Spiritual Leaders & Healers – Get Of The Merry-Go-Round.

Up and coming spiritual leaders and healers, get off the merry-go-round of trying to work out the if’s, when’s, why’s, how’s, buts and maybe’s of delivering your ‘divine service’ and allow it to flow through you in your everyday life… bringing it to life within the individual connections and circles that cross your path.
It Is Time to deliver… through being of service in your everyday life, in great and small ways, by the will of divine law, divine guidance and divine timing, not by delivering the whole package or vision you have in your mind, but by allowing the universe to get you there, one step at a time, otherwise it will not come into fruition in totality… as intended.
Get off the merry-go-round, let go of the bells and whistles and all the fancy-dancy bullshit and bring it to life. Now is the time… to let it flow through you and rise to great heights. Your divine service is needed in the here and now, get out and about and be of service… now!
The universe has your back, so… let it show you the way.
Channelled Works of Higher Intelligence
© Nadine Head 2020
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