Rebirth & Renewal Through “Ego Death”
Unexplained and unexpected negative experiences, thoughts, feelings, dreams, nightmares and even illness can all be a part of the process of awakening… through the death of the old ways and the birth of new beginnings. What is really being experienced here is transformation through what is referred to as the ‘Ego Death’… a universal intervention to clear away any negatives from within the individual, clearing the path for a new way of being… in love and light of all truth… assisting the rebirth of mother earth and all life on earth. This process will happen on different levels for different people.
These current Universal Energies are assisting the releasing of the ego in all of its forms, through assisting in the Letting Go of any negative thought processes, believes and behaviors…releasing all fears, insecurities and illusion, such as the illusion of Lack, the Unknown, Appearances and Perception through conditioning and bring us back to a conscious reality of all truth, this process brings rebirth, union, reunion and connection to one’s self, to a higher power and to those who are meant to be in our life.
If you are experiencing negatives within your being through your thoughts, words and action or your mental, physical, spiritual or emotional being or even in your external life at this time you are indeed experiencing in some part… the Ego Death, these experiences are coming up to your conscious awareness for releasing, often by being triggered by something or someone. These experiences are being presented to you, so that you are able to recognize where you need to release your negative thoughts, words and actions… in order to heal your life… restoring peace, balance and harmony within and throughout the entire universe… as one.
You can assist this process by…
Breathing –
Deeply and purposefully, consciously awakening to a deeper awareness of love and life from within.
Let Go –
Of all negatives from within and surrounding you, let go of all illusion and all that no longer serves you in a positive light.
Live In Truth –
Of all truth from within your own heart.
Allow Stillness –
To relax, restore, rebalance and protect you from the harshness of the world in its current state, bringing peace and harmony into your total wellbeing.
Recognize Possibilities –
For the expansion and growth towards all that Is and all that is meant for you.
Grow In Wisdom –
Through your experiences, allowing loving wisdom back into your heart for the greater good of all.
Choose to experience the death of the old ways and the birth of new beginnings.
Choose to Recognize and Accept this process for what it is.
Choose to Let Go and Release any negatives within yourself and within that which surrounds you.
Choose Joy and happiness right now! Choose to be happy regardless of your external situations.
Choose Forgiveness and Acceptance of yourself and of others.
Choose to Allow new thought processes and pathways into your life.
Choose to Soften your heart and Reconnect to the vibration of Love.
Choose Love! Choose to come from a loving space in all that you say and do.
Go Within… align with your truth and your inner most desires.
Believe in yourself. Be brave enough to express yourself with authenticity and vulnerability.
Be Honest with yourself and with others, expressing your wants, needs and desires with truth and integrity.
Open your Heart!
Hold your faith!
Love yourself and others.
Embrace your own personal journey… whatever that may be, it is yours and yours alone. Whatever you what to achieve for yourself through this process, can be achieved, through focus and determination.
Love & Acceptance are your keys to success.
Aligning to all that is Love… in its truest form… is the aim.
Enjoy the process, it does not need to be difficult, in fact, it is only as difficult as you want to make it, for…
In Truth… Love is the answer to all of your questions….show love, give love… Be Love!
Works of Higher Intelligence
Thank You & Blessings
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2017
Photo by Wingingwithwhitehawk
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