For humanity to evolve in the Oneness of God Frequency our personal growth and transformation is required and as such humanity is required to sacrifice the lesser for the greater.
Humanity has come to know and understand that everything is energy and as an energetic being, we have the ability to channel and direct or embody energy for self-healing and for personal transformation but what many may not be aware of is that there is a significant difference between the 3D spiritual practice of channelling and directing energy and the 5D spiritual practice of embodying energy for self-healing and personal transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency. One is simply of a much higher frequency than the other within the spiritual evolution of Oneness.
And here’s the facts that no one wants to talk about, channelled and directed energy was only ever intended to get us so far for these types of energy keep us in separation while the embodiment of source energy creates a greater connection to self, to each other and to the one source of all creation, creating a greater connection in the Oneness of God Frequency for the truth is, that Oneness is Divinity and our divinity comes from within, which is most powerful and holds the most potential when contained from within.
Furthermore one cannot achieve oneness in its truest form by engaging in the practice of channelling and or directing energy for it is simply not possible, for that’s not how oneness works. It’s time to call your energy back and allow it to work for you and for the rest of humanity rather than against you and against humanity in light of creating oneness.
The time has come for humanity to rise above any 3D spiritual practices and move into the more effective and expansive energies of the 5th dimension and above in Light of Oneness, by releasing channelled and directed energy practices for the purpose of self-healing and transformation, and by moving into embodying the higher frequency energies of the 5th dimension, ultimately taking a huge leap forward for mankind.
And for this purpose; the time has come for humanity to sacrifice the lesser for the greater, advancing humanities spiritual evolution for the purpose of self-healing and personal transformation in the Oneness of God Frequency for the Greater Good.
Be the change, experiencing the higher frequency of embodiment for self-advancement and for humanities spiritual evolution in the Oneness of God Frequency or repeat the old and remain where you are. The choice is yours but know this, your choices have a significant effect on the greater whole, ultimately restricting or advancing all life on Earth and far beyond and for this reason alone, make sure to choose wisely for the future of humanity is relying upon it and upon your personal transformation.
Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ guiding humanity home to Oneness.
Vorce Activation Workshops are currently available within Australia for self-healing and personal transformation, embodying the Oneness of God Frequency. Email for more information.
© Nadine Head 2025
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