Psychic Medium Channeler


Source took some time to remind me this morning of the following blog post and since writing this piece back in August of 2024 there has been many great winds and what would appear to be many natural disasters across different parts of the world, which many believe to be creating by un-natural forces rather than by natural forces and sadly they shall soon be proven right.

Closer to home though and within a week or two of writing the following blog post, Tasmania and the surrounding coast line of Australia got hit by a wild storm which caused quite a bit of damage to the area, bringing down many trees and here we are at this time with a portion of the QLD coast line now being effected by cyclone Alfred.

So here’s a little reminder, to ‘stand in the frequency of the wind’ obviously when and where it is safe to do so and allow the wind to clear away any old energy that you may still be holding onto or carrying around with you and allow yourself to embrace the frequency of the wind, bringing with it a refreshing sense of renewal, creating magic within your life and for those areas that are being energetically cleared by the great winds, because whether we believe that the weather is being brought to life by man or by God (by Nature) God holds all the power and is doing a new and wonderful thing, creating change upon the passing winds.

Stay safe everyone, with the knowing that this too shall pass and a greater sense of renewal will soon take its place, and many new beginnings will soon follow.


Published August 12, 2024 | By Nadine Head

It is raining here in my part of the world today and flooding has been predicted for some parts but the Divine has spoken that when the big wind comes, a significant transformation will follow.

A great wind is coming; it will blow away the cobwebs and remove many illusions across the world. Unfortunately, I was not given a timeline for this event but sense that it may take place, sometime between this very day and the end of the year.

The Divine speaks to all of us, of whom will experience the great wind that will come and advises the following; to stand in the frequency of the wind when and where it is safe to do so and when the first rain comes thereafter, there will be a cleansing.

A transformation will take place across many lands, causing many endings and many new beginnings and what may appear to be Natural disasters will be a shaking up of great proportion, many falsehoods will come to light at this time and thereafter, and just as many of the trees will fall in the wind, many who walk amongst us will fall from grace and many will rise up, to bring in the new and the righteous.

The Kingdom of Light is rising and where there is still darkness there will be light. This process won’t happen overnight but it will happen over a period of time and for in this instance timing is everything.

Stand in the frequency of the wind and when the rain cleanses the Earth and brings forth transformation; be sure to uphold the light above and beyond all else and with the knowing, that if you are of the light you are indeed, protected by the light.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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