Psychic Medium Channeler


Did you know that our ancestral history is full of darkness and sorcery, which has been carried on through us in this life time and has held us back from living the life which was always divinely intended for us, by our own free will?

Did you know that the toxic patterns in our family and ancestral bloodline and those pesky little thoughts from our past that keep distracting us are significant pieces of the puzzle, to which surrounds our past, our past lives and ancestral bloodlines, in which we came here to resolve in order to break free from that which is holding us captive, due to the generational curse or curses that have been imposed upon our bloodline and which are holding us back, form discovering who we really are and what we came here to achieve.   

We all came here with a mission to fulfil and have been led down the garden path by those who came before us, in order to confuse and distract us from fulfilling our mission.

Those pesky or haunting thoughts are more like golden nuggets offering us clues, intended to help us unravel and break free from the mysteries and secrets of our past and to guide us towards the wonders, that our future holds for us in waiting.

It’s time to take our power back and dive deep into the mysteries of our own past, discovering and freeing ourselves and our bloodline from all that is holding us and our bloodline back in this life time and beyond, in order to reclaim our Divinity and Divine Inheritance here on Earth, to experience the true Divine Power in the Oneness of God Frequency, Forevermore.

By God’s Grace, set yourself free and set your sights on the land, of the free!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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