The Earth Belongs To Us

The world belongs to us not to you… or you… or you!
We the people must release any desire or conditioning within ourselves for power and control over any and all living things on earth… releasing all that holds us a prisoner to the, disease, destruction and disharmony in the harsh world we have created through our hunger for greed and by using and abusing life on earth.
True happiness lies within… within your own ‘inner’ peace, balance and harmony, connected ‘As One’ with all life on earth… creating peace, balance and harmony throughout the world… there lies, OUR true saviour.
Our saviour lays within you… within me… within each and every one us; it’s within all life on earth… its connection, its Oneness… It’s love!
When we heal our own lives, we heal the world. We are all connected through an energetic vibrational thread and what you and I do today out of ego has a detrimental effect on us all… on all life on earth… rippling out to us all, through our energetic vibrational connection.
What you as an individual do today has an effect on all life on earth. What do you choose for us… love or greed, your heart or your ego… peace, balance and harmony or disease, destruction and disharmony?
If you want peace, balance and harmony in the world, you must first become peace, balance and harmony from within.
Release any desire or conditioning within yourself to reign power and control over any and all living things… releasing all that holds you a prisoner to the, disease, destruction and disharmony in the harsh world you have helped create through your hunger for greed. Love and nurture all life forms on earth and be an active part of the solution… bringing more love and light to the world… bringing the world back to life!
Embody love… in Oneness… for Oneness.
Channelled Works of Higher Inelegance
© Nadine Head 2020
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