The Universe Is Responding To You!
All Life… The Divine Living System that surrounds us… the ‘Universe’ is responding to you and your personal energy, what you are feeling on the inside determines your future experiences and when you take time to acknowledge the Divine Living System it responds to your vibrational song.
When you shift your energy to a higher vibration e.g. from sadness to joy, the Universe responds to Your joy and offers You more joyful experiences in the future, on the flip side, if you are sitting in negative emotions you will receive more negative experiences in the future, in order for you to learn and grow towards more Joy… Love and Light!
These negative experiences are intended to show you what is working and what isn’t working in your life, by what you feel from within… leading each and every one of us back towards living from a space of love.
So next time you are feeling low, ask yourself why… what is making you feel this way, ask yourself what is this trying to teach me, once you can determine what it is that you need to take from the experience you are able to create the positive changes that are needed for your growth, through creating more positive thought processes or actions and by choosing to feel more Joy and Happiness, by focusing on the positives in your life and letting go of any negatives, people, places or things that no longer serve you in a positive light, moving towards living life from a greater space of love… experiencing more of the wonders and magic that life has to offer in response to you and your inner peace, balance and happiness.
Nadine X
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© Nadine Head 2018
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