YOU hold the Keys within YOU to a Healthier Happier Planet.

YOUR sacred soul body has the ability to tell YOU what it needs and wants just as it has the ability to tell YOU what it does not need or want in order to maintain inner health and well-being and it is THE GREATEST GUIDE that you will ever encounter in order for you to heal YOUR own life and to maintain greater health and well-being for years to come… for yourself and for planet earth. All YOU have to do, is to listen to what your sacred soul body is telling you and respond accordingly – with re-aligning action. For through YOUR sacred love of self, YOUR inner health & wellbeing energetically Transforms the World.
Your body is speaking to you every moment of every day through how you feel mentally, physically and emotionally (Spiritually)
When you do not listen to what your sacred body is telling you, it will present you with an undesirable response to get your attention, through signs of Imbalance, Illness, and Disease, Discontent and Disharmony – requesting that you listen and take correct action promptly to rectify the problem. If you ignore these signs, the signs and symptoms increase until at which point they immobilizes you, demanding your full attention and immediate action to regain inner health & wellbeing. In some cases, connection through stillness maybe required to receive a correct diagnosis from your higher self.
As your sacred soul body tells you what it needs, it will also guide you towards greater health and wellbeing through what makes you feel good – if something has a positive effect on your inner health and wellbeing, making you feel good, it is your sacred bodies way of guiding you to towards what is meant for you and whatever does not make you feel good, is not meant for you.
The Divine Living System that we have the privilege of being a part of here on earth, offers all that mankind needs in order to maintain optimal health and wellbeing. Every single natural element provides vitality of life, from the tiniest animal, vegetable, mineral and natural element, to the largest, and as a whole – sustains All Life. Mankind’s Connection to that living system is paramount in restoring peace, balance and harmony and can be achieved by embracing and embodying our own soul’s unique connection in alignment with that divine living system.
When mankind realigns and maintains our connection in alignment with that divine living system, all that is divine comes back into balance, changing and realigning our natural state of being. Obtaining and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing within Divine Order – Restores Divine Order through the ripple effect. The further away from that divine connection mankind gets within themselves and as a whole the less desirable experiences mankind encounters as an individual and as a whole – having a devastating effect on all living things.
Each and every single person themselves ‘Are a Key’ element that unlocks the doorways to an ecological system that thrives on connection, OUR CONNECTION – bringing all life back into balance, as one through love and light.
Our action to truly LIVE in alignment with The Divine Living System creates more LIFE and the NATURAL CYCLES OF LIFE takes care of the rest, from within a transformed state of being.
Our ‘Sacred Soul Being’ in health and wellbeing holds the ‘All Knowing Truth’ – within each of us – guiding the way forward and beyond. Without YOUR inner Health & Wellbeing, All Life on Earth will continue to suffer.
Be the Change You Want To See In the World & the World Will Transform. YOU have the power to transform the world through your own inner source of creation. Create a better you, creating a better way of life on earth.
Nadine X
© Nadine Head 2019
Image by Summer Rae © 2016
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