Psychic Medium Channeler

Reclaim Your Divine Oneness…


Who has felt the thawing of the freeze? Things are finally starting to move forward after a long and tiresome spiritual freeze… barer of growth, transformation and rebirth, new energies are now being restored for the individual and as a whole. A hint of positive change is in the air, you can now begin to feel that good things are to come. In some way, your world looks and feels to be experiencing a shift for the better whether it be bringing with it, more beauty, joy, love, happiness, positive experiences, improved health and wellbeing, financial improvements or freedom, job changes, moving location and or abundance and prosperity in many different forms… In some way, you are moving ahead in a positive direction and for many of you, this will mean a whole new direction in life or even a whole new way of being from that in which you have previously known.

If you haven’t stepped out doors much lately, I urge you to get out and about… allowing the energies of Mother Nature to nurture and help prepare you for the next part of your journey. Restoring and revitalizing your energies and focus on moving ahead with more direction and clarity.

Accept and embrace these changes, for they are for your highest good, even if they do not appear that way on the surface. For many of you the worst is now behind you and life will begin to take on a whole new meaning.

It’s time to shine your light from a higher perspective and level of vibrational energy… shinning it everywhere you go and upon everyone you come into contact with… moving closer to your Divinity and to Oneness. Don’t be shy, don’t hold back. Don’t be afraid, instead Let Go of any remaining negative believe systems and patterns with the inner knowing and faith that you have the support of the divine, the divine within you and surrounding you… connecting you to all living things.

You are a part of a divine living system of all that exists… all life on earth. All expression of that divine living system is pure love… all truth shared with integrity is share with love and light for all to see, hear, feel and breath within that living system. You are not separate from that system, you are the reason why it exists, you created it, you sustain it, you are it and it is you… You Are One. ‘You’ have the power to Heal or Hinder Yourself and Your World as One. You alone can reclaim and resort peace, balance and harmony to all life on earth and throughout the Universe.

Now…what are you going to choose to do with it?

Now… what are you waiting for…?

Now… Is The Time!

Now… Is The Future!

Now… Go Claim Your Freedom…

Through Divine Oneness.



Nadine Head


Psychic Medium Channel

Founder of Vorce Healing – The Universal Healing Energy of Oneness.

Healing Within… Healing the World!

© Nadine Head 2017


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"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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