Psychic Medium Channeler


No judgments, just facts, after-all none of us are perfect and we are all in this together.

Covid opened up a can of worms and brought an energy with it that presented humanity with an opportunity to recognise and break any generational curses, that we have carried with us into this life and many of us have been breaking curses off of our family blood line and for future generations to come but many still struggle with this spiritual and earthly damnation, through the actions of obsession and addiction, through temptation and immorality.

We all live in a world where there is Darkness and there is Light. The world of darkness ruled by ‘Satan’ introduced humanity to and uses the tell-a-vision, the entertainment, sports, movie and music industry, education system, technology and pornography to promote temptation and immorality, tricking humanity into committing immoral and sinful acts, against their better judgment and mostly without even realising it, trapping humanity in the actions of obsession and addiction, in order to control and manipulate humanity and rule the world.

This is how Satin, the King of Darkness has ruled over the world for more than a century, by introducing humanity to the sinful acts of temptation and immorality. While ever humanity continues to engage with the devil and his bag of tricks, full of obsessive and addictive toys and behaviour, the more humanity itself is promoting, funding and committing sin, and the longer it will take for the New Earth to Rise in Love and Light of the Divine Oneness in God Frequency, which in love, light and truth, has the power to shift Earths reality, instantaneously. And humanity holds all the power.

The devil promotes all that destroys life and God promotes and upholds all life. Humanity has now reached a point in time where we must choose one way or the other, not just in our thoughts or spoken words but now and most importantly, through our actions or face the consequences of our actions as an individual and as a greater whole.  Actions speak louder than words and it is only through our righteous and holy actions, that humanity will now create everlasting results.

While ever the devil controls your mind, you will be governed by him and while ever the devil controls the minds of humanity, humanity will continue to be plagued by darkness to one extent or another.

Humanity holds all the power, for this is a spiritual war and Satan’s people rule over the un-natural world while God’s people rule over the Natural World and whichever one tips the scales one way or the other, determines which one will rule forever.

The good news is that this war has already been won, enough of humanity has chosen the light to tip the scales toward The Light, giving greater power to God, but for the transition from one world to the other to taking place as quickly and smoothly as possible, is now up to the people and the actions we all choose to take in each and every moment, for in truth, the transformation we have all been waiting for, is our own personal transformation, it is the transformation of each and every one of us that determines how quickly or how slowly this transformation, from darkness to light takes to transpire in our reality. Our actions have the power to speed up or slow down the process.

Your actions hold the power, to destroy Satin’s Kingdom of Darkness forever or to let him continue to plague the world with his poison, to some extent or another. You chose, for your choices now determine how the rest of your day here on Earth play out and how the rest of humanities days on Earth are Reined.

Choose Love and Light, choose the Natural World… choose God, for your highest good and for the Greater Good of All.


Divine Channel in Love & Light of Divine Oneness

© Nadine Head 2024

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Works of Higher Intelligence

"Tales are like rays of light, taking their colours from the medium through which they pass"
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