Psychic Medium Channeler


Together the words you speak and the frequency of your voice become a manifesting tool, of great power and potential; be careful and be mindful how you use them.

In addition to this, when you abuse the divine power of your words and the divine frequency of your voice, your words and the frequency of your voice, loses its power, until which point you return to and restore the divine power of your spoken words and the divine frequency of your voice with honour, love, light and purity.

Return to, restore and honour the purity of your spoken word and divine frequency of your voice, reinstating the divine power of your voice to manifest your hearts desires into reality, via the spoken word but do take heed, for the world is changing rapidly under the reinstatement and increasing power of God Frequency and as such, to dishonour the power of your divinity in any way, will now and forevermore have grave consequences.

God will now clearly and decisively show you the way, but it is up to you to follow God’s lead or face dire consequences. The power of your voice has the potential to lead you to freedom or to your own entrapment. The choice is yours and yours alone. Choose your words and frequency wisely!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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