Psychic Medium Channeler


They thought they would divide us for their own agenda but God used their evil plan against them. God used their attempts to divide us, to reveal and divide opposing forces. Division was always a part of the plan and Only Ever, took place for the Greater Good.

Now that division has taken place and all has been revealed and as humanity now enters uncharted waters, unity will now begin to take place in a New and Enlightened Way.

It’s now time to release any attachment there may be, to what has taken place in the past, to Let Go and to Let God lead the way.

It is time to Let Go of what has been revealed to you and leave it all behind you. It’s time for humanity to cease any attempt to create unity, where unity does not belong and allow God, to now show you and the rest of humanity a new and better way, with the knowing that God will now take care of all the rest.

Now through God this too shall be known, as we all now move forward in Co-creation of the New Earth, of Gods Kingdom of Light here on Earth, without God nobody enters in nor out, for all that is left now, is The Light!


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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