Psychic Medium Channeler

Traditional Culture Creates Oneness

“Oneness does not mean sameness, it means Oneness of Purpose”

Oneness of purpose does not mean one world order (NWO) nor governance. Oneness means, Oneness of Purpose, from within our souls traditional culture. This being, our true and divine soul community.

Each soul belongs to a ‘soul community’ within the Divine Living System here on Earth and throughout the Universe, as One.

Oneness is made up of many different ‘soul communities’ on Earth and throughout the Universe.

Each soul on Earth is born into and belongs to it’s own soul community, by colour and by creed.
This is ‘the way’ of the Divine, and has far greater meaning than humanity as a whole has been led to believe.

In their original ‘state of being’ all soul communities are Divine by Nature and together they make up the greater whole, in Oneness. This Divine Knowing was lost long ago and has become distorted, creating dis-ease, destruction and disharmony within and among all traditional cultures. All created by evil design to divide and conquer.

Each individual soul in honour of their traditional birth culture with love, in light of Oneness, holds a unique divine frequency within themselves, which contributes to and upholds the Divine Frequency of their traditional birth community. When these two are in equilibrium with each other, they hold the unique and divine frequency of their soul community, within the Divine Oneness of God Frequency. When each individual soul community is able to hold their unique divine frequency and are in honour of all other soul communities, each individual ‘spiritual community’ creates the synergy of Divine Oneness…creating the Divine Frequency of Oneness…activating the Greater Life Force of Oneness on Earth and beyond all that we can see.

If humanity can understand this, then it will understand that it is imperative that we return to and honour our traditional birth culture (soul community) with love and light… for if not, we will have lost the true meaning of Oneness and all that it embodies throughout the Divine Living System on Earth and throughout the Universe, losing the opportunity to reclaim our True Divinity in Oneness for the Greater Good of all Divine life forms on Earth, and throughout the Entire Universe.

A one world order aims not for Oneness but to rule over one and all with sameness for personal gain. This is not ‘the way’ of the Divine.

All traditional cultures in their ‘divine state of being’ hold a unique frequency of its own, that when in peace, balance and harmony within itself and with all other traditional cultures, creates the Divine Frequency of Oneness, bringing all life forms and all worlds into equilibrium for the ‘Greater Good’. Without this process, Oneness will be lost forever. Through this process, Oneness will be restored to the Greater Whole for all of Eternity.

Return to and honour your traditional birth culture and state of origins with Love in Light of Oneness for the ‘Greater Good’ of All That Is.

In honouring our traditional birth culture and all other traditional birth cultures with love and light in our hearts, we honour our true soul community, and we become the embodiment of Divine Oneness. The challenge that this brings, is our souls divine purpose and path towards reclaiming our Divinity, and rightful place within the Divine Living System, here on Earth and throughout the Entire Universe…reinstating The Divine Force of Oneness in it’s entirety for all of Eternity. This is humanities Divine Purpose, our Divine Purpose is to find our way back home to the true and divine power of Oneness.


Nadine Head ~ Divine Channel, Oneness Advocate, Educator and Energy Activator Presenting ‘Vorce’ a Life Force Energy for profound Self-Healing and Advancement in Love and Light of Oneness, guiding humanity home.   

Vorce Activation Workshops are Currently Available within Australia. Email for more information.

© Nadine Head 2022

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"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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