part of the process to opening an infinite flow of abundant love, passion, purpose and prosperity. Thank you Nadine from the depths of my heart xo Lorraine Enright
11th August 15
I have had many readings with Nadine over the past four years and each of them have been life-altering. They have given me a guideline, kind of an internal GPS system to follow and to turn me around whenever I have got lost. By using her ability to show me the points to pay attention to and the things to ignore, I was able to travel my journey in a more direct route and for that I am forever grateful.
A few months ago she told me that I was about my soul-mate and to ensure that I was able to recognize him, she channeled his energy. As I sat with Nadine I got to experience the feeling of who he is and actually feel his presence, so when we met for the first time, a matter of weeks later and exactly as she predicted, I instantly knew it was him.
I feel compelled to share Nadine’s gift with you. If you are reading this I know it is because you are looking for insight into a situation in your life and I would like to reassure that Nadine can offer it. She has the ability to connect you with your future, to show you what it can be and as long as you follow her guidance, you will find what you are looking for. Zoe Richardson
15th August 15
Nadine, I just wanted to tell you that I found John, the ancestor you told me about who is supporting me. I couldn’t believe it. He is my grandmothers grandfather on my Dads side. Would’ve been in the 1800s, lived in Wales. I hadn’t heard of any John before but after some investigation, found him easily. John Green was his name. Had about 7 children. I imagine life was just how you described it for him. Fascinating, and I’m not sure why but it’s a bit of a surprise to me. A beautiful gift, so very special. Thank you for enlightening me. I’m so grateful. Janet Haworth
Thanks for reading everyone and we hope we see you in September.
Psychic Medium Nadine Head – Coming to Rockhampton Sept 2015

For 1 week only – Sept 1st – 5th
Nadine is offering – You’re Souls Path Readings
Discover what you need to know and do to move forward in your life right now and towards your live purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire.
Learn of any blockages that are holding you back from your greatest success and from finding your soul mate. Find direction, clarity, and conformation of the path that lies ahead … living your life in alignment with your soul’s purpose, power, passion, and potential.
Nadine is a soul reader and has 26 years’ experience with a very high accuracy rate. Nadine’s readings will take you on the journey of your soul’s path, offering you as much information as she can to help you at this point in time regarding family, friends, health, wealth, career, love and much more.
By Appointment Only, Taking Bookings Now.
For more information and bookings: 0449218679
Please view some of the resent testimonials Nadine’s clients have submitted for your viewing.
14th August 15
Today I went and visited Nadine Head and had a reading done. It was an experience filled with such spiritual warmth and truth. Feeling the energy and understanding to begin to let go, really let go and BE. Have to say it was so enlightening when I could feel my mind and body BE in a space of true peace. A fresh beginning to embrace my trust and believe that my journey and the learning’s are part of the process to opening an infinite flow of abundant love, passion, purpose and prosperity. Thank you Nadine from the depths of my heart xo Lorraine Enright
11th August 15
I have had many readings with Nadine over the past four years and each of them have been life-altering. They have given me a guideline, kind of an internal GPS system to follow and to turn me around whenever I have got lost. By using her ability to show me the points to pay attention to and the things to ignore, I was able to travel my journey in a more direct route and for that I am forever grateful.
A few months ago she told me that I was about my soul-mate and to ensure that I was able to recognize him, she channeled his energy. As I sat with Nadine I got to experience the feeling of who he is and actually feel his presence, so when we met for the first time, a matter of weeks later and exactly as she predicted, I instantly knew it was him.
I feel compelled to share Nadine’s gift with you. If you are reading this I know it is because you are looking for insight into a situation in your life and I would like to reassure that Nadine can offer it. She has the ability to connect you with your future, to show you what it can be and as long as you follow her guidance, you will find what you are looking for. Zoe Richardson
15th August 15
Nadine, I just wanted to tell you that I found John, the ancestor you told me about who is supporting me. I couldn’t believe it. He is my grandmothers grandfather on my Dads side. Would’ve been in the 1800s, lived in Wales. I hadn’t heard of any John before but after some investigation, found him easily. John Green was his name. Had about 7 children. I imagine life was just how you described it for him. Fascinating, and I’m not sure why but it’s a bit of a surprise to me. A beautiful gift, so very special. Thank you for enlightening me. I’m so grateful. Janet Haworth
Thanks for reading everyone and we hope we see you in September.
The thing about confusion…

If something confuses you… it is not meant for you!
If someone confuses you… they are not meant for you!
If it confuses you, then it is not in alignment with your soul and will only bring you disharmony.
If it confuses you, let it go… restoring inner peace, balance and harmony… opening the door for what truly is meant for you to come into your reality with ease.
Love & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2015
The Law of Attraction

No body said it would be easy, but with practice it will become as natural to you as breathing… for this is our natural state of existence. The Law of Attraction is a state of being, a way of thriving, it is living in a true state of presence and awareness, it is to be truly ALIVE… in love and light.
Many, struggle to understand or actively embrace the ‘Law of Attraction’ It can be difficult to live in the flow of positive creation in a world surviving in ego.
When we are in sync or in the flow with our ability to attract all that our heart desire’s… meaning that our body, mind and spirit or if you prefer… our thoughts, words and actions are in harmony with each other, remaining centred and connected to our inner light source… our higher selves… creating and attract the energy of positive ‘Law of Attraction’ then who and what we attract into our lives can only be RIGHT for us at that point in time.
If we slip out of sync/flow, even in the slightest way, we attract a less desirable person or experience into our lives at that point in time and if we remain in alignment with less desirable thoughts, words and action, focusing on the negative rather than the positive we create and attract the energy of negative ‘Law of Attraction’.
By raising our vibration through raising our thoughts, words and actions to a more positive vibration… focusing on what we do want rather than what we don’t want, along with keeping our thought’s, words and actions in harmony with each other, we attract all that we desire. No if’s or butts, it is literally… purely and simply… done!
You and you alone are self-empowering your future experiences… Empower and be empowered through the Law of Attraction.
Love, Light & Blessings.
Nadine X
The Importance of Generating Income through Divine Service by Divine Law

Many have the ‘idea’ that it is not spiritual to charge others for our spiritual gifts/services or to make money from the natural healing energies the Universe provides us with; some believe it is not appropriate to make large sums of money from these sorts of services. This is simply not the case. There are guidelines within Divine Law that if followed, ensures great success in our chosen path and for the future success of our planet
In fact you may be surprised to know that by not charging for our Divine services, we are doing ourselves and the Universe a huge injustice for spiritual growth and success as our human and spiritual experiences within Divine Laws intertwine to create a forward motion… bring one to the awareness of and to fulfil one’s full potential on our souls journey, this includes the experience of generating income through Divine Service, without these two elements meshing together, we stunt our growth in reaching our full potential and often do not even discover our life purpose, having a negative impact on the future success of our planet.
The Universe wants to shower us with abundance and prosperity on all levels of existence, including monetary value. However, in order for this to happen we must first use and offer our unique gifts and healing properties/modalities within Divine Laws, unfortunately without this knowledge and understanding we often fail to succeed in our chosen path… our life’s purpose to serve, through our unique spiritual gifts.
Your unique spiritual gifts are offered to you in a call to service, serving the highest good of all life in the human form and as spiritual beings and for all life throughout the Universe. When we use our gifts as intended with our hearts desire and intention to serve for the greater good of all, we become a vessel of Universal knowledge and wisdom to assist the Universe here on earth, through our unique service, to create more love, peace and harmony on earth and throughout the Universe. In return the Universe intends to reward us for all of our efforts, showering us with abundance, and prosperity. This cycle of service and reward is quite pertinent to our spiritual growth and the future success of all life on earth; therefore it is appropriate to strive to acquire financial abundance for Divine service. This experience is a part of our experience of Oneness, our experiences are not separate from us, they make us whole and bring us into Oneness.
If our intentions to serve through our unique gifts are used correctly as they were originally intended to be used and are heart based… to serve and not for self-gain in any way, we are gifted in becoming an expert in our unique area of service… our inner knowledge and wisdom opens up more and more to us as we serve under Divine Laws, allowing us to excel and succeed in that field, in return the Universe wants nothing more than to reward us for all of our honest hard work… creating peace, harmony and happiness to the individual and throughout the Universe and through financial abundance.
On the other hand if our intention is for self-gain and or we do not honour and use our gifts as they are intended to be used within Divine Laws, we cannot reach our full potential within our unique field, gift or service, nor will we reap the rewards available to us for our efforts.
At the end of the day, the most important thing is your true heart’s desire, what motivates you… serving others or self-gain, there is no grey area as far as the Universe is concerned; it’s one or the other… in full. If we are in the grey area at all, even in the slightest way, we block our own growth and will not succeed in our spiritual service to its full potential until we serve from the heart… within Divine Laws.
I hope this helps you on your journey to create an income from your spiritual gifts as intended by Divine Law.
There are many other factors that make your call to service a great success or failure. So, stay connected to follow more “Works of Higher Intelligence” through this space.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X