We all carry within us the Power of Light Codes that carry the Divine Frequencies embedded in the Divine Oneness of God Frequency; all we have to do is unlock them, by God’s Divine Laws, with Divine Guidance and in Divine Timing.
Life is a journey to greatness not a race, the following pics are a before and after image of my journey from illness to wellness thus far, with the reactivation of Vorce Synergy and no, I was not intoxicated in the first photo; in fact I barely managed to get though one class of wine. No but sadly, the truth is, I was exhausted, tormented and traumatised, I was an unwell woman with suicidal tendencies, and I was surrounded by people who through no fault of my own, chose to work against me instead of with me for their own self-gain.
I was surrounded by people who recognised the light within me long before I did and saw it as a threat and chose to suck the life right out of me by any means possible and that meant playing on my vulnerabilities, my good nature and spirituality, and by stomping on my inner child wounding, of which I know many of you can relate.
My story is a lifelong story full of traumatic experiences, horrendous betrayals and great adversity, all starting at quite a young age and from there on, where life mostly seemed to be working against me, when in fact life was shaping me for something much more. In hindsight and now on the side of greater health and wellness, it is now very clear to me that like many of you, my life has been a great battle, a battle between good and evil in a war waged upon ‘The Light’ that is within us all, a war waged on God and on God’s people and for what we bring with us into this world, which is the DNA Codes to reclaim our divinity and to restore God’s Kingdom of Light here on Earth Forevermore.
This is a spiritual war, a war The Light has finally won after thousands of years and now as a result, humanity can reclaim what is rightfully ours and rebuild anew. It took the most part of my life to realise that the war people waged on me had nothing to do with me as a person but everything to do with the light they saw within, which is God’s Light within us all.
Each and every one of us holds within us a powerful force and that is what they want to take from us. Each and every one of us has a purpose to fulfil in this life time and while one person’s divine purpose may seem somewhat greater or grander than another’s, each of us has a purpose to fulfil of great significant to the Greater Whole in Oneness, and it is of great importance that we each heal our past, to discover and fulfil our divine purpose here on Earth. No person or purpose is greater than another but all hold greater purpose and greater value when fulfilled, and not for the lack of them trying but nobody can take nor fulfil another person’s divine purpose, for it is written within our DNA.
For me, sadly they had me beaten down, until God decided to step in and bless me with the Reactivation of Vorce Synergy in Divine Oneness, gifting the ability to heal my life and deliver my divine purpose, to serve humanity by delivering the Vorce Activation Process, unlocking a greater Life Force within, for our highest good and for the Greater Good of all life on Earth. The time of watering down our earthly experience and Divine Truth to please others has now come and gone, for humanity has reached a point in its evolution, where All Truths will now prevail, under God’s Divine will and grace.
Vorce is a gift to humanity from God, gifting humanity the ability to heal oneself and to transform one’s life in love and light of Divine Oneness, as humanity now shifts from one energy system to another and in turn co-creating the New Earth in God Frequency, reinstating God’s Kingdom of Light here on Earth forevermore. This is what they wanted to take from me, in order to take from you. What God gave to me in my hour of need was the ability to gift you with the Vorce Activation, unlocking a greater Life Force from within and in Divine Connection to the Oneness of God Frequency, ultimately reinstating the Kingdom of Light Forevermore, and for the future now belongs to God’s People and for we hold the power within us all, to transform ourselves and the world, As One.
And as such I can now invite you to join me on the Vorce Journey to heal oneself and to transform your own life in the Oneness of God Frequency, becoming an Active Co-creator of the New Earth, reinstating God’s Kingdom of Light forevermore, not by humanities limited understanding of Oneness but by God’s Divine Will and Grace in which resides within us all.
Life is a journey to greatness not a race; what matters most on this journey, is not so much about, where you are at on your journey but that you simply take the journey. The world around us is changing and if you are ready to make a real change in your life and within the world as we know it, then come and join me and so many others on the Vorce Journey from illness, to wellness, to greatness, by receiving your Activation of Vorce Light Codes, unlocking a Greater Life Force from within and within the Oneness of God Frequency, transforming All Life on Earth Forevermore, for We Are God’s People, living on Gods Great Earth and We Are One.
All roads lead back to God and Gods will, will be done. This is my story and I am my own greatest testimony of the miraculous journey we can all take with the assistance of ‘Vorce Synergy’ in the Oneness of God frequency and for the Power of Vorce is within you!
Come and hear more about my miraculous journey with Vorce, learn all about Vorce and how to heal yourself and transform your life in love and light of Divine Oneness with the assistance of Vorce, becoming an Active Co-creator of the New Earth, reinstating Gods Kingdom of Light forevermore. Be the change you wish to see in the world and bear witness to the Evolutionary Process of Humanity in the Oneness of God Frequency, creating Heaven on Earth. This is why we came, this is why we stay and this is where our future belongs, in light of and under God’s Divine Will & Grace.
Divine Channel & Founder of Vorce Synergy
Offering a one-day Vorce Activation Workshop, currently available within Australia, Email asking me how you too can join the Vorce Community Rising in the Oneness of God Frequency and where I look forward to hearing from you.

© Nadine Head 2024
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