Psychic Medium Channeler


Life altering decisions are being made and as a result, two worlds are emerging. Whether you are aware of it or not you are living in a time of great change and the decisions you make in the here and now, are determining your fate.

As you are reading this there are two worlds emerging, the natural and the un-natural, the one that supports a Natural World and the one that supports an un-natural world and any potential outcomes are currently being determined by the choices you and I make on a day to day basis.

The Natural World offers the true power and potential of your innate abilities as a divine being in and of God Frequency, to create new life and a new world in which will only continue to evolve and come into full effect, and the other offers the true power and potential of external forces, forces outside of yourself and outside of your own sacred power and potential, ultimately creating a world built upon the un-natural.

The Natural World promotes and expands humanities natural ability to create New Worlds from within, by the power of our Divinity and the other promotes our ability to create new worlds by external means and by force rather than by nature.

One world promotes life the other does not. However this may not necessarily appear to be the case from one’s current perspective and in which one must use their innate ability to be discerning in order to determine the truth from the lies, while they still possess the power to be discerning for this too will be lost before too long, to the un-natural world that is unfolding.

One world requires humanity to restore its connection to the divine to its full potential, in turn restoring humanities natural ability to create New Life and New Worlds from within, while the other is robbing humanity of its connection to the divine and will continue to do so until it has full power over humanity and all other life forms. This is already in effect and has been for some time.

One requires us to take back our personal power and the other aims to take it from us, placing all the power in the hands of those who aim to destroy our divinity and promotes a false sense of human evolution, in such a way that it would seem to be of most benefit to humanity and to humanities future existence. By the time humanity realises that they have given their divinity away and are now under the complete power and control of the un-natural world, it will be too late to turn back.

Humanities built-in (divine) technology is far more powerful and far more supreme than that of any other in existence. This within itself might be difficult for humanity to believe from its current state of awareness and vantage point. However, if humanity knew of the power and potential it holds from within, it would never choose by-free-will to accept or peruse the manifestation and creation of an un-natural world, built upon what would seem to be advanced technology, seemingly advancing humanities experience and evolution. However, this could not be further from the truth.

By Natural Law which is to say by God’s divine will and grace and in the not so distant future, it will become irrefutably evident that one cannot live with one foot in each of these two worlds and that a choice must be made, that one must choose a path and will then face the hurdles of the path they have coherently chosen. This process is taking place in the here and now and we will soon find ourselves on one side or the other by our own free will, through the things we choose to accept and embrace in the here and now.

One path creates a natural immunity and unity in body, mind and spirit and with all living things; the other is and will continue to be presented in such way, that it appears to create immunity and unity while in reality it will ultimately create discord, disconnection and division from self and from one’s own divinity, ultimately destroying the natural world around it.

One way will seem easier to achieve than the other and will appear to offer advancement to those who choose it, while the other may seem more difficult to achieve and will appear to be at a disadvantage, however both of these perceived notions will inevitable be proven to be false, both proving to be nothing more than an illusion. With God anything and everything you can possibly imagine is possible if one only dares to believe in oneself and in the Power of God.   

The choice that each and every one of us is facing at this time, right here right now, is to honour our divinity or to relinquish it, ultimately choosing the natural or the un-natural world. The choice is yours and yours alone to make and upon making it, your fate here will be determined. You possess the free-will to choose for yourself and your choices in the here and now will ultimately determine the outcome for one and for all.

Choose wisely at this time, choose to align your actions with your soul’s truth and divine purpose or you may choose to relinquish your divinity and all outcomes to that, which will ultimately choose any experiences you may have in the future for you.

Today, right now you still have the power of discernment and of free will, make sure you use them wisely for the choices you make today will determine whether or not you still have the power of discerning and to use your free-will in the future.

Believe in yourself and your ability to choose what is right for one and for all. Choose love, Choose Gods Kingdom of Light or choose an unknown fate beyond your own Divine Will, personal power and potential in the Oneness of God Frequency.

Humanity will soon come to realise that these two worlds are indeed opposing sides and one can simply not play in both worlds simultaneously, for one will ultimately destroy one’s own ability to re-emerge at a later date in the other.

One offers a divine connection, peace, balance and harmony, health, abundance and happiness, and eternal life. The other offers excitement, predictability and unpredictability, disconnection to self and to all that is divine, restriction and unpresented upheaval. Choose wisely, make sure the decisions you make today are in alignment with your truest and deepest desires, with your soul’s truth and divine purpose for your highest good and for the Greater Good of all.

This blog post is not intended to instil fear but to educate, and to encourage and inspire the reader to choose their divinity, choosing the path to freedom for one and for all.


Divine Channel & Founder of ‘Vorce’ Guiding Humanity Home to Oneness for the Greater Good of all.

The Vorce Activation Workshop offers the reactivation of one’s own untapped power and potential to Heal-Oneself in the Oneness of God Frequency and is currently available within Australia. Email for more information. 

© Nadine Head 2025

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