Psychic Medium Channeler


Popping in here to deliver some very important messages, these are very tumultuous times and for this reason, I have been divinely guided to take a step back from social media. Social media platforms are not a safe place for anyone to be at this time, regardless of what it may look or feel like to you. This too shall come to pass in time.

Divine Ones; beware of unexpected offers coming in at this time, especially if they are coming in from any celebrities or officials. Read the fine print!

Chosen One’s, you know who you are. It is wise for you to remember at this time, that collaborations with others are not part of your divine plan. Any contracts of collaboration coming in from any celebrities or officials are to be rebuked, in the light of freedom. If you know then you know. Uphold your Divine Contract, not that of evil. Divine Contracts are the only contracts you are held accountable to, by Divine Law and in which the way forward will be shown to you.

Sacred Souls, if you have recently had an increase of spiritual activity in your home and or environment, know that your ancestors are trying to get your attention, they wish you to know something of great significance to your souls journey, life propose and divine mission here on Earth, they have been granted divine authority and are reaching out, to communicate this information to you, for this too is of great importance, to you and to your path moving forward. 

If you cannot hear what your ancestors are trying to relay to you or are struggling to understand what is taking place, then reach out to someone other than your own family members, who has the spiritual ability and divine authority to help you connect the dots and to move forward with confidence. This is of great significance to you and your future here on Earth. Don’t miss this opportunity for growth. They mean you no harm and are only hear to help you fulfil your destiny, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of ALL. Do not mistake this connection with one of an unsavoury, dark or lustful nature for these are too very different types of connection and one must avoid these types of connections at all costs, for one is Divine in Nature while the other is not.

Know this, not all spiritual readers are divine in nature, in this instance, you must seek a ‘divine spiritual reader’ one of a high spiritual authority. Let go and let God lead you.

Know that your ancestors are protecting you from unseen forces and have your best interest at heart and this is why they are reaching out to you at this time. Some will say that it is written in the Bible that we must not converse with the dead, this is a falsehood, intended to steer you away from the truth of your divine heritage and ancestral assistance on your soul’s journey. Your DIVINE Ancestors are your greatest allies next to God, the Living Earth, for they too are the Eternal Life of Our Living God, of our Loving Heaven and Earth. Do not fear the enemy for their time is coming to pass, and all living beings on Earth will bask in the light of God Frequency forevermore.

Love and Blessing to one and to all.


Divine Channel of Source Energy, In Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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