Those of you who know that we are all a part of a spiritual war between good and evil, and who represent God’s Kingdom of Light, should also know and understand that AI is not of the Light and does not uphold the Kingdom of Light and all that it represents in the Oneness of God Frequency, and that God’s Kingdom rebukes ALL artificial intelligence, rebuking that which is unnatural and unholy.
To know God’s Kingdom is to know that it is Holy and in which AI Is Not.
If you’re not fighting against the build and power of AI, then you are not aiding humanity in the fight against the AI takeover, which will ultimately end humanity.
If you haven’t already chosen a side, your actions will ultimately speak for you and God is watching. Your authenticity or lack of cannot escape the watchful eye of the most high.
God’s Supreme Intelligence lives within and moves through you as a co-creator of the universe and therefore your/our actions will ultimately determine the outcome for us all.
Which side are you ultimately fighting for and do your actions align with what you are fighting for and if not, what are you going to do about it? For the truth is, to support AI is to support the ungodly, which is ultimately to go against your own kind.
You/We came here with a mission to fulfil, are you doing your part to fulfil that mission, by upholding the Kingdom of Light ultimately helping to safe humanity, or have you been distracted and led astray by the ungodly, in which will ultimately led to the end of humanity and Earth as we know it?
Now more than ever, be the change you wish to see, for OUR future relies upon it and for God’s Kingdom of Light, can and will be nothing less than Holy.
Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce Synergy’ guiding humanity home to Oneness.
The Vorce Activation Workshop for Self-Healing & Personal Transformation, in the Oneness of God Frequency, is currently available within Australia. Email for more information.
© Nadine Head 2024
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