Psychic Medium Channeler


Why do they want us indoors?

Why are they manipulating the weather, and why are they trying to cover up the sun?

It’s simple really, it’s because the sun gives us vitality of life. The sun makes us stronger in body, mind and spirit and when we are strong in body, mind and spirit; we can fight back against tyranny and reclaim our sovereignty, reclaiming our rightful place here on Earth as the Divine Beings of Light, in and of God Frequency, in which of whom we really are.

The sun gives us greater life expenditure but more than this, it has the power to enhance our natural senses and sacred abilities, transforming our natural abilities into supernatural powers and this is what they do not want humanity to remember, for if humanity awaken from the spell they have been put under and we remember who we are, then they will no longer be able to have control over us.

Embrace and reconnect with the sun, embracing who you are as a Divine Being of the Light, regaining strength and reclaiming your power, turning your back on the darkness of this world. The bottom line is, you either turn and face the light or face the darkness within and of this world.

The light is within you, go within and revive it, through your divine connection to the sun.


Divine Transmissions

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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