Transformation & Manifestation through the Creative Energy of Oneness.

The following channeled information is even more relevant today than it was when I wrote it in 2014 and may be helpful as we move through the month of May 2019… being the month of great manifestation and transformation. It has been slightly amended for easy reading due to the time difference, however the message is the same and is really quite simple.
Channeled By Nadine Head 2014
The following information is a strong and powerful message that has been gifted to mankind due to the current energy shifts taking place at this time and is not to be taken lightly, yet it has been sent with the intent that it is received humbly and has been gifted for the purpose of illumination. Take this gift and make the most of it.
Transformation & Manifestation through the Creative Energy of Oneness.
Nothing is separate, whether it be material, vegetable, mineral, this may surprise or even alarm some of you, however given some thought, you will find a new and refreshing appreciation and understanding for the perplexity of human existence in current times and the manner in which you brew your cup of tea… Lol… I will explain.
While the following revelation may cause some concern, know that all is as it should be and this knowledge brings with it brighter prospects for all life on earth. Mankind and mother earth will now begin to experience change in great proportions, lifting any old thought patterns and processes with profound ease over the next period of time.
We (A source of higher intelligence) do not offer insight without it being in alignment with what one is experiencing during a cellular shift or on a cellular level. Our timing may seem off at times but I assure you it is never out of alignment with each individuals natural rhythmic shift, the Universe is always perfectly aligned, no matter what you may think or feel;
This explains why ‘we’ (shifting to ‘We’ for greater understanding.) often obtain new information that for a few moments in time we find that while on some level we understand it in its entirety… it makes perfect sense to us, then on another level we find ourselves struggling to understand it at all and often dismiss it as not important enough to make sense of in the moment, so we accept it for what it is and move on with our current activities with some inner knowing that we do indeed get it and surprisingly enough, it often never enters our mind again. This is the gap between the human and spiritual existence – ones connection to source. The moment of ones shift from one state to another.
With that said, now let’s talk about tea. Please listen carefully. When you go about brewing your cup of tea, the energy of Your THOUGHTS, SPOKEN WORDS, EMOTIONS and ACTIONS at that precise time are an integrated particle of energy which can be referred to as ‘Active Energy’ – Active Energy is Creative Energy and that Creative Energy is now one with your cup of tea and visa verse, the aromatic properties delight the senses, the sugar, milk and the energy of whatever went into it and whoever handled it prior to you, are all an integrated particle of ‘Active Energy’ – creating your future, effecting your inner health and wellbeing and as a result, effecting your future experiences as an individual and as a collective. Put simply…The Energies you come into contact with, have a great and very personal effect on the kind of life you will experience whilst on earth.
Take a moment to consider this, it can be quite scary ha. Well let’s consider the next step… you drink and absorb into each and every cell of your being all that YOU and or ANOTHER, so perfectly and so imperfectly brewed into YOUR cup of tea. No wonder the world is overrun by disharmony and disease, when many are still ego driven and while mankind – life on earth is essentially out of balance – unstable and unhealthy;
With this knowledge in mind, consider this – each and every one of you is unhealthy on some level or to some degree. No matter how healthy and well balanced you may think you are from your level of understanding, in actual fact, on a cellular level you are indeed unwell, let me explain;
All life on earth in isn’t ‘Current State of Existence’ is unwell… in fact humans are only ‘existing’ on a 5th of what they are capable of. Now take a moment to absorb this statistic, because it is very real and it is only with the above knowledge and understanding that the world and all life on earth and throughout the Universe can heal and become one in its entirety. Trust me – ‘ONE IN ITS ENTIRETY’ is beyond human comprehension, yet is completely achievable in time, with the right components.
Now with this understanding and with the energetic shifts & cellular changes taking place – creating peace, balance and harmony – health and happiness on earth is now within reach.
Remember nothing is separate. Consider the impact of how you brew your cup of tea in all that you do moving forward within the realms of Creative Energy. What YOU create through your energy during this time will have a great effect on you and on your planet, having the potential to greatly benefit you as an individual but will also have a far reaching effect on OUR future (The Universe) as we are connected as one.
NOW WITH ALL OF THIS IN MIND – BE WISE, BE CAREFULLY & BE CREATIVE, WE ARE ALL RELYING ON YOU. YES YOU! For every single one of you can make a difference.
Embody the Energy of Love and align your energy with the change you wish to see in the world.
#WorksofHigherIntelligence – Channeled by Nadine Head 2014
If you would like more information about the past, present and future effects of the ‘energy of oneness’ and how you can access this entirely new energy system to heal and expand your life, delivering your life purpose and reaching your full potential – in turn actively assisting our planets transformation from one state of being (Ego = Separation) to another (Oneness = Connection) then please ask me about my information sessions and activation workshops to assess the Transformative Healing Energy of Oneness for individual and the collectives advancement.
Love, Light & Blessings
Nadine X
©Nadine Head 2019
Image: Signed by The Artist.
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