Psychic Medium Channeler

Divine Timing… A Key to True Success

Healers, Energy Healers, Light Workers, whatever you label yourself in this realm you are all one in the vibration of Divine Love and Light.

Many of you are struggling at the moment. To help ease the mind, offering insight and guidance for those of you who are feeling the current shifts and are finding their inner light source to be expanding, receiving knowledge and wisdom on many new levels yet may be struggling energetically, feeling tired, lethargic, weighted down or even like there is a blanket of energy holding you back from taking action or moving forward, perhaps personal issues are being brought to light, perhaps you don’t  knowing what to do next or perhaps your holding onto the old ways of taking action without delay, attempting to move forward without hesitation.

In the past we have listened to our inner source, jumped to attention and followed ones inner guidance without DELAY, this last step is where we often failed ourselves and our own spiritual growth on the earthly plane, this is a non-serving way of moving forward and no longer serves Divine Purpose, in fact it never did, in the past taking action on Divine Guidance outside of Divine Timing has caused – what once promised great success… only returned hardship, disharmony, struggle and for some even failure. The successful completion of Divine Purpose requires many elements to be alignment with each other… Under the umbrella of Divine Laws.

By remaining centred we can easily listen to and following the guidelines of Divine Law, as they are already instilled in our heart centre, offering great reward of Divine Offerings and completion of ones Divine Purpose… reaching one’s Full Potential. Many have failed in the past by acting too soon where with Divine Timing, success had once been promised. Know and trust that at this time there is no hurry and by remaining centred, taking your time to nature your soul and prepare yourself physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally, all will fall into place as it should when the time is right. Quietly Serve, allowing nature to take its course, go with the flow and all will be as it should be.

At this time, we are profoundly ‘Sensory Expressive,’ and ‘Sensory Expansive’ our senses are heightened, emotions may run deep and high, our inner knowledge and wisdom is expanding, reaching new and profound levels and frame works and as your ideas and inspirations come to light, bringing new found clarity and confidence, your first thought might be to take action, this is simply the illusion of your inner fears coming together to test and challenge your ability to remain centred… following your spiritual path within Divine Law towards Complete Oneness. Be mindful that all your unresolved mess/stuff, effects others greatly via your energetic vibration, within your circles and your work on others, therefore it is best to stay true to your inner knowing at this time, working on yourself, until you receive the go ahead from your higher self, following all sign towards taking action.

Your mission at this time is to remain centred and act upon your inner guidance, the inner knowing, and wisdom within your heart, with grace, truth and integrity… Divine Guidance within Divine Timing, by Divine Law, refraining from expression of the ego, if one remains heart centred one will be aware that part of one’s mission right now is to harness the ego, embracing ones inner light source for self-growth in preparation for the next part of your journey. Refrain from jumping in head first, for self-gain or out of fear, for this will be your down fall later down the track, listen to your inner knowing, timing is everything. Divine Guidance served within Divine Timing by Divine Laws is the key to your success now and in the future, now is the time to centre yourself, make that connection strong and clear, nurture your soul – TRULY learn what it is to ‘Let Go’ “Live in Truth” ‘Allow stillness’ ‘Recognize Possibilities’ and ‘Grow in Wisdom,’ when you can master these techniques, you can be all that you are meant to be in Body, Mind and Spirit… know what to do and when to do it, creating an abundance of Divine offerings and Blessings.

You are your best Guide, you are your best Healer, and you are your Greatest Success. Look within and find your own way, others can help you feel better for a while but only you have the power within you to bring yourself Completeness, Wholeness and to the Divine Presence of Oneness, there is no greater omniscient. Trust in this process for it is the way of the future and promises true success on all levels.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

End of Pareve… A time of Great Change & Celebration!

Here we are on our last day of fasting. I trust you all experienced the pareve to the best of your ability and therefore would have experienced the magic that surrounds this part of the journey.

A pareve is not just about a cleansing of the body, but of the body, mind, and soul equally and this pareve in particular brought with it many great changes with great universal assistance.

Many would have experienced ‘letting go’ of all that no longer serves you in a positive light, with many of your fears and insecurities coming to the surface for deliberation and letting go.

Many would have entered into a new sense of being – with a strong desire to make positive changes in your personal and professional lives and found great easy in doing so. Some of you would have been given the guidance you need to take the next step forward on your journey through live.

Some of you would have experienced highs and lows of emotion, energy, sadness and of loss as you let go of the past.

Many of you would be feeling a shift in energy and heightened levels of vibration running through your being, this may even feel uneasy as you adjust to the changes that your body, mind, and spirit require for your highest good at this time and this feeling may continue for some time, being particularly noticeable if you look back in the slightest way to what you have just worked towards let go, there is no going back, no dwelling on the past, moving forward is the only way with easy from this point forward.

You may or may not be aware, but we have been shown how to breathe as one and this will create great change on a conscious and subconscious level that will serve you well in time. The other key note of this pareve was free will; a great sense of freedom will now begin to set in as one’s body, mind and spirit adjusts to this new way of being.

If you managed to followed the pareve and fasting process you would be experiencing internal and external changes all within alignment with your soul’s path and connection to source. This may leave you feeling not quite yourself, in actual fact it is your total being coming back home and the uneasy you feel is a life time of conditioning washing away, leaving you feeling so different and maybe even vulnerable that you are unsure if it is a good or bad feeling, trust that this too will pass, the key to getting through this next period of time is to keep moving forward and do not look back.

This pareve brought great transformation and whatever you are experiencing right now it comes without a doubt it is for your greater good and the greater good of all.

Many of you will now hold the inner knowing that you have now come through the worst and have reached the other side of all that no longer serves you and your journey in a positive light. Many will feel the expansion of knowledge and wisdom that comes from the practice of… Letting Go, Living in Truth, Allowing Stillness, Recognizing Possibilities and Growing in Wisdom and many will feel you have finally learnt all of your soul lessons and faced any karmic debt belonging to you… allowing you to enter into a more rewarding faze of spiritual maturity.

If you are not feeling this and are unsure if you have reached this point than you are not quite there yet, keep working at it and you will now find that you have the knowledge, wisdom and universal support you need to set yourself free in the future.

For those of you who are aware of the process and feel free from all that has been holding you back, this is a time of adjustment, so allow nature to take its course, be kind to yourself and to others, love all of your being with all of your heart.

Listen and be ready to receive great knowledge and wisdom that will serve you on the next part of your journey towards the creation of heaven on earth, for you will now begin to desire and create the world you most desire on all levels of existence in a new and profound light.

Well done! Congratulations… you are the forebears of the New Earth. Welcome Home!



Nadine x

© Nadine Head 2015

NEWS FLASH – 12 Day Pareve

nadine blog front on



If you feel you have been waiting for something big to happen, but unsure what… well here it is…

We are entering a 12 day pareve, having significant effect on the individual and our planet.

As of midnight Sunday 12th of April we are entering a 12 day pareve that will have significant effects on one’s own health and wellbeing and the health and wellbeing of planet earth, followed by 2 days of rest (Fasting)

This pareve period brings final rest to all our endings… entering a whole new beginning like no other before it. This is a very auspicious time for mankind and our planet.

This pareve period has much more to offer then a time of cleansing and if you wish to get the most benefits… having far greater success and reward in the future. Then the following information will serve you well throughout this process. The more you can achieve within the next 12 days the better off you will be.

This time offers a connection to mother earth and to the animal kingdom, having far reaching effects on a far greater scale then you can possibly imagine at this point in time. This is an opening of a sacred connection to mother earth and all living things through breath. Breathing as one with mother earth, this knowledge was lost long ago but has now returned… there is a lot we can do to help ourselves and mother earth through this process, through practicing the following guidelines.



  • Cleansing

Clean/Raw eating

No Meat or dairy

Drink plenty of water

The healthier you can eat and drink during this time the better. Just do your best.


  • A call from Mother Nature

Get out among the natural elements as much as possible, breath with mother earth. Please note there is a difference between breathing her in and breathing with her as one, listen and she will show you what to do. At the end of the 12 days you will on some level have learnt the art of breathing as one with all life on earth. Do not be concerned if you are not consciously aware of this process, it will come to your consciousness when it is needed.

Get your shoes off, get of the concrete. Walk bare foot on the earth and allow its energies to penetrate your entire being for rejuvenation and recharging.

Swim in the ocean as much as possible – focus on ‘letting go’ of anything that no longer serves you in a positive light, from negative thought process to people and situation.

Bathe in the sun and the moon light as much as possible.

Connect with Mother Nature, feel her vibration running through your body, mind and soul.

Many of you have a strong desire to feel the earth and to cultivate new growth, being drawn out doors into the garden etc get out doors as much as possible and absorb all that it has to offer you. Some of you will feel the opposite and struggle to get motivated or to go outside and may feel the effects of that, feeling low in energy etc – know that this is due to being weighed down on some level by the negatives you have been carrying around and you need to push yourself that much harder to ‘let go’ and feel the much lighter and gentler pull towards your natural flow of your true heart’s desire.

Many of you will have the desire to return all natural elements back to the earth. Eg: Crystals, seeds, rocks, sticks, feathers etc Things that you might have collected as mementos along your travels and in some way has been of benefit to your journey… may now be called back to the earth for a far greater purpose. Please note if you notice your crystals moving during this time, they are most in need and wish to be returned to the earth at this time, follow your intuition as to where they need to go, be it being buried in your back yard, being thrown into the oceans, creeks and rivers etc.

Please resist from removing anything from Mother Nature in its natural state of being at this time, eg: Flowers, collecting mementos as stated above.

Some of you will experience an unexpected chance encounter with one or more members of the animal kingdom, bringing an offering of some sort. You may notice the return or an increase of activity among the animals, perhaps the birds will sing a song not heard in a while. Take note and connect wherever possible. Take this momentary connection as a blessing of good tidings.

Be one with nature, the more one follows this call from within, the more one will benefit in the future.


  • Be Fully Aware and Present in the Process.

Feel your emotions and express them for what they are in the moment. Eg: If you feeling like crying then cry. Whatever the emotion, allow it to be… for however long is needed. Do not ignore your true feelings, feel what is true, and real then let it go… releasing a part of you that is no longer needed. The Universe will support and assist this process fully.

Do what you feel most like doing; this will vary from person to person. Some of you will have strong desires of all sorts such as…

A desire to throw everything out and start again.

A desire to live and love more or in a whole new way than before.

A desire to let go and surrender to the universe.

A desire to step up into a whole new way of being, of living, playing, doing business etc

Make whatever necessary changes that align you to whatever it is you are being drawn towards.

This is not a time of contemplation. This is a time to listen to the call of your body, mind, and spirit, following it without delay. To awaken to a deeper connection to mother earth and all that she has to offer you and our planet for the future years to come. This process has far reaching effects on one’s life in the future. Do not fear these change for they will have a far greater purpose through love and light, than you can possibly perceive at this time. So, do whatever possible to stay focused on the growth of the self, your own requirements towards a better way of being.


  • Energy Healers

Working on one’s self with ‘specific intent’ over the next 12 days will offer you triple times the benefits and effects. This does not apply if you are working on others. This is a time to remain focused on the self as much as possible…

Letting go of any negatives such as:

Anger, Jealousy, Resentment, Bitterness, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Fears and Insecurities, Negative Thought Processes etc, if you are unsure what you need to let go of, then ask there to be light on these emotions.


Don’t miss this opportunity to create the life you most desire and help restore Mother Earth back to its former glory.

‘Letting go’ of the past and welcoming what lies ahead with open hearts.

I do apologize for any typos, with such short notice of this happening, I just wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible.

I wish you all the very best on your own personal journey over the next 14 days. If you have any queries or would like to share your experience, do drop me a line, I would love to hear fro you.


Nadine X


© Nadine Head 2015



Accountability of Truth


I ask you my friend with love and light…

Don’t stand in front of me with your untruths…

Stand beside me with your own truth in love and light…

So together we may embrace each other’s true greatness…

Bringing truth in love and light to all that we are and all that we do…

As one we have the true power to create health, harmony, and happiness in each other…and for the world.

OK… so I’m not going to pretty this one up for either one of us… It is time to get serious and be accountable. It is time to STOP living one’s life in denial of one’s true inner light. The Universe is offering you this time to prepare and awaken yourself to your inner truth.

Stop! Take a good long hard look at yourself.

If you are not living each and every moment of your life in connection to others and to mother nature in harmony, then you are NOT living in complete truth of your inner light.

Ask yourself this, when you interact with others are you holding back, observing, judging, do you wear a mask… pretending to be something or someone other than who you truly are when coming from a place of divine love and light? Do you have an agenda other than that, in which comes from love and light? Perhaps out of fear or an insecurity of your own?

If so, look at the results of your actions and what you have created for yourself in your life through disharmony, within yourself and with others. Is this who you want to be? I’m guessing for most it is not. So what are you going to do about it?

Take steps today towards a life lived in complete truth of all that you are and can become in love and light.

We have all heard the saying ‘Practice what you preach’ we preach what is in our hearts… what resonates with us. When we do not actively put that into practice within our own lives we are living from a place of falsehood… creating havoc, causing disharmony to our own lives and to others.

Yes truth requires bravery, it request trust and it requires you to stand in front of the world in all of your truth, unmasked… Scary ha! Well it’s not so scary when you know, trust and believe in yourself and in others. Choose to see the good in yourselves and in others, leaving behind any falsehood and untruths for transmutation in the, reminisce of your love and light. When we live this way we create change for all of those around us to rise in love and light. Do not misunderstand the previous sentence, this doesn’t mean we deny compassion and empathy, we all need loving guidance on our journey towards self, truth, love and light.

Some people don’t like change and there are those who don’t like truth, often misunderstanding truth as hate. But! That is their issue not yours and by simply and actively living in your truth you can help those who struggle with truth to rise up in all of their truth.

So, next time you are speaking your inner light, take a moment to acknowledge if you are indeed actively living your own truth in all that you do.

Don’t beat yourself up for any undesirable realizations, we are all in this together, and any realisation of falsehood is nothing more than a result of our old world conditioning and wounding. Simply take the necessary steps now to actively live your truth bringing your thoughts, spoken words, and actions into harmony with each other and remember practice makes perfect.

Now more than ever as we expand our awareness any untruths can be seen clearly within others and is being brought to our attention within ourselves, the only thing left to do, is to do the inner work required to live one’s life in complete truth, love and light… restoring peace, balance and harmony to ones life and to all life. Acceptance of the process within one’s selves and within others brings with it the promise of a successful outcome.

Be all that you are meant to be in divine love and light, for the future of our planet relies on your complete truth and honesty.

Blessings All

Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2015


My Readings are a combination of all my naturally developed abilities, I have experienced and developed these amazing gifts since early childhood and have been offering readings to others for 24 years with highly accurate results.

I am guided to use whichever tools and to take the necessary time that is required to deliver a full and comprehensive reading for the individuals needs at the time. 

My Reading Abilities Include: All The Clair’s ~ Psychic ~ Medium ~ Channel ~ Telepathy ~ Empathy ~ Psychometry ~ Medical intuitive.

It gives me great pleasure that I am able to help others find their way or take the next step in their own life journey through the guided messages I receive for them… from the past to the present and into the future.

I offer two specific types of readings however as stated above I also include whatever reading abilities needed to deliver as much in a reading as I can to help my client at the time.

A Psychic Medium Reading ~ offers insight into the future on a spiritual and material level and offers a clear direct connection with loved ones on the other side. Please note that a loved one on the other side has the choice to choose whether to reconnect with loved ones on earth and may or may not wish to make contact, whether or not this connection takes place has nothing to do with the abilities of the reader and everything to do with the loved one in question, their own free will and where they may be at on their own spiritual journey as they continue to evolve in spirit on the other side.

A Souls Path Reading ~ offers insight into where you are at on your soul’s journey right now, what you need to know and do to move forward in your life and towards your life purpose and full potential… creating all that you desire or simply taking the next step on your journey through life. This reading may bring to your attention anything that maybe blocking your path ahead and or any successes that are yours for the taking.

All readings are given with truth and integrity; I take my abilities, reading style and their effects on my clients very seriously. I value and respect my gifts and hope that those who seek my guidance will do the same. 

My readings can be quite confronting at times as I say it as it is, offering what your soul wants you to hear rather than what you may think you want to hear. Please check out the testimonials some of my clients have left for your viewing below and on my Facebook page


I have had two readings from Nadine over the last 3 years. I was stunned at her accuracy and ability to see what lies ahead. Amazing things have happened in my life since our first reading and looking back she was right on the money in all aspects. A very talented lady, with a beautiful blinding spirit. Leigh P. 


Nadine… you are soooooo accurate… it’s like you are right inside my soul… all that you said I know to be true… I am so fortunate to receive your message at this time  sending you much love and light. Michelle V. 


 Hello Lovely Lady, I’d like to express my gratitude to you and your amazing gift. Thank you from a heart, mind and soul level for confirming my intuition, bringing to my attention what needs to be addressed and opening my awareness. You truly are one gifted lady that needs to be known. NOW IS THE TIME (I keep hearing) so I shall keep nudging you my Love. Bless you X. Sharon.


 I had a full reading from Nadine and it was amazing. She told me things I needed to hear. I actually felt loving energy when I opened her reading to me. Nadine will also take her time and answer any questions you have about your reading. If you don’t understand something she will take the time to explain it to you. I recommend a full reading from Nadine!!!! You will be happy with her. Thank you Nadine sending love and light your way.         Mary Pantaleone Guadagno. 


Nadine X

© Nadine Head 2014

The expansion of Pure Love


We have entered a time of rapid ‘expansion of the consciousness’s’ within the last few days, having far reaching effects on our future lives. Change and action becomes lighter, easier as there is a deep knowing that they are for a far greater purpose and as we make these changes, we can feel just how right it is for our own personal growth, health, wellbeing and prosperity at this point in time.

Whatever the external’s are presenting, we are finally beginning to feeling that everything is finally coming together within ourselves with a strong sense that all will be reviled and come to light sometime in the future, everything is as it should be even if it doesn’t make sense to you right now, It just feels right and that is because it is right, but don’t get attached to the why, when, where or the what ifs, let it all go and allow the magical energies to take you where you are meant go on your journey at this time, discovering what has been lying in a slumber waiting for your arrival, this is a time of preparation of your deliverance bringing you into alignment with what is truly meant for you in the future, whatever takes place right now it is an absolute blessing in disguise, but may have an very unexpected yet wonderful twist in outcome.

We are stepping into our truth in pure love and light within our personal relationships, the absolute truth is being revealed but you may be surprised to learn what that truth is as it all unfolds for your highest good, what you previously perceived as your truth may now come into your awareness and have you doing a complete back flip.

The expansion of awareness of love and light in our personal relationship to ourselves and to others is perhaps not quite what we thought them to be and as we discover the truth, we bring wonder and joy back into our being, thus offering the feeling of freedom and contentment within one’s self, one’s own being. Don’t let this be mistaken for love; it is only a part of the process towards a greater love outside of our self. The changes currently taking place are a necessary part of a far greater plan for your intimate relations in love and light, creating pure connections.

Embrace this time for what it is, allow, absorb and learn as much as you can about yourself and your true feelings within this time, as your awareness expands to reveal  an unknown truth about yourself and those you hold near and dear to your heart, the conscious connection to expand your awareness of personal love is at an all-time high, don’t miss an opportunity to make the most of it and expand your awareness of life, love and light in ways you have not been able to do until now, be guided by your intuition and experiences, listen closely to your body, mind and spirit as it un-ravels a wonderfully unexpected, undeniable truth to you of love and light within your personal relationships.

Wait patiently for the heavens to open up, offering the gift of a true and pure love, of the self,  life and your true love connection.

Nadine X

©Nadine Head 2015


Now you can feel it…


Just as the clouds clear, the light reappears… the long awaited shift that was due has occurred.

Now you are free to give and receive all that awaits you in joy, love, and light. There is nothing standing in your way except maybe your own resistance.

Pay close attention now to any new thought process and bring them into your world with easy. Ideas, inspirations, signs, and doors of opportunity may now begin to flow with grace, behold, and glorify these beautiful offerings as the Universe prepares to expand your awareness in new ways over the coming months, putting them into action with ease.

The change you seek is now available to you, a change in life style is now possible, change in business, and relationships, family, friends, and love are all now moving towards love and light with more ease. Some action may be require to let go of the old and bring forth the new.

All that you have been sending out to the Universe is now possible and waiting your discovery, particularly over the last six months.  Any confusion you may have been experiencing is now washing away with ease; you may be feeling free, clearer, and more energetic, ready for what awaits you in the future.

Let go now of any disillusion that may have clouded your view over the last period of time. Allow and welcome any change for the better, embrace the expansion of your awareness throughout the coming weeks as clarity, balance, and direction are restored and can be transformed into right action. Clear, clean, rectify re-access and prepare to announce or renounce any plans to serve in love and light with complete confidence and knowledge of great success.

Now you will begin to recognize, deliver or reap the rewards for your participation of your souls purpose… which ever it maybe, it is a time of renewal and blessings of the souls plan coming into action.

You can shine now with more confidence, truth, love, and light, sprinkling all your goodness on the world your serve.

Remain true to your inner guidance and move forward with reverence, do not allow yourself to get carried away with any new found revelation, but play it safe by remaining centred, trust, follow and honour the guidance that is coming forth for your own wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around you, this is the true mark of a soul on purpose. Steady and easy she goes with true success her reward.

Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X

 Nadine Head © 2015

God Energy!

God EnergyThere are many truths surrounding our individual belief in what God is or is not. If you have been reading my Blogs on Facebook or from my other site because they resonate with you, then I can safely say that on some level you have some belief in head or heart of God and whatever that means to you at this point in time is your own business. If you do not agree with this statement then you may need to ask yourself what is your purpose or agenda here and is it in alignment with your own truth.

I do not often speak of God, but have learnt throughout my life that there is a God and for me God is an energy that flows through me and through all life on earth connecting us as one.

Mankind in his entire ego has created an ignominious surrounding the word God, planting the seed of doubt or shame by association…creating a disconnection to ones truth in God and therefore mankind find it difficult to reconnect to God and all life on earth in all of its true essence. However through a shift in consciousness this is now changing and more and more of mankind are reawakening and reconnecting to their heart centre, thus created the shift into Oneness.

Now as we merge in Oneness, becoming one with God and all life… creating the New World, re-instating peace, balance, and harmony from within our heart centre… this now more than ever is the time to reconnect and step forward in God energy.

God is waiting for us all to reawaken from the denseness of the ego that has disconnection us all from our true path in love and light, in essence… as Gods.

God only asks us to have complete trust, belief and faith in ourselves and to put that trust, belief and faith into action in all that we do, so that we can become/be all that we are meant to be, to discover and serve through our souls purpose, to live our full potential… creating all that we desire from the heart, our true heart’s desire, not of what we have been conditioned to desire through our earthly experience, in turn restoring peace, balance and harmony to all life on earth and throughout the Universe.

God is simply waiting for us to reconnect to our heart centre, allowing god energy to flow through us for we are god energy, we are all creation, we are all god in motion.

God is not an external force here to serve or save us or to provide for us. God is within us, there for we need to serve and save ourselves from all egos in order to be in true essence of God, at which point all will be as it should be in all of its heavenly co-creation…creation of the heart and soul… God in motion…

You may ask why? Why are we going through this process, it may seem cruel to you. Why do we come to earth as spirit beings, to have a human experience in the disharmony and destruction of ego, the answer is evolution – while we started out as god energy, we started our soul existence much the same as we start our human existence and to be all that we can be in God energy, we must evolve, we must learn and earn the right to be Gods for as Gods we have the gift and the power to hold all life in our hands/hearts. We all are the creators of the world we live in.

We are in control of our experiences, no one else holds that power over us, not our parents, not our authorities, our governments, it is there job to shelter, protect, love, nurture and guide us to the point at which we can do for ourselves as human beings, it is our job as a collective or community to love, care for, support, inspire and encourage one another to be all that we can be from the heart in God essence, to live in health, harmony and happiness. We have the power to be what we want to be and to create a world that we most desire, all from within our own heart centre through our God energy, so ask yourself… what truth lies within your true heart’s desire, stripped of all ego and all conditioning and what do you need to change in order to be all that you can be for your highest good and the greater good of all life on earth.

Once you hear your heart speak your truth, you have the power to change your world, to save yourself and to become all that you are meant to become in God energy. You have the gift and the power to heal the world from within your own heart. Everything in this world is a choice.

I believe all God asks from us is to expand our hearts in love, light, faith and truth and the rest will follow.

Nadine X

 Nadine Head © 2015

A New Day! A New Life!

Today is a new day as is each day but if you woke feeling different this morning there is a very good reason for that, for the fog has lifted, what has been dull will now begin to clear bringing with it a ‘New Life’ awakening from within what has until now been lying dormant.

We have entered into a new state of awareness and literally stepped into a ‘New Life’ on a whole new level. The world is awakening to a new state of consciousness on this very day.

To some of you, It may seem like this shift has literally happened over night but it has in fact taken some time in coming to fruition, hence the effects we have been experiencing over the last 12 months and more so through the shift that have taken place since July last year.

The world may now seem very different, that is because it is. The current shift will continue to expand one’s awareness in more profound way and can be felt from now through to the end of March, with another significant shift of ‘Spiritual Awareness’ taking place throughout the month of February, expanding ones spiritual awareness towards raising the ‘Spiritual Truth’ that lies within one’s own heart. This shift will bring many changes to the individual and to the world as a whole, being a turning point towards more peace and harmony on earth, know that any external appearances on a worldly exsistence are simply masking truth and will indeed help restore balance, peace, and harmony to all life in the years that follow.

We will now begin to see the benefits of this shift in a more conscious state of awareness. You may begin to see your surroundings, people, and situations from a very different perspective or state of awareness. You may notice significant changes within body, mind, and spirit. Your senses are now being heightened to new levels of awareness towards discovering new found spiritual knowledge, wisdom, faith, gifts, abilities and much more from within.

Assisting the Universe from here on is to live from love and peace within all that you do, yet not consciously directed towards one thing or another. Love and light energy exists through being rather than directing; this way of being will now be the success of mankind and all life on earth. The shift towards existing through being is eminent and is imperative to the future of mankind.

To move through these next few months with more ease is to take each day at a time, remaining true to one’s self and in the mindfulness of following the Divine Laws of Letting Go, Allowing Stillness, Living in Truth, Recognising Possibilities, and Growing in Wisdom.

Do not become concerned if you are not consciously aware of these shifts taking place, one will soon begin to receive the benefits of these shifts, it maybe that you do not need to be aware of the process at this time, know that all is as it should be. Trust and allow the process to be whatever it needs to be for you and don’t concern yourself with another’s path or process. There is no right or wrongs in this process, we are all in this together, we are all one and we will all benefit from these shifts in our own way, time and space.

Nurture and love yourselves and one another each and every day as you go about your activities, all will come to light with Divine Guidance within Divine Timing, As Intended.

“Hold fast this phenomenon… for we are bringing forth ‘New Life’ For All Life.” – Works of Higher Intelligence.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

Nadine Head ©2015



Serendipitous postHave you ever experiencing an offering of signs through serendipitous encounters? These synchronized happy coincidences are in abundance at this time. We are experiencing many signs of fortunate opportunities as we receive what we have asked for and put into action our true heart’s desire.

It may be that you find yourself time and time again in the right place at the right time, having the same experience or experiences consecutively over a period of time, running into the same person or people, coming across the same sequence of events, numbers, words etc over a period of days, weeks, or even months.

These unexpected fortuitous occurrences have significant meaning and offer the persons involved insight into what they may be missing, where to look for answers, or what they need to focus on, learn, gain, or grow from at this time, perhaps you have made an incorrect judgment or dismissed someone or something that had something wonderful to offer. These are signs of fortunate and opportune discoveries, blessings just waiting to be discovered.

IF you are experiencing these random and fortunate strokes of luck, you are being offered a sign to connect deeper in some way or look for the hidden meaning or treasure being offered to you at this time through the chance encounters of serendipity.

It’s time to pay close attention, reassess the situation… asking yourself…

What is it that I am not seeing?
What do I need to pay close attention to?
What is it about this experience that I have to reassess?
Have I missed an opportunity here?
Have I ignored the blessing in this situation?
Where and why is this happening?

These serendipitous encounters will continue to surprise and delight you, until you either stop and or discover what you are meant to discover from them or until the opportunity for advancement and fortune has passed you by altogether, through your lack of attention.

Serendipitous encounters always have something positive to offer, it is therefore in your best interest to seek its propitious guidance that will indeed benefit you in some way.

Love, Light & Blessings

Nadine X

Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
                                                                                                                                                           W.A. Bone

Copyright Nadine Head © 2015. All Rights Reserved.